March 31, 2025


To no one’s surprise, everything in Hogwarts Legacy revolves around spells, powerful spells that will allow us to do a bit of everything: Damage enemies, protect ourselves, interact with the environment, open locks, illuminate… endless things.

In the game we have lots of spells, each one with its use, so today I have decided to bring you this guide in which I will list all the Hogwarts Legacy spells, explaining the use of each one of them and incidentally some recommendations for that you use them in the best way.

I will tell you very above also how you can get them. I will not go into too much detail, I will simply tell you in which mission they are obtained since they are missions that you will carry out or at least obtain by following the main story of the game.

Oh, and since I’ll also talk about the Talents that improve spells, I’ll leave you a link here that explains how to unlock them in case you still don’t know how to do it.


    • Category: Essential.
    • We have it from the beginning.

    They are the basic spells, we will cast spells and we can perform combos if we keep casting them. We will do little damage except for the last hit of the combo, which does a lot of damage. The ideal is to use them when we have the other spells equipped in waiting time.


    • Category: Essential.
    • It is achieved at the beginning.

    Probably the best spell in the game since Revelio will show us everything relevant that is near us in a fairly large area: Chests, bags of money, Demiguise , enemies… that kind of thing. It can be used even while we fly with our broom , when doing it in this situation, it will also show us the nearby areas of interest on the map (with a greater range than on the ground).


    • Category: Essential.
    • It is achieved at the beginning.

    Protego is surely the spell that you use the most in Hogwarts Legacy since it is the one that allows us to cover ourselves from attacks. With it, we will create a shield for a brief moment that will allow us to block the vast majority of attacks (except those in which a red symbol appears on our heads, those can only be dodged).

    In addition to this, if we block at the moment in which we are just going to receive the hit, we will make the typical parry that we have already seen in lots of games such as Elden Ring . Basically, we’ll be doing some nice extra damage to the enemy in the process, and we’ll even be able to return projectiles thrown at us by enemies.


    • Category: Essential.
    • It is achieved at the beginning.

    Desmaius is a spell that is performed after blocking an enemy attack with Protego (be it a perfect parry or a standard block), it will be enough to keep the button pressed after the block. We will counterattack the enemy with a spell that will stun them for a while (it does not do damage as such, but it can do damage through a Talent upgrade). It can also break enemy shields, but this will not happen if we have the game in hard mode.


    • Category: Essential.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Welcome to Hogsmeade”.

    It will allow us to throw environmental objects towards enemies , which will break enemy shields and stun them a bit. Anyway, everything will depend on the object that we throw at them, the explosive barrels will do much more damage than simple boxes, of course.


    • Category: Essential.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Welcome to Hogsmeade”.

    Ancient Magic is a series of very powerful spells (you can’t choose which spell it is, it will be random, but it always does incredible damage) that we can use as long as we have at least one bar of the Ancient Magic meter full (we will fill it up little by little). little by little, there are many Talents intended to provide us with ways to refill this meter).

    In addition, since it will activate a cinematic, we will be able to avoid hits that we were going to receive (as it happens in Genshin Impact with the Ultis ) and we will also stun the enemies (if they do not die) for a while after hitting them.


    • Category: Essential.
    • I explain how it is achieved in this post .

    Alohomora allows us to pick locks to open padlocked doors, chests and that kind of thing. We will have to perform a minigame a bit like Skyrim lock picks. What kind of locks we can open will depend on the level at which we have this spell, I am not going too long because in the link that you have a little above I explain everything in detail.


    • Category: Essential.
    • It is achieved at the beginning.

    Petrificus Totalus is without a doubt one of the most powerful spells in Hogwarts Legacy. This is because what this spell does is petrify an enemy forever , an instakill come on. But… obviously it has its limitations.

    We can only do it to enemies that we catch off guard while in stealth (with the Disillusioner spell that you will see below) and we will only permanently petrify standard enemies, it does not apply to large enemies or bosses.

