March 30, 2025


Zeraora is a Rare Pokémon (Pokémon so rare that normally they can only be obtained through events) that frankly has incredible potential for Competitive, something that you will see more and more clearly as you read the Strategy that I will propose today.

It is clearly an offensive Pokémon and the truth is that as an offensive Pokémon it is a real blast; It has nothing to envy Pokémon like Cinderace or Gyarados  among many other possible examples. In fact, we are clearly facing one of the Best Electric-Type Pokémon .

As a clarification, that you know that you cannot take it to the rankeds of the Switch, so keep that in mind; I also tell you that thank goodness, because it would be in almost all equipment and cloth with the bug. Which Fluid Urshifu got rid of , how lucky he is hahaha.

But everything I tell you is useless, see for yourself the brown beast that is Zeraora:


His stats add up to a total of 600 points , so he has the same stats as a Pseudo-Legendary such as Hydreigon ; What am I going to tell you, it’s silly… but let’s see the cast:

  • Health: 88.
  • Attack: 112.
  • Defense: 75.
  • Special Attack: 102.
  • Special Defense: 80.
  • Speed: 143.

The first thing to say and the most important thing is that we are in fact facing a Pokémon faster than Dragapult (which is NOT easy at all); just for a little point, but it is what it is… F for Dragapult. This Speed ​​is also accompanied by a good Attack and Special Attack (it has more Attack, but it is quite good in both stats), so in offensive terms it is brutal.

In terms of defensive statistics, it does not fall short either, despite the fact that we cannot even consider it a very resistant Pokémon, but it is quite decent in this aspect; that’s the thing about having so many stat points i guess. So, in short, we are facing a very fast Pokémon, which hits hard and also has a certain stamina (it is not the typical offensive paper like Barraskewda ).


The Electric Type is one of the best out there:

  • It is resistant to Electric, Flying and Steel.
  • It is weak to Earth.
  • Extra: Immunity to Electric per ability, we see it later.

Just one weakness is always something to be proud of, which is why Electric-Type is so awesome. It must also be said that despite the fact that it is only a weakness… it is one of the worst you can have (Earth), but hey, what more do you want; otherwise it would be very broken. An Excadrill in Sandstorm with Sand Rush will be your downfall.

In terms of resistances, it’s not like having a party, but 3 resistances and only one weakness is luxury. It is true that they are a bit meh resistors, although I must say that the Flying Type with Maxicyclone tattoo… it is appreciated.


Without a doubt, an ability that is very worth having since it will not only give us immunity to Electric Type (immunities are always cool), but on top of that we will restore 25% of the total health when we are hit with electric attacks.


Obviously we will make a purely offensive strategy:

  • IVs: All perfect.
  • EVs: All in Attack and Speed, the rest in Defense.
  • Nature: Cheerful (Increases Speed ​​and lowers Special Attack).
  • Ability: Absorbs Electricity.
  • Item: Life Orb, Choice Ribbon, Magnet, or Acardo Berry.

I don’t like the Tape so much (despite the fact that it has to spread fabric with it) because of the usual theme, we will lose coverage and that always bothers; think that if we pull an Electric attack and they take out a Ground Pokémon we will be forced to change (although that is practically what will happen to us, since against them we will have it quite complicated). Vidasfera is good for any offensive and in this case we also have an interesting option with the Magnet to enhance the Attack that we will surely use more without adding any hitch.

Let’s not forget about the Acardo Berry since it will make the first Earth hit (which is what is safest to be thrown at us) do half damage, which could mean survival against a powerful attack of this type.


Best moves for Zeraora:

  • Plasma Fists : STAB Electric, Physical, 100 power, 100% accuracy and will convert the Normal-Type attacks the opponent throws into Electric-Type this turn (something that comes in handy along with its ability). A very powerful attack with STAB with which we will hit hard, no, the following. Remember that Electric is effective against Flying and Water.
  • Surprise: Normal, Physical, 40 power, 100% accuracy, +3 priority and a 100% chance to knock the opponent back; but it can only be used during the first turn you enter the battlefield. I love it because it is an attack that, even if it is weak, is free since it will make the opponent go back.
  • Point Blank : Fight, Physical, 120 power, 100% accuracy and will lower Zeraora’s Defense and Special Defense by one level. Tremendous attack as a cover, but it is better that when using it you withdraw from combat. Fighting comes in handy against Steel, Rock, Normal, Ice, and Dark. Also to burst Tyranitar .
  • Carantoña : Fairy, Physical, 90 power, 90% accuracy and a 10% chance to lower the enemy’s Attack. Cover against Dragon and Fight. F for Dragapult again.

Optional Moves:

  • Drain Punch : Fight, Physical, 75 power, 100% accuracy and we will restore 50% of the health that we take from the opponent. With Leftovers it would spread enough to recover health, but Close Punch hits much harder and in the end that is what we are looking for.
  • Disarm : Dark, Physical, 65 power, 100% accuracy, removes the object from the opponent and will cause 50% more damage if this happens. An Attack that freaks me out and I’m sorry it’s here, but I think the ones I’ve chosen as primary are very key.

Plasma Fists will be a hell of a lot but you’ll have to be careful with Ground-Types as they’ll almost certainly come out with one to counter this attack; in that sense we have Surprise to heal ourselves in health, since if that happens at least we will have given it a free hit and then we could change to a Flying-Type Pokémon for the almost guaranteed Ground attack that will come at us.

Surprise gives us a lot of utility, we can go out against any Pokémon and hit it for free (even if it’s from Earth) to proceed to change to another more suitable Pokémon in case we want it that way; if we want to attack, then we continue, but nothing takes away that extra damage. We can also remove the Gale Wings ability from Talonflame (so he loses priority with Flying and then we crack him, it must be something glorious)… but be careful with the Dynamax, this will not affect them.

We will also have a very good coverage to burst many Pokémon in a simple way, Zeraora will almost certainly be the fastest Pokémon on the field, but be careful with Election Scarf and with Excadrill in Arena (if it has Arena Rush).


Well, the truth is that Zeraora spreads a lot in Dinamax, the set would be basically the same as I have put above but we would obtain the benefits that this mode entails:

  • We would have double the health in addition to not being able to move back, whether you want it or not it will help us enough to hold on despite the fact that Ground-Type attacks will continue to be a threat.
  • Plasma Fists would become Maxitormenta that would hit harder and put the Electric Field on top, with which we would cause 50% more damage with our electric attacks (cloth) and on top of that they would not be able to sleep us (which with Amoonguss out there cloth is appreciated) . It will also give us Field control, whether you want it or not, it’s cool.
  • A Bocajarro would become Maxipuño that in addition to the brutal damage (without losing defenses as happens with A Bocajarro) and would increase our attack by one level.
  • Carantoña will be replaced by Maxiniebla that can prevent us from burns, for example in the face of a predictable Fatuo Fire that would frankly destroy us. Also to annoy more, if possible, the Dragons. F for Dragapult, and to the last… poor thing, I always praise him and today he’s catching everywhere hahaha.

As for an object apart from those mentioned (do not take it with anything Choice) the Weakness Insurance could spread a lot.

If you get rid of the opponent’s Ground-types, you blow this up.

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