March 31, 2025


The Great Ax of the Executioner is an Elden Ring weapon that is very good for characters who want to make a Strength Build since it has a good base damage and a good scaling in Strength, which in the end is what matters.

In that sense, it would be quite similar to Guts’ Greatsword , which if you follow the posts I make, you probably already know that it is the weapon I use, at least for now (I mention it every two or three, I’m very tiresome) and well, what I wanted tell; which are practically equal in performance (and Guts’s Greatsword is very good), so it would be more based on your tastes or its moveset (which is why I’ve decided to continue keeping the Greatsword).

The case, that as always I bring the analysis of this weapon and of course, how you can get it, which this time will be something different from what you are used to by now in the weapons posts.


These are his stats:

  • Base Damage level 1: 150 physical.
  • Weight: 15.
  • Critical: 115.
  • Protections:
    • Physical: 57.
    • magic 40
    • Fire: 40.
    • Lightning: 40.
    • Holy: 40.
    • Stability: 40.
  • Attribute Scaling:
    • Strength: c
    • Dexterity: e
  • Necessary Attributes:
    • Force 34.
    • Skill 8.

That said, we’ve got good base physical damage and also pretty decent Strength scaling on C; scaling that will increase as we level it up; highly recommended in addition to this, put a heavy affinity through Ashes of War to further increase that good Strength scaling that it already has as standard.

His moveset isn’t that bad, in fact it’s pretty good. We have with R1 hits plus single target (vertical) and with R2 a horizontal hit (better for aoe) followed by a vertical slash. For my taste, it would lack more horizontal damage , which is something that is greatly appreciated in this type of weapon (that’s why I like Guts’ Greatsword more), but it’s not bad either.

It’s a pretty heavy weapon and it obviously hits a bit slow, but it also hits hard. The typical of heavy weapons we go; anyway it is not so heavy if we compare it with other weapons; we could say that it is quite heavy, but not ultra heavy. So now you know, you will have to raise the Stamina if you want to equip it well and not have to go practically without armor for life.

His requirements are quite high, everything is said. 34 Strength is quite a lot, but what I always say, it doesn’t really take that long to reach those Strength levels if you focus very hard on this stat from the beginning (also don’t neglect Vigor and Stamina too much, which are equally essential for a Build). of Force). Oh, and I almost forgot to say it; we have that detail that we will cause 15% more damage with critical hits, that’s not bad, it’s phenomenal.

If you like the Great Ax or are using it, don’t hesitate to pass this one on, because it’s an improved version of it. Oh, and check out the Rusty Anchor , it’s just like that, a huge, oxidized anchor, pretty cool.


Cliff Front Wetland in Elden Ring

We will find the Executioner’s Great Ax near the Wetland Front Cliff bonfire , which I have marked on the map for you but you can see that it is just above Godrick ‘s castle . From there you must go to the West, in one of these areas full of tombstones in which some rather annoying skeletons appear.

Skeleton that drops the Executioner's Great Ax

In the one at the western tip there will be a skeleton that has a great two-handed ax (which is the Executioner’s Great Ax) and if you kill him (be careful because he is quite strong and does not wobble no matter how hard you hit him) has a not too high chance of dropping it. So you know, kill him a few times until he drops it, trust me he does, it’s already come out twice.

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