February 12, 2025


The Bow of Favonius is a four star weapon in Genshin Impact that we all probably have on our own, this weapon will greatly improve the effectiveness of our archers that we use as a battery.

It is a bow that leaves much to be desired in terms of Base Attack, but in terms of Energy Recharge it is one of the best weapons that we can find in the game.

Because of the Arc of Sacrifice this arc has become a bit obsolete, but it is not a bad arc and it can still work with some of our characters.


Let’s start by looking at its attributes:

  • Base Attack Level 1: 41.
  • Base Attack Level 90: 454.

It’s the lowest Base Attack 4-star bow in the game along with the Composite Bow, King ‘s Quarter and Demon Slayer (but you know, that’s because it has a very high secondary stat).

  • Energy Recharge Level 1: 13.3%.
  • Energy Recharge Level 90: 61.3%.

As a secondary stat it gives us 61.3% Energy Recharge which is crazy, since it even exceeds the amount that the Elegy of the End gives us being a 5 star bow.

Its passive effect is as follows:

  • When dealing a Critical Hit, there is a 60% (100% at R5) chance to spawn small elemental particles that will regenerate 6 Elemental Energy ; this effect can only occur once every 12 seconds (every 6 seconds if R5).

This passive will come in handy for a character to perform their battery role much better to help recharge expensive ults for their teammates or themselves.

Although honestly, if you don’t have it in a very high or maximum refinement, then it’s not worth much, since after all, the interesting thing is to ensure the particles and be able to generate them as soon as possible.


In this case, we will need a character that fulfills the role of battery in our team, since we will mainly seek to enhance the effectiveness of this role by creating additional particles for our teammates.

Gorou in Genshin Impact

Certainly Gorou is made to go in a team with at least three Geo element characters and these will help recharge each other; but sometimes this is not enough and we need an extra push, so this bow is a very good option for him.

With his Ultimate Ability he doesn’t do excessive damage, so we don’t have to worry about losing some damage and he also gets more out of Defense than Attack; but we are interested in having his ultimate whenever we can to get the bonuses it gives us (and his ultimate is quite expensive, 80 Elemental Energy points).

Fischl in Genshin Impact

On a technical level , Fischl is the character with whom we will get the most out of the Arch of Favonius, since his Elemental Ability lasts 10 seconds on the field without the need for her to be present on the field (which will make us more likely to ensure that some of those hits are critical and release the elemental particles generated by this arc).

In this way, it will play a very effective battery role without spending much time on the field and it will also ensure that the passive effect of the bow is activated and we will be able to collect the particles with the character of our choice. We think Ultimate Chord is more worth putting on than this bow, but it’s still an option to consider.

Other characters that also take advantage of this spear:

  • Diona : She already recharges energy in a very optimal way and certainly the Bow of Sacrifice is better for her than this bow, but if we don’t have it it can become a good option to increase her battery potential and help recharge the ultis as costly as Ayaka ‘s or Eula ‘s .
  • Venti : It is a similar case to Diona, it has better arcs like the Elegy of the End or the Last Chord. Venti already recharges great and with this bow we will never miss its ultimate, so in case you want to take it as a battery in your team it will be great for you.
  • Kujou Sara : First, clarify that in this way we will lose a lot of its potential as a buffer, but we will give it a lot of Energy Recharge and if it has the four pieces of Emblem of Destiny it will do quite decent damage with its Ultimate Ability and will recharge teammates very well.

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