March 26, 2025


Prayers  or Prayers are a Blasphemous collectible that allows us to perform devastating attacks in exchange for a certain amount of fervor (the blue bar, which would be the magic bar).

Some of them are really useful or powerful and on many occasions having a certain Prayer can mean the difference between a hard fight and a more bearable one, so it is very worth having them all within reach of our Penitent and changing them according to the situation.

In this post I will tell you what Prayers there are in Blasphemous, how they are obtained and also the effect they have when using them. Let’s go there!


Verdiales del Pueblo Olvidado will allow us to launch two waves that will travel the ground to both sides of the Penitente. It is the first Prayer that we can get and in fact it is so easy to get it that surely it is not necessary to give many details about its location.

We will find it in the first minutes of the game, shortly after defeating the Guardian of the Mute Lament , it has no loss.


Següiriya a Tus Luceros is a Prayer will increase the speed of the Penitente’s attacks for a while, so we will deal a little more damage with melee attacks.

You can find it in Tomb of Mercy, I leave you a photo:

Location of Següiriya a Tus Luceros in Blasphemous


Safe Haven Zarabanda  is one of the Prayers that I have liked the most and surely one of the ones that I have used the most in all of Blasphemous (before discovering how OP the Debla de las Luces is, which you will see below hahaha). Basically because those of you who have been reading me since the Hollow Knight era know that I am an unconditional fan of the Dream Shield (best amulet ever) and this Prayer is quite similar to it.

With it we will create some shields that will revolve around us for a short period of time and of course these will hit our enemies hard if we get close to them. And not only that, just like the Dream Shield, Safe Haven Sarabande can also knock back some attacks.

How can you get it? Easy, we will have to let Viridiana help us three times against the bosses in which this option is available:

Every time he helps you you will see how it ages and after the third… well, he will give you the Prayer. But she waits… That I’m a “pro player” and I’ve gone from Viridiana getting in my way… am I going to run out of Rezo? Well, don’t worry; if that happens, know that just before the battle against Escribar you will meet her and she will give you the Prayer.


Debla de las Luces in Blasphemous

Debla de las Luces is for me the best Prayer to face bosses, in fact I must thank him since he has helped me a lot in my NG+ game in the True Guilt penance , and this is due to his devastating power.

Basically we will summon a huge rising pillar at our position (like the ones Tres Angustias used to do) that will deal tremendous damage. But it is that we will also be immune to all damage while we carry out the attack and even for a little time after its completion. Combined with Smoky Incense Heart it’s really crazy, try it and feel what it’s like to be a Penitent OP (and if you reinforce more with Rosary Beads I won’t even tell you now).

It can be obtained by completing Ludovico’s mission , which, as I already made his guide for him… I’ll leave it here for you.


Saeta Dolorosa is also one of the best Prayers for me since when using it Mea Culpa ‘s blows will also restore health and it even applies to Fervent Blood’s skill. Also great for True Guilt penance or when you run out of bile flasks and need to heal.

To get it you will have to overcome the Gemino and Engracia mission , which again I have already done and I will link it here.


Soleá de la Excomunión I think it is the Rezo or Plegaria that least convinces me. It will cancel Penitente’s combos for a while and instead we can spam a powerful attack all the time, in terms of damage over time, because we will do more damage… but at least when I’ve tried it, because it doesn’t show as much to spend the fervor in this.

It is located right in this area of ​​Jondo:

Location of Solea of ​​Excommunication in Blasphemous

Note that you will need the Three Knotty Tongues Relic.


Taranto to Sister Mine is another Prayer that I love, but I think Debla is better. It also deals area damage, but this time with lightning. I prefer the Debla because it is more powerful and consistent.

To get it you will have to defeat Esdras , without further ado.


Romance to the Crimson Mist will temporarily create a cloud of poisonous gas around Penitente that will damage enemies that come into contact with it. It is not permanent, but the cloud will appear and disappear. The truth is that this Prayer does not convince me too much.

It is achieved by solving the Puzzle of the books in the Library of Negated Words . That again we already have the guide hahaha, it is quite far-fetched as well, so I recommend you take a look at it.


Lorquiana is another prayer that is very worthwhile. With it we will project some beams forward (a bit of a kamehameha style so you understand me) that cause a lot of damage (not at the Debla level, of course) but that have the positive point of allowing you to attack from a distance, something that comes in handy. Highly recommended for the Penance of Unbreakable Faith.

It is obtained in the Library of Negated Words, right in this area:

Location of Lorquiana in Blasphemous

Basically you will have to place the stairs (both) on the left to access the upper area on the left. Once placed, go up them and with the Relic of Blood Perpetuated in Arena go over the blood blocks and hit the lever you will find (the one below the chest area).


Zambra of the Resplendent Crown will increase the Tears of Amendment that Penitent gets, so it can come in handy if you’re trying to quickly complete the Donations theme included with Stir of Dawn, which is actually a juicy reward.

It is obtained in Desecrated Cistern, specifically in this area:

Location of Zambra of the Resplendent Crown in Blasphemous

Of course, you will need to have the relic of Claw Torn from the Mud to be able to jump well in muddy areas.


Cante Jondo de las Tres Hermanas has a high fervor cost but is quite useful as it does AoE and has ridiculous range. Basically everything on screen will be damaged lol. It comes in handy for clearing enemies, but if they’re powerful they won’t fall in one hit, of course.

You can get it in Archcathedral Heights, it’s right here:

Location of Cante Jondo de las Tres Hermanas in Blasphemous

You will have to get there from the room on the right, accessible from the elevator area. But to get from there you will have to play to be able to jump into the void with the Gold Thread Canvas relic, you will have to jump when the elevator is not on that floor and fall through the left area. You will also need the relic of Three Gnarled Tongues.

In fact, as you go up the elevator, you will see that between the two floors there are a couple of entrances. You can also drop in another place with the Gold Canvas, from the sanctuary, continue to the right (you will be where the elevator), go back to the right and in this area drop in the part on the far right. You will fall right to the bottom area. From there continue to the left and you will arrive, you will need Perpetual Blood in Arena.


I Tempt Your Thorny Hairs is in fact the last Prayer I’ve gotten and the truth is that it’s a shame because foolishly can come in quite handy. It basically gives us immunity to damage for a few seconds, but it can come in handy to avoid that annoying attack from some boss that resists you a bit (like the damn fire of Last Son of Miracle ).

If you want to have him to your credit, you will have to fully and successfully (because you can fail in several ways) the Cleofas mission .


Bell Ringer to the Children of the Dawn  is a Prayer with which we will invoke several cherubs that will attack our enemies. It’s passive damage and that’s always pretty cool and silly enough damage if you take into account all Cherubim attacks, but I’m still sticking with Debla de Luces.

It is without any the most tedious to obtain, since to obtain it you will have to find ALL the cherubs that are scattered around the map. The fact is that if you complete everything else in Blasphemous and you have all the Relics (to access all the areas and others) you will end up finding them since they are generally not excessively hidden. The problem is that, there are many.

Once you have them you will have to go to Sleeping Canvases and visit Jocinero (The baby piece of the bull), he will give you the Prayer.


Dawn of the Nameless Guardian will allow us to summon for a not too long period of time a kind of ghost skeleton with clothes like a Pontiff and quite sucked that will follow us and attack when we do it with his piece of Sword. The fabric is cool and the bug causes a lot of damage, so I highly recommend it, but I will always be a Debla devotee.

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