As you probably know, in Stardew Valley we have 2 different festivals or events for each of the seasons of the game and in these we can carry out a series of activities and we can also obtain some exclusive objects.
Today we will talk specifically about the Floral Dance event , which is the second festival of spring (the first is the Egg Festival ). This festival takes place on the 24th of Spring and to access it you will have to go to the forest area between 9:00 and 14:00 (the area where Marnie and Rasmodius are, you go along the path below your farm and that’s it, as soon as you leave the farm you will enter the event).
The truth is that, to be honest, I find it one of the dullest festivals in the game, although it is true that it is an interesting event if you want to strengthen your relationship with some of the neighbors with whom you can have a romance in the game; Now we are going to explain it to you in more detail.

We will start by talking about the Floral Dance store. This will be in charge of Pierre as always and there we can buy the following items:
- Floral Arrangement : 250 Coins. A barrel with flowers that will bloom in Spring and Summer. You can also buy the recipe to be able to make as many as you want.
- Seasonal Decoration : 350 Coins. Another barrel with slightly different flowers, plus this one will change depending on the season, so it’s pretty cool. Like the previous one, it is something purely decorative.
- Dandelion and Narcissus : 50 Coins (each). They are both Spring Gathering items , so I wouldn’t recommend buying them too much as they are easily found on the ground this season (chances are that by the event you will have already collected a few of them).
- Rare Scarecrow (model 5) : 2500 Coins. One of the 8 rare Scarecrow models, it fulfills the same function as the one you can make regularly, but the rare models are actually quite cool. This particular model is that of a farmer.
- Seasonal Plant : 350 Coins. Similar to “Seasonal Decoration”, but in this case it is a plant in a pot. You have two different models, so choose the one you like best.
- Flower Sticker : 800 Coins. You have the normal version and the smaller version (both cost the same amount of coins. It is a sticker that you can stick on the walls of your house as decoration.
- Leaf Stickers : 400 Coins. Same as flower ones, but instead they are leaves. You also have a normal version and a small version. Again, both versions cost the same.
The decoration in the end is a matter of taste, but the truth is that of all the options we have, what I would recommend that you buy above all, is without a doubt the Rare Scarecrow .
As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, this event is very interesting to enhance your friendship with one of the single men and women of Pueblo Pelícano and this is because at this Festival there will be a dance in pairs and if you get a neighbor to agree to dance with you, because it will improve your relationship with him.
To start the dance you will have to talk to Pierre until the typical dialogue appears in which you have to accept for said event to begin, but before that don’t forget to first go to the store (that’s always the first thing) and after this go ask the bachelor or bachelorette on duty if they want to dance with you.
Keep in mind that for a neighbor to accept your dance, the following conditions must be met:
- Let him be Single : In case you don’t know, they are the following characters. Remember that everyone is bisexual.
- Men : Alex, Elliot, Harvey, Sam, Sebastián, Shane (I don’t recommend the last one too much for a romance, to be honest).
- Women : Abigail, Emily, Haley (she’s unbearable, but she’ll end up surprising you), Leah, Maru and Penny.
- You have at least 4 friendship hearts with said character.
If you don’t have the 4 hearts of friendship, I recommend that you don’t even directly ask them to dance with you since they are going to reject you and those situations are never very pleasant, although of course they get along much better in a game than in real life.
The dance itself doesn’t have much mystery, a cinematic will appear with all the singles doing a dance that, if you ask me, seems a bit cheesy to me; But leaving that aside, if they accept your dance, you will see your character dance with the partner you have chosen, and if they don’t accept you or you don’t even ask anyone… well, you will be forever alone looking at them. others (life goes on friend, nothing happens).
Oh, if you eventually end up getting married, you can continue dancing with other single neighbors without any problem, at the end of the day it’s just a dance, luckily your husband or wife won’t get angry (none of them are jealous). After the dance you will appear at home at 22:00 (10PM).