In this guide to professions in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight you will learn:
- What has changed in the professions
- What attributes are there
- How to craft perfect items
- What are the specializations all about?
Professions in WoW: Dragonflight – What’s new?
Professions have become less and less important in World of Warcraft – until now. The major overhaul of professions has made them significantly more useful and challenging than they were during Shadowlands. Various new stats, new profession gear, and even professions’ own talent trees have been implemented. In addition, craftsmen can now fulfill orders for other players and thus earn a golden nose without much effort and the auction house.
There’s a lot to do on the Dragon Islands!
As soon as you have completed the first quests on the Dragon Islands, go to the profession trainers in the first large camp and get the appropriate profession skills so that you can mine resources and craft items on the new continent. You should unlock collecting professions immediately, as you also earn a lot of experience points with them . This also works with the manufacturing professions, since you get a lot of experience points for 30 first productions of items.
Tip : Skill your manufacturing professions from level 68 – this way you can go through the last two levels.

Once you have learned the new skills, take a look at the profession window in the profession tab. This has been completely revised and is significantly more extensive than before. There you can see the items that can be produced for production professions and for gathering professions you can see what you can dismantle and how. There are also additional attributes and specializations to discover.
Gathering Professions: What’s New?
A few things have changed significantly for Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning. You can now get resources of three different quality levels : bronze, silver and gold. The quality later affects the items made from it.
In addition, miners and herbalists can obtain various reagents from the deposits . They need the manufacturing professions for different recipes.
- raging earth
- raging fire
- raging air
- Raging Frost
- raging order
- Raging Decay

Job attributes at a glance
You can also equip special professional equipment , such as pickaxes or aprons. These increase your profession attributes, which grant you different effects during the exercise of your profession. Here you will find the meaning of the individual values:
Primary Reagent (Complexity)
This value indicates how high your skill requirement is in order to collect this raw material with the highest quality.
Indicates how skilled you are in your profession and increases the likelihood of obtaining higher quality materials.
Increases your resource yield per occurrence. However, only the yield of the primary reagent. For example, if you mine a severite deposit, finesse will give you more severite.
This value indicates your gathering speed.
Higher Perception increases your chance of finding rare reagents while farming.
Manufacturing Professions: What’s New?
When it comes to manufacturing professions, Blizzard has also turned a few things inside out. Professions that craft equipment or consumables can craft items of different quality levels. These are divided into five different levels – the higher the level, the higher the item level (for equipment) and the stronger the effects (for consumables).
Profession attributes of the manufacturing professions in the overview
As with the gathering professions, the crafting professions have various attributes that affect your items.
recipe difficulty
This value indicates how difficult the item is to produce. Recipe difficulty increases with items such as the Training Matrix, which, however, increases the item level of the items being crafted.
You’ve known this value since WoW Vanilla – it’s your standard skill that you increase with the production of items.
Inspiration grants you a chance for increased skill when crafting an item. So you can get lucky in the crafting and craft an item of significantly higher quality.
With this value you get a chance to save tradable reagents when crafting.
crafting speed
Allows you to craft items faster – but is negligible.
multiple crafting
Easily craft multiple stackable items. This is especially useful for alchemists.

Crafting items made easy
In order to be able to craft the best items, you need to know the synergies of each stat:
First, compare what skill you have and the recipe difficulty of the item you want to craft. Once your skill is greater than the recipe difficulty , you can craft the highest quality item. The quality determines the item level of the item. For example, a level 1 (Bronze) item is weaker than a level 5 (Perfect) item. You can boost your skill using a variety of tools:
- Use of higher quality raw materials
- craft equipment
- your specialization
- Inspiration (if the value is activated)
- Manufacturing Reagents
Increase recipe difficulty and item level
With different reagents you can increase the recipe difficulty of the items and the item level – the recipes are harder to craft in the best quality, but also grant you a stronger item. For example, items up to an item level of 418 can be produced. But you need the right reagents, which are sometimes extremely difficult to get.
Now the remaining attributes come into play and grant you their bonuses – but they are irrelevant for the quality of the items.

The crafting orders
With the crafting orders, you sell your goods independently of the auction house and even produce items that are bound when you pick them up for other players.
You can access the system of quests from NPCs in the crafting consortium or by going to a crafting table . You can issue orders from the NPCs, but you can only fulfill the orders from the tables. The crafting orders tab is at the bottom of the profession window, next to the specialization.
There you look for orders that you can fulfill. The trick: when issuing a public contract, the person who commissions the project must have the materials together himself . Once that is the case, you can craft the item for him and receive a commission. However, you have a time limit of 30 minutes.

The specializations and the knowledge: talent trees for artisans
As you practice your profession, collect resources and craft items, you will repeatedly encounter items that increase your “knowledge” in your profession. You can invest these points in the new specializations and act as talent points . However, you must have reached level 25 in your profession in order to be able to use the specializations.
You have different specializations to choose from for each profession. In the case of the blacksmith, these are, for example, armorsmith, weaponsmith and special forging and hammer control. If you have chosen a specialization, you can invest points there and receive various bonuses and craftable items. The more points you use, the stronger the bonuses become.
At certain points you can choose a secondary specialization . For the armorer, that would be “blades” and “stocks”. These specialize you even further within your profession and let you craft special items.
Each profession has its own specializations – including the gathering professions! There you increase the yield of the various raw materials or you can even mine ores from your mount.

Get knowledge: This is how you get the coveted points
There are several ways to get knowledge:
1 knowledge point from knowledge items
You get these either from mining a deposit or herb for the first time or when you craft an item for the first time.
1 Knowledge Point per Dragon Shard of Knowledge
You can get these items through various quests, achievements and from treasures and then you have to bring them to Khadin, an NPC in the plains of Ohn’ahra.
1 knowledge point per Draconic treatise
These treatises can be crafted by Inscriptionists, but they are bind-on-pickup. So you have to have them made using the crafting orders.
1 or 3 knowledge points through rare items
You get these randomly when collecting raw materials – therefore only available for collecting professions.

3 knowledge points from treasures
During your travels across the new continent, you can find many different treasures that grant you knowledge for your crafting professions. However, they are often very well hidden.
3 knowledge points through weekly quests
You can get these quests from the appropriate profession trainers in Valdrakken, the capital of the Dragon Islands.
5 or 10 knowledge points through master craftsmen
For each profession you can find different master craftsmen on the Dragon Islands. These grant you knowledge points after a short conversation.
15 Knowledge Points per Dusty Diagram
These items are available from the Artisan’s Consortium Quartermaster in Valdrakken. However, the diagrams cost more and more crafting zeal, the more of them you buy. You also need to increase your reputation with the Consortium.