March 26, 2025


The Cobalt Coast is the third area of ​​Pokémon Arceus Legends and it is one of the areas that we liked the most in the game, although it is true that capturing the Pokémon that are swimming in the water is a bit cumbersome because it is easier to fail and that the Poké Ball ends up at the bottom of the sea (it’s happened to me too many times, maybe I’m a pack, I don’t know).

The case, that we bring you all the Alpha Pokémon of the Cobalt Coast so that you can add them to your collection and your team if you like any of them, for example, I have stayed with the Ninetales because I love that Pokémon.

As always, we leave you the photo with the location of all of them and below you will have the details of each one of them (which can help you if for some reason the photo does not load or if said Pokémon is giving you problems since we will tell you its weaknesses and some tips).

Alpha Pokemon from other regions :

  • Obsidian Meadow .
  • Crimson Pantanal .
  • Crown Hillside .
  • Alba Tundra .


  • Location: Hidden Cove .
  • Level: 50.
  • Type: Regular.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting.

To find Ambipom Alfa we must go to Cerro Aipom and from there go to the Southeast until we find the Hidden Cove; We’ll meet him there as soon as we get in. You’ll have Aipom around as well.


  • Location: Cape Rocavelo .
  • Level: 51.
  • Type: Regular.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting.

Chansey Alpha is located in Camino del Tómbolo, which is the area that we have to the southeast of the map, on the island that we have under «Mano de Arena». I don’t see much point in capturing him since we already have an Alpha Blissey in the Obsidian Meadow, so I’d catch that one in any case.


  • Location: Ginkgo Beach .
  • Level: 45.
  • Type: Poison and Sinister.
  • Weaknesses: Earth.

Drapion is one of those alphas that you will come across no matter what on your adventure because it is practically next to the main base of Cobalt Coast. It’s surrounded by a lot of Skorupi, so you’ll have to be careful and take them out or chase them away so they don’t bother you when capturing Drapion.


  • Location: Dark Grove .
  • Level: 65.
  • Type: Ghost.
  • Weaknesses: Dark and Ghost.
  • Appearance conditions: Night.

We will find Dusknoir Alpha in the Gloomy Grove, an area to which we will go yes or yes through the Arceus Legends Parcels and since it is not very large, it will be easy to find it.

Of course, this is one of the most beasts in the area and not only because of its level 65, so make sure you are well prepared because it will not be easy. Also, he is surrounded by Duskulls (or Dusclops) and Drifloons that will be quite annoying.


  • Location: Vergel Marino .
  • Level: 61.
  • Type: Water and Earth.
  • Weaknesses: Plant x2.

Gastrodon Alpha is tremendous in terms of weaknesses (or horrible depending on how you look at it) because it only has one, Grass-Type, although it is a double weakness, yes. You have it in Vergel Marino, on that lonely island to the north. He is super good there, he has an entire island to himself, a dream life.


  • Location: Albuceras Dip .
  • Level: 50.
  • Type: Water.
  • Weaknesses: Electrical and Plant.

We have Alpha Golduck in the Albuceras Chapuzón, specifically near a lake where we will also find non-Alpha Golducks and Psyducks.


  • Location: Lair of the Great Fish .
  • Level: 58.
  • Type: Water and Flying.
  • Weaknesses: Electric x2 and Rock.

We will find an Alpha Gyarados swimming in the sea between the Sand Hand and the Great Fish’s Lair, it is near that kind of arch in the water (like 2 stones creating a strange arch, near the Sand Hand, in the water ). We also have one in Obsidian Prairie (which also requires Basculegion) but at level 60, so I’d go for that one.


  • Location: Vergel Marino .
  • Level: 45.
  • Type: Water.
  • Weaknesses: Electrical and Plant.

Alpha Lumineon is one of the easiest Alpha Pokémon to capture in the area, in fact I captured it the first time by throwing an Ultra Ball at it from the sword without being detected; easymode. You have it in Vergel Marino, a little to the west of the set of islands in the area.


