March 26, 2025


This time I bring you another of the multiple missions that we have available in Aeterna Noctis , specifically the one called « The Torment of Kings » and basically we will have to find and interact with several Monoliths.

We will unlock the mission in the Abyss (that area with a fairly dark tint where it rains blood and where we find various statues, the area is very beautiful) as soon as we find the first Monolith, which will not take too long because in a normal route towards the boss of the area ( Your Fear ) and you will find about 6 along the way if you check the areas well, of course.

In any case, I’ll leave you a photo, actually two because the area is huge and it didn’t fit in one, with the exact location of each of them in case you’ve missed one of them. Of course, keep in mind that a large part of the Monoliths of the Abyss will only be accessible after defeating the final boss of the area since we will unlock a necessary skill for it (the one that allows us to enter the purple areas).

The normal thing would be that you start interacting with the Monoliths of the upper row of the abyss (it is divided into three rows, one on top of the other, with some connections) and the few of the central ones that you can unlock on the way to Your Fear (the boss ) and after defeating him, go for those in the lower row and those in the central one that until then were inaccessible.

The thing is, I’ve gotten very involved with the intro this time, but I think it was important to emphasize these things because what comes next will be lighter because the photo itself already tells us exactly where they are and we don’t need to put so much text on them . Let’s go there!


Let’s start with the left section of the Abyss , which is where you access this area. If you haven’t reached the Abyss yet and don’t know how to get there, I recommend that you go through the Your Fear post, which I explain there, but in short, it’s in the top row to the far right.

Location of the Monoliths of the Abyss 1

The entrance to the Abyss is in the top row to the far left. Here what has been said, on the way to the boss we have to interact with the 2 Monoliths of the upper row, the others will be accessible after defeating Your Fear, “on the way back”. And just so you know, from the red dot in the middle row, if you go down the path to the right, you’ll come across a Key to the Temple of Kings.

We now go with the central-right section , which would be what would follow to the right of the photo above (which did not fit, I have already told you, the area is very long).

Location of the Monoliths of the Abyss 2

Here the same, we must take all the Monoliths of the upper row on the way to the final boss. On this occasion, however, you will be able to interact with the Monolith in the central row, in fact it is next to the throne, which is the Throne closest to the final boss and therefore you are quite interested in unlocking it. Of course, you will have to enter that room through the entrance on the right, through the one on the left it will be impossible to get to at the moment.

The Monoliths of the lower row do the same, after defeating the boss.

Keep in mind that the map is a little more to the right, I have not added more because there are no Monoliths there, just so you know. The thing is not very mysterious, the upper row continues to the right until you reach the boss and there it joins the lower row, which is where you must go after defeating him and obtaining the power from him to cross the darkness.

And nothing, that would be all, I hope the guide will serve you and for my part, keep playing and making guides.

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