March 26, 2025


The Crimson Pantanal is the second area that we will unlock in Pokémon Arceus Legends and in it we will be able to find, as usual, a lot of new Alpha Pokémon, as you well know, they are very worthwhile to form a good team.

In this post we will tell you how you can capture each of the Crimson Pantanal Alpha Pokémon along with their location (now below we leave you the map), their weaknesses, the level they will have (usually very high) and other data of interest.

Alpha Pokemon from other zones :

  • Obsidian Meadow .
  • Cobalt Coast .
  • Crown Hillside .
  • Alba Tundra .


  • Location: Eriophore meadow .
  • Level: 43.
  • Type: Plant.
  • Weaknesses: Fire, Bug, Ice, Poison and Flying.

Carnivine Alfa is in the Prado Erioforo (what a name for the area) in the northern area, it does not have any major complications.


  • Location: Loma Lodosa .
  • Level: 46.
  • Type: Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Grass, Water and Ice.

Hippowdon Alpha is found in Loma Lodosa, in one of those mud puddles that creates a ring pattern on the map (the one furthest to the right). Keep in mind that Hippowdon can be found in 2 different colors:

  • Black and Yellow: Male.
  • Black and Grey: Female.

I like the male version better, but to taste colors.


  • Location: Nebulous Landing .
  • Level: 55.
  • Type: Sinister and Flying.
  • Weaknesses: Fairy, Electric, Ice and Rock.
  • Appearance conditions: Night.

Honchkrow Alpha is found in Nebulous Landing, to the far left and as with the entire Murkrow evolutionary line, it will only appear at night, keep that in mind.


  • Location: Ruins of the Mists .
  • Level: 52.
  • Type: Regular.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting.

Lickilicky (I have a hard time writing this name and it always seems very rare to me) in its alpha version appears in the Ruins of the Mist, an area that we can find to the West of “Stage Arena”, which is where we will face Lilligant Señorial . There’s a ton of Lickitung around the area.


  • Location: Landslide Hillside .
  • Level: 50.
  • Type: Rock and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Grass x2, Water x2, Fighting, Steel, Ice and Earth.

Onix Alpha is quite hidden, you will find him on top of a mountain, he is there alone and quite comfortable. He is found between Landslide Hillside, Stillness Ruins, and Diamond Town; he is clearly visible on the map at the top.

Do not attack him with Grass or Water because he has a double weakness and you will most likely annihilate him.


  • Location: Big Mouth Swamp .
  • Level: 40.
  • Type: Electric.
  • Weaknesses: Earth.

Alpha Pachirisu is another Pokémon that is quite easy to find, you have it to the West of the Swamp Mouth, it does not have much loss, but you already know that above the post you have the map with the exact location in case you do not find it.


  • Location: Golden Meadow .
  • Level: 52.
  • Type: Electric.
  • Weaknesses: Earth.

We will find Raichu Alpha next to the base where we started in Crimson Pantanal. It will be a bit north from there, you will have to climb a mountain with your Wyrdeer and you will find it.

Be careful because Raichu hits quite hard and is also very fast; however, the worst thing is that he will very often perform an attack that will also cause damage to himself and it is very easy for him to die on you… so he tries to put him to sleep so that this is less likely to happen. I had a hard time capturing him.


  • Location: Diamond Plain .
  • Level: 45.
  • Type: Rock and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Grass x2, Water x2, Fighting, Steel, Ice and Earth.

Rhyhorn Alpha is in Llanura Diamante, an area that we will find a little north of Poblado Diamante, which is where we have one of the Crimson Pantanal bases. Very easy to find if you know where it is, if you don’t see it, take a look at the map at the top of this post. Do not attack him with Water or Plant that annihilate him.


  • Location: Nebulous Landing .
  • Level: 50.
  • Type: Plant and Poison.
  • Weaknesses: Flying, Ice, Psychic and Fire.
  • Conditions of appearance: Day.

