March 26, 2025


And we arrive at the last zone of Arceus Pokémon Legends and therefore the last zone where we will find new Alpha Pokémon to capture; in the Tundra Alba there are less than in the first areas of the game but in return we will find them with a very high level (wow, we will have them ready to add them to the team as soon as we capture them).

Generally here we will find more than anything a wide variety of Ice-Type Pokémon (some very powerful like Froslass Alpha or Mamoswine Alpha), several Psychic-Type (Chimecho Alpha, Gardevoir Alpha and Gallade Alpha) and also some Fighting Type like Machamp Alpha or Sneasel Alpha in his Hisui form .

That said, let’s see the locations of all the Alpha Pokémon of the Alba Tundra and their characteristics to be able to catch them without causing us much trouble.

Alpha Pokemon from other zones :

  • Obsidian Meadow .
  • Crimson Pantanal .
  • Cobalt Coast .
  • Crown Hillside .


  • Location: Avalugg Floe .
  • Level: 68.
  • Type: Ice and Plant.
  • Weaknesses: Steel, Bug, Fighting, Rock, Poison, Flying and especially Fire.

I would only capture Alpha Abomasnow for collecting. That is, seven weaknesses and one of them super effective on top. Is there a Pokémon with more weaknesses than this? I think not.


  • Location: Lake Acudeza .
  • Level: 70.
  • Type: Psychic.
  • Weaknesses: Bug, Ghost and Sinister.

We find it around the mountainous area that surrounds Lake Agudeza; We will find him accompanied by another normal Chimecho, if we are stealthy and careful we can capture Chimecho Alpha very easily without fighting.


  • Location: Glaliar Cascade .
  • Level: 65.
  • Type: Electric.
  • Weaknesses: Earth

Along with him we will find others of his kind or some Elekid; although an Alpha Electabuzz in this area seems a bit useless to me considering that an Electrivire is already among the Alpha Pokémon in Mount Corona.


  • Location: Icicle Chamber .
  • Level: 72.
  • Type: Ice and Ghost.
  • Weaknesses: Steel, Ghost, Fire, Psychic and Rock.
  • Immunity: Fighting and Normal.
  • Appearance Conditions: Night.

First of all we have to go to the Avalanche Gorge and look for a fairly large crack in the snow that will lead us to the Icicle Chamber.

At the bottom of this we will find Froslass Alpha along with some Misdreavus around him; Be very careful with this Pokémon because it hits very hard.


  • Location: Puntaneva Temple .
  • Level: 70.
  • Type: Psychic and Fighting.
  • Weaknesses: Ghost, Fairy and Flying.

It is found inside the Puntaneva Temple next to one of its pre-evolutions, either Gastly or Kirlia. Likewise, we will find this Alpha Pokémon when we do the part of the story that allows us to obtain the Braviary Hisui mount.


  • Location: Spirit Rock .
  • Level: 70.
  • Type: Psychic and Fairy.
  • Weaknesses: Dragon and Fairy.
  • Immunity: Steel, Ghost and Poison.
  • Appearance Conditions: Does not appear only at night.

It is very easy to locate it because it is visible to the naked eye right in the middle of the Peñasco Espiritu. What is going to take some work is capturing her, since she will be shooting Recovery and Peace of Mind all the time.

Personally I recommend that you use Hypnosis or Black Breach to make him sleepy and thus prevent him from regenerating life all the time.


  • Location: Avalanche Gorge .
  • Level: 85.
  • Type: Dragon and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy and especially Ice.
  • Immunity: Electric.

It is by far the Alpha Pokémon with the highest level that we find in the game; If you didn’t catch Alpha Gabite in Mount Corona at the time, it’s a good opportunity to get this magnificent Pokémon.


  • Location: Algente Paramo .
  • Level: 62.
  • Type: Ice.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Rock, Fire and Steel.

If this Pokémon in itself has a face of few friends, in its Alpha form I don’t even tell you. It has its weaknesses pretty well covered, so I’d advise going with a Fire-only Pokémon.


  • Location: Glaliar Cascade .
  • Level: 70.
  • Type: Fighting and Steel.
  • Weaknesses: Fire, Fighting and Earth.
  • Immunity: Poison.
  • Spawning Conditions: Snow.

One of the most sought after Pokémon ever in all games and one of the most loved by fans; We will find it south of the Glaliar Cascade and we will have to climb practically to the highest point.


  • Location: Glacier Arena .
  • Level: 70.
  • Type: Fight.
  • Weaknesses: Fairy, Psychic and Flying.

This Alpha Pokémon comes in handy because it saves us the need to evolve Machoke through an exchange with another player.


  • Location: Avalugg Floe .
  • Level: 68.
  • Type: Ice and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Steel, Water, Fire, Fighting and Grass.
  • Immunity: Electric.

It is a very good option to put an Ice-Type in our team, the bad thing is that it has quite a few weaknesses (but hey, Ice-Types already have many as standard).


  • Location: Avalugg Floe .
  • Level: 65.
  • Type: Ice and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Steel, Water, Fire, Fighting and Grass.
  • Immunity: Electric.

Well, the truth is that it’s a bit silly because we already have Mamoswine Alpha and on top of that it’s very close to this Pokémon; You can defeat some bad ones by getting the rewards or catch them by completing the Pokédex.


  • Location: Avalugg Floe .
  • Level: 61.
  • Type: Fighting and Poison.
  • Weaknesses: Ground, Flying and especially Psychic.

It is a very good option to evolve it and be able to have our own copy of the Lordly Pokémon Sneasler; We will find him in his Hisui form in which he changes to Fighting and Poison Type.


  • Location: Avalugg Floe .
  • Level: 62.
  • Type: Ice and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Steel, Water, Fire, Fighting and Grass.
  • Immunity: Electric.

This seems a bit silly to me, since we have Piloswine and Mamoswine in their Alpha versions in the same area. But hey, if you want it to complete the tasks of Swinub’s Pokédex and evolve it…

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