The Eye of the Oath is a 4-star Catalyst that we can get in version 2.5 of Genshin Impact and that is intended to be a Catalyst for those who have Yae Miko mainly.
The Catalyst is not bad as such, but it is true that it is not to throw a party either, nothing to do with what La Capture meant for example in its day in 2.1 (which can also continue to be obtained), which is still a One of the best spears in the game. It is not bad in terms of statistics but it is true that we consider that only Yae Miko can get the most out of it and that is a bit of a pain because not everyone will have it and in the end the best weapons are those that we can put on several characters to play among various possibilities. In any case, we will give you some more recommendations, not at the same level, but they are not bad either in order to equip this catalyst.
In any case, it is still a Catalyst that we can have in R5 for free and in a simple way, which is always cool. Perhaps in the future it will serve us for more characters. Finally, let’s get down to business.
Let’s start as usual by looking at their attributes or statistics:
- Base Attack Level 1: 44.
- Base Attack Level 90: 565.
A high base Attack for what is a 4-star Catalyst, in fact the highest current value next to others such as the Nautical Chart or the Ring of Hakushin.
- Attack % Level 1: 6%.
- Attack % Level 90: 27.6%.
It gives us Attack%, which would certainly be cooler if it was Critical Chance or Critical Damage, but it’s not bad that it’s Attack% either. Yes it is true that it is not a high amount because this is always balanced with the Base Attack.
Now let’s look at his passive:
- +24% Energy Recharge after using Elemental Skill for 10 seconds (+48% on R5).
48% Energy Recharge (which you will have at R5 because after all it is free to get it at maximum refinement) simply by using the Elemental Skill is amazing, everything is said, and although Recharge is not the attribute that we look for the most, it will still be worth it the penalty for the following characters.
It should ideally be equipped on Catalyst characters with a high Energy demand or for those who are viable with Emblem of Destiny :

We already mentioned it at the beginning because obviously it’s great for her, it doesn’t come with her banner at all. Yae Miko has an Ulti with a cost of 90 and that does not recharge easily, so that Energy Recharge will be great for us and even more so considering that her ideal set of Artifacts as Support DPS is the Destiny Emblem and therefore that Recharge will go a long way to improve the damage of his Ulti which is devastating.

We couldn’t leave Mona aside since, after all, she is one of the Genshin Impact characters who get the most out of Energy Recharge since Mona gets Hydro Damage Bonus based on it. As well, the best set of hers to do the maximum damage in general terms is again, Emblem of Destiny, as this makes her another ideal user for this catalyst. I still like Marauders Symphony better (especially in compositions with Pyro), but this one is not bad at all.
Other characters that would also get something out of it:
- Lisa : Her Ulti costs 80 and is pretty cool, so this Catalyst will be worth it for her.
As you can see, there are not too many recommendations, but at least what they are are not bad at all for this Catalyst. We will have to keep dreaming for them to take out a weapon as hardcore as La Capture, dreaming is free.