Roserade Alpha appears in the same location as Honckrow Alpha (Mist Landing), but this time only during daylight.


  • Location: Bermeja Swamp .
  • Level: 45.
  • Type: Poison and Sinister.
  • Weaknesses: Earth.

Skuntank Alpha is found in the Vermilion Marsh, among the mud puddles. It’s right under the name “Ciénaga Bermeja” on the map. Quite annoying with his poisonous attacks, but come on, it’s better that he poisons us than that he hits us with a good beating and sweeps us; that you already know that happens a lot with Alpha Pokémon.


  • Location: Bench of Judgment .
  • Level: 50.
  • Type: Dragon and Steel.
  • Weaknesses: Ground and Fighting.

Hisui Alpha’s Sliggo is easy to find, you have it in Judgment Bank, in the Eastern part (there is a kind of ring-shaped lake, well there). The only thing is that you can only access this area if you already have Basculegion’s mount unlocked, which you can get in the third area of ​​the game, the “Cobalt Coast”.


  • Location: Big Mouth Swamp .
  • Level: 58.
  • Type: Plant.
  • Weaknesses: Ice, Fire, Flying, Bug and Poison.

Tangrowth Alfa is located between Ciénaga Bocazas, Ciénaga Bermeja and Pradera Áurea; on the map at the top of the post you will see better where it is exactly but most likely you have already found it because it is not hidden at all.


  • Location: Bench of Judgment .
  • Level: 65.
  • Type: Plant and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Ice x2, Fire, Bug and Flying.

Torterra is a Pokémon that I personally love (turtles have always been cool for some reason) and that you can find in its Alpha version at a fairly high level, so you’ll probably have to leave it “for later”, but I’ll tell you.

It appears in Bench of Judgment and therefore you will need Basculegion. You have it a little further north from where the name “Banco del Juicio” appears on the map. I had a hard time capturing this one.


  • Location: Bench of Judgment .
  • Level: 47.
  • Type: Poison and Fight.
  • Weaknesses: Psychic x2, Ground and Flying.

Toxicroak Alpha is also located in the Bank of Judgment, it is a little more to the Northwest of where we find Torterra, in an area with many puddles.

You will have to clear the area a bit because it is surrounded by other Pokémon (especially Croagunks) that will not hesitate to annoy you when you try to capture it.


  • Location: Ciénaga Bocazas and Palestra Ursa .
  • Level: 55 and 41.
  • Type: Regular.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting.

Curiously, we can find Ursaring Alpha in 2 locations. You have one in Ciénaga Bocazas, in the most southeastern part of the map and the other in Palestra Ursa in the southern part; both are easily seen. Be careful because it is usually surrounded by several Teddiursa that can be quite annoying.


  • Location: Eriophore meadow .
  • Level: 61.
  • Type: Bug and Flying.
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Ice, Flying and Fire.

Vespiquen Alfa we will also find the Prado Erioforo, it is very close to the Carnivine Alfa that we have already talked about above, a little further southeast of it in an area where we will find a few Combees.


  • Location: Valor Lake .
  • Level: 64.
  • Type: Water and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Plant x2.

Whiscash Alpha is easy to find, we will find it swimming in Lake Valor around the large “ring” of water in that area. To capture it you will need Basculegion because it is in the water; If you don’t have this mount yet, you could try the Wing Balls, but given its high level and the fact that it’s not a flying Pokémon either, it’s going to cost you a lot to capture it… I’d wait a bit.


  • Location: Flutter Meadow .
  • Level: 58.
  • Type: Bug and Flying.
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Ice, Flying and Fire.

Yanmega Alpha appears in the Flutter Prairie, it is an area that is plagued by Yanmas, which we will have to make sure to clear a little so that they do not bother us between capturing him and others. No loss, it’s right on the A of “Flutter” of “Flutter Meadow” on the map.

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