    In addition, we have a very interesting Talent improvement since it will allow us to petrify in an area. Although personally, in this game I don’t really like to play through stealth (something that I usually love in others, but since the game is about being a magician…).


    • Yellow color.
    • Category: Control.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Kogawa’s Homework 2”.

    Arrest Momentum is a very interesting spell because when using it we will practically stop time for the enemy that receives the spell, in fact we will slow him down a lot , which will prevent him from doing anything. It is very useful especially when we face many enemies to throw it at one and leave it useless for a while and thus be able to focus on the other enemies.

    As with other Control spells, this one will not be very effective against enemies that are large. But it will help us to break yellow shields (like the other Control spells).

    If we decide to buff it through Talents, we will also curse the enemy (which will cause them to take more damage).


    • Yellow color.
    • Category: Control.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Kogawa’s Assignment 1”.

    Glacius is undoubtedly one of the best Control spells since when using it we can freeze the enemy , so it will be useless for a while. The good thing about it compared to the others is that the enemy will also receive more damage from the next source of damage, so we can also use it to boost the damage of our next spells.

    If we boost it with a point of Talent it is very interesting since when hitting a frozen enemy, it will create a kind of explosion that will do good area damage.


    • Yellow color.
    • Category: Control.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Defense Against the Dark Arts Class”.

    Levioso is in my opinion the least relevant of the Control category spells. We will make the enemy stay levitating for a while , preventing him from taking actions. In that sense, I think Arresto Momentum is superior. What is certain is that it is a spell that we will have to use a lot in our adventure in order to make objects levitate.

    His Talent will allow us to apply it to multiple enemies in one area, but this would only be effective if the enemies are close together, so I’m not too convinced.


    • Purple.
    • Category: Strength.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Class of Charms”.

    Accio is quite interesting (although I tend to prefer others from the Strength category) since by doing so we can bring the enemy closer to us , something that has very good synergy with the Fire spell (which we will see below). We will also use it a lot in our adventures in order to move objects. When the enemy approaches us, it will stay levitating for a while, as if you had done a Levioso on it (but it will levitate for less time).

    As with Control spells, the same thing happens with Strength spells, which are usually not very effective against large targets.

    Its Talent will bring us closer to several enemies in an area, which again makes a fantastic combo together with the Fire spell (but in this case only if you also add a point of Talent to this spell, we see it better below).


    • Purple.
    • Category: Strength.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Sharp’s Task 1”.

    Depulso is in my opinion the worst spell in the Strength category, what it will do is knock enemies back a lot . This is useful to ward off threats, such as Goblins (which are quite heavy, all told). We can also use it to throw enemies off a cliff, but this is something more anecdotal.

    Oh, and if by pushing it you make it collide with another enemy or with an object and so on, you will cause additional damage.

    By applying the Talent point we will do a push in the area, which will be ideal to have a breather if many enemies surround us.


    • Purple.
    • Category: Strength.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Onai’s Homework”.

    Descendo is one of my favorites in this category since when using it we will stamp the enemy against the ground , which in addition to making him useless for a short time, will do him damage. Also, if we use it on an enemy that is in the air (so it combats very well with many Control and Force abilities), we will deal more damage.

    With his talent he improves a lot since when stamping an enemy on the ground he will create a kind of explosion that will do area damage.


    • Purple.
    • Category: Strength.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Garlick’s Task 2”.

    Flipendo will allow us to make the enemy somersaults , so we will prevent him from doing anything for a while between when he falls to the ground and he composes himself. The best thing about this spell, however, is that it has a very low cooldown (so we can perform it quite often) and also if it is used at the right time on certain enemies, it can cause a lot of damage. An example would be throwing it at a Troll when he slams the Cudgel into the ground.

    Through the Talent points we will apply a curse to the enemy we hit, which given its low reuse time, it is very useful to apply it.


