This time I bring you nothing more and nothing less than the first double boss of Souldiers . What do I mean by double boss? Well basically a boss in which we have to fight against two bosses simultaneously: The Dark Whip Sisters .
Luckily, and despite this premise, the boss isn’t really that complicated (which doesn’t mean it’s easy, not at all), it seems that with the Dark Claw combat we reach the ceiling of difficulty and this boss will be a walk in comparison.
In fact they remind me of Ornstein and Smough from Dark Souls (don’t panic) in the sense that when you defeat one of the 2 bosses, the other becomes more powerful.
We will face them in the Submerged Laboratory , an area that we will access following the line of the main story after defeating Brigard and Sangrigor .

The thing is to move forward, you will have the combat itself in this area that I have left you in the photo above after opening the door that opens by going to the 2 doors that you have above and pressing some switches.
There are 2 places in particular where I got stuck in this area, so I’ll tell you:
- The puzzle of the 2 boxes and the water jet : The trick is to activate the lever when the jet is active so that it lowers the box and deactivate it when the jet is inactive; doing this the box will go down.
- The “Impossible Jump” : There will be a point where you have to reach a platform that seems impossible, the trick is to double jump, hook on the wall, jump from the wall, dash towards the same wall and then jump back on the wall to the platform.
We will separate the combat into 3 phases, but first comment on a few things:
- One sister deals fire damage and the other electric. The first is weak to water and the second is weak to ground; you could change the element but it is complicated since being in the water element you would receive a lot of damage from electrical attacks, so I recommend that you always go in ground mode (except when there is only 1 sister, which will be the fire one and then in that phase is better to go in water mode and when they are both you always stay in sand mode) in order to hit the electric sister harder and in turn better resist electricity, with the other you will be neutral, but that is better than risking to take more damage by putting on the water element.
- As always, I recommend that you go well stocked with healing potions, vials and others, especially in this encounter since mistakes are quite expensive and it is difficult not to receive damage since there are 2 bosses.
- Ideally, you should try to lower their life more or less equally (don’t take it too seriously either, but try to lower both, now below I’ll tell you the strategy I used).
- The sisters throw discs that have the property of bouncing between them. In other words, if one goes towards the other, when they collide, they would both be thrown in the opposite direction.
In the first phase we will only have the Dark Fire Whip sister in the battle and the truth is that this phase is super easy. From the outset in this phase, I would recommend you go in water mode to do more damage and better resist fire.
- Whiplash : A simple forward whiplash that you must dodge or block, it will do so when you are relatively close to it. Being a scout gives you time to hit him 3 times between one attack and another; the idea is that you dodge it, hit it, then block (you’ll have the dodge on cooldown), hit it, dodge again… and so on in a loop.
- Igneous Disc : It will launch a fire disc forward and at ground level that will stay on the screen for a while, you will have to be careful not to come into contact with it. The problem is that if you’re meleeing her she’ll sometimes throw this attack at you instead of Whiplash and since you’re so close it’s unpredictable so you’ll need to go with the Whiplash strategy in that case; if by bad luck he attacks you just when you don’t have the dodge and you have to roll block, you will take some damage, but it’s better than doing nothing and eating everything.
The phase begins when you lower 25% of the fire sister’s life, this is when the electric sister will appear and the party will begin. From the outset, the electric sister will have the same attacks, only they will be electric instead of fire.
Here it is time for you to switch to ground mode for what I have already told you before and that you do not change the element. I recommend that you hit the electric sister in this phase since the other one will be lower in life and I remind you that she is interested in going down at 2 (this one will also go down faster than the other because she is weak to the ground).
This doesn’t mean that you don’t hit the fire sister anymore, occasionally hit her a little (in fact many times they will join you and you will hit both at the same time), but it does mean that you should focus more on the electric one for now and then you adjust a little so that they are more or less on par.
Keep one thing in mind and that is that Electric Sister’s Whiplash for some reason takes a little longer to cast, that is, if he throws it at you and you dodge, you can hit him 4 times instead of 3 between him throwing another hit at you.
As soon as a sister lowers her life to 50%, they will obtain the following attacks:
- Mutual Safe Disc : Both sisters will hang from the ceiling, one in each corner of the screen, and launch a disc that will bounce around the screen. It is very key to get right under the electric sister (later you will see why it is right) so that it throws the disk vertically and it stays there bouncing without moving much horizontally, so you can forget about one of them and focus on dodging the other . They will launch 2 disc streaks before returning to the ground.
The key is that when the electric one goes down to the ground, you put the cannon that throws earth (one of the weapons), just below it, it is called exactly «Sand Mortar». After this you stay in the area hitting him while the cannon itself is also hitting him, you will lower him quite silly and the other sister will be on the other side of the screen, so you will be calmer between when she comes.
In addition to this, the sister who has health at 50% or less acquires these attacks:
- Singular Safe Disc : Like Mutual Safe Disc but only one sister will do it, so you will have to dodge the disc while dealing with the other sister (if you can take advantage and hit her a little, but it is better that you focus on not receiving harm than risking too much).
- Latigazo+ : Improved version of Latigazo, it will have more range and it hooks you in addition to damaging you, it will catch you for a while, so you will be super exposed to blows.
Last phase, it will occur when you defeat a sister. The other will become more powerful and will maintain the health that she had , which is why it is best to lower them both. If you have followed this advice, this phase will not be very complicated.
The remaining sister will have the same attacks but will be able to throw 2 disks at once (she can also keep one annoyingly bouncing around the screen). Here you should change to water mode if the sister you have left alive is the fire one.
For the rest… be very careful with the cures, do it only when you find a truly safe moment (the sisters far away and the discs without disturbing) and try to have a good position with the 2 sisters, never be between the two to not be that one is far away and tries to make them come together since then everything is much better avoided. Remember that in order to dodge discs, sisters and others, you can count on the wall to hook on it for a while or bounce, which will sometimes come in handy.
This time we will have a reward as it happens with all the “dark weapon” bosses:
- Spark : Ability that gives the scout to launch an energy projectile that travels along the ground. I don’t know what the other classes receive, sorry.