  • Location: Ginkgo Beach .
  • Level: 40.
  • Type: Fight.
  • Weaknesses: Psychic, Fairy and Flying.

Machoke is located along the coast of Ginkgo beach, specifically on the north side. It is not a very difficult Pokémon to catch because it is not in its final phase and it is at level 40; he is also quite lonely.


  • Location: Silent Bay .
  • Level: 50.
  • Type: Water and Flying.
  • Weaknesses: Electric x2 and Rock.

You will find Alpha Mantine swimming (sometimes submerged and other times “flying” through the water) through Silent Bay, more or less around the area I mark on the map at the top (he moves around there). It has enough fish around it that will annoy you a lot. Do not play it too much with electrical movements that cause a lot of damage that you ventilate it.


  • Location: Via Manantial .
  • Level: 42.
  • Type: Bug and Flying.
  • Weaknesses: Rock x2, Electric, Fire, Ice and Flying.

Alpha Mothim is another one of those super easy Alphas to catch, although personally I wouldn’t recommend it for your team because it’s a pretty mediocre Pokémon; you do what you want, obviously, I only give my opinion. The case, that we have it in Vía Manantial, in the back area, is easy to see if you take a walk around the area.


  • Location: Errante Beach .
  • Level: 46.
  • Type: Water.
  • Weaknesses: Plant and Electrical.

We will find Octillery on some rocks attached to the coast of Playa del Errante. He’s there by himself, there aren’t any Pokémon too close to bother us, so we have it pretty easy on this one.


  • Location: Cape Rocavelo .
  • Level: 45.
  • Type: Regular.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting.

Purugly Alpha is another one of those Alpha Pokémon that is very easy to capture and locate, in fact we will find it almost guaranteed during the Cobalt Coast Missions, but in case you missed it, it is also marked on the map. It is in Cabo Rocavelo, near where the name “Cabo Rocavelo” is put on the map. The name comes to him that is not even painted, everything is said.


  • Location: Vergel Marino .
  • Level: 52.
  • Type: Water and Poison.
  • Weaknesses: Electrical, Earth and Psychic.

Qwifish Alpha is not very big and can take a while to see, but it can be found in the Sea Garden. It’s a bit west of the island where we found Gastrodon Alpha, swimming by.


  • Location: Lair of the Great Fish .
  • Level: 50.
  • Type: Water and Poison.
  • Weaknesses: Electrical, Earth and Psychic.

Tentacruel Alpha we have him swimming a little north of where the name “Lair of the Big Fish” appears on the map (near a small island), of course he will be surrounded by Tentacools and maybe even other Tentacruel in non-alpha version.


  • Location: Ginkgo Beach .
  • Level: 50.
  • Type: Ice and Water.
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Fighting, Rock and Grass.

Walrein Alfa is very easy to find, we have it at Ginkgo Beach; From the main base, go East and when you get to the beach, go a little South and you’ll find him over there. You will also find the occasional Spheal there. Be careful because this Alpha hits quite hard and it won’t be so easy if we capture him fighting.


  • Location: Costa Ísola .
  • Level: 69.
  • Type: Water and Steel.
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Ground and Fighting.

Empoleon Alpha is extremely easy to find as long as you’ve already unlocked Basculegion, of course. He is on the Costa Ínsula, which is the beach we have in the Northwest area of ​​the Cobalt Coast; It is in the central part of the beach. It is somewhat complicated to capture but not as much as I thought.


  • Location: Spitfire Island .
  • Level: 61.
  • Type: Fire.
  • Weaknesses: Water, Earth and Rock.

Alpha Ninetales is my favorite Alpha Pokemon around, who doesn’t love Ninetales? You have it on Fire Spit Island (where the Lordly Arcanine is ), in the southern area, almost attached to what would be the entrance to the area. You will have to climb a wall to get to where it is, you will have to use Wyndeer or Sneasler.

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