    • Red color.
    • Category: Damage.
    • It is obtained in the mission “The Shadows in the Vault”.

    Confringo is one of my favorite offensive spells, basically we will fire a long range fire projectile that will also set the target on fire, which will cause them to take additional damage upon impact (as long as you keep hitting them with other spells, basic spells count too) .

    If we use the Talent point on it, in addition to what has already been mentioned, when hitting an enemy it will send out a couple of fire sparks that will be directed towards the other enemies, which increases its damage to multiple targets. It is very worth it.


    • Red color.
    • Category: Damage.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Sharp’s Task 2”.

    Diffindo is another very interesting offensive spell. When using it we will launch a kind of cut towards the enemy that has a very good damage and also a very good range. It doesn’t have much more, but it makes up for it with good damage.

    With the Talent points it improves a lot since the spell will not stop when it hits an enemy, it will keep moving to hit others.


    • Red color.
    • Category: Damage.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Hecat’s Task 2”.

    Expelliarmus is a spell that cannot be missing from your kit, especially when you face other mages. With it we will snatch the weapon from the enemy (including wands) and in the process we will do damage. It is ideal for reducing the power of enemies. By improving this spell, we will also apply curse to the target.


    • Red color.
    • Category: Damage.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Hecat’s Task 1”.

    Incendio is like Confringo except that it has very low range , which it makes up for with increased damage. Anyway, when it becomes especially powerful is when we improve it with a point of Talent since at that moment what we will do is make a hit in the area of ​​fire around us, which will help to cause a lot of damage to multiple enemies ( and that’s why he mentioned the combo together with Accio with Talent).


    • Color blue.
    • Category: Utility.
    • It is obtained in the mission “The Secrets of the Forbidden Section”.

    Disillusioner is a spell that will allow us to become invisible , which will be ideal in order to avoid unwanted confrontations or if you prefer to opt for a very stealth-based play style. Best of all, we can use Petrificus Totalus on the enemies that haven’t discovered us to turn them into stone, which amounts to an instakill except for the typical big enemies like bosses and so on.

    Oh, and know that to open the Chests with an Eye, we will have to use this spell to acquire the loot without them knowing of our presence (otherwise you won’t be able to do it).


    • Color blue.
    • Category: Utility.
    • It is achieved at the beginning.

    Lumos will turn our wand into a flashlight that  shines light around us , which will be useful for increasing our visibility in dark areas (although areas are usually well lit) and is also used for moth harvesting.


    • Color blue.
    • Category: Utility.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Ronen’s Task”.

    Repair is used to repair things , which is used above all to open new paths (repair a broken bridge for example) and in some missions.


    • Color blue.
    • Category: Utility.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Professor Garlick’s Task 1”.

    Wingardium Leviosa would be an improved version of Levioso since we can also control the target at will and move it wherever we want. The downside is that it can only be used on objects , so its use will be mainly to solve puzzles and so on.


    • Color blue.
    • Category: Utility.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Animal Class”.

    We will invoke a magic brush to brush the animals , not much more to say.


    • Color blue.
    • Category: Utility.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Animal Class”.

    To feed the animals .


    • Green color.
    • Category: Transformation.
    • It is obtained in the mission “The Room of Requirement”.

    The Summoning Spell will allow us to summon furniture in exchange for Opal in the Room of Requirement , it cannot be used anywhere else.


    • Green color.
    • Category: Transformation.
    • It is obtained in the mission “Interior Design”. They give it to us right after the “Room of Requirement” one.

    The Alteration Spell is also a spell that is only available in the Room of Requirement, it is used to change the appearance and color of our furniture . We can also change the appearance of the structures of the room such as the floor, walls, the balcony… etc.


    • Green color.
    • Category: Transformation.
    • It is obtained in the mission “The Room of Requirement”.

    Evanesco is the third usable only spell in the Room of Requirement. By using it, we will make the furniture that we hit disappear; in the process we will recover the Opal invested in them.

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