Well, I’ve decided to try Stray and the truth is that at the moment the game is freaking me out. In short, in this game we will take the role of a cat that will be immersed in a great adventure in a dystopian world; I don’t want to talk too much because I don’t want to give even a single spoiler.
The case, I bring you the first guide and it is the one for chapter 3 (the previous chapters do not have much mystery, you just see advancing and little else; yes, if you get stuck in the part of the fan, look below that there will be a cube that you will have to grab to throw it to the fan so that it gets stuck and you can pass).
This chapter is called “ Floor ” and basically we will have to activate a big computer for… for nothing because I don’t want to spoil you. So nothing, here we go!
Upon entering the Floor we will quickly see a screen in which there seems to be a kind of chat, you will have to press the keys with your cat paws and you will see that someone answers your messages. You give it until I tell you about «Come in the door. Switch it on. Find a Body”, which is basically what you will do in this mission.
After this, a room with a room full of computers will open in the same room, in which one stands out that is quite large. You will see that below it has 4 plugs, your objective will be to find 4 power supplies that are in this room and now I will tell you where each one of them is.

The first is very easy. You have to get on the table in the center of the room and the power supply is plugged into one of the computers, you interact with it and that’s it, you’ll carry it in your mouth. After this you plug it into one of the 4 sockets under the big computer; You will have to do this with all the power supplies until you plug in all 4.

The second (the second because I say so, they have no order, I make up the order) is on the large shelf , easy to find because it has a high stool conveniently placed there so you can climb and reach the top of the aforementioned shelf.
By the way, you will see that you have a couple of cameras on the sides… well, it’s quite funny because if you meow the cameras will “talk back to you” by moving up and down like a nodding head. It doesn’t add anything to the guide, but it amused me when I saw it.

The third is also very easy and surely if you have gotten stuck here it is not because of this power supply, but I put all of them just in case.
You will have noticed that there is a lever in the room , because if you interact with it you will be able to activate it and that will make a computer move. Right at the bottom of said computer is the power supply, when moving it will become accessible because it was previously covered.

I mention the last power supply in this position because to get it you will depend on having obtained the third one before since you will have to have moved the computer with the lever to be able to reach this last power supply (I am getting tired of writing power supply).
The case, that after moving the computer with the lever, you get on it and then you get on the top shelf and there you have the last source… (step to write it more) waiting for you.
After this you will be given access to a new room where you will have to climb up to the top left (looking from the door you enter) to drop a box with some sort of…robot head on it .
You pick up the little robot head and take it to the big computer (above where you’ve plugged in the 4…stuff I’ve written enough times for today) and plug it in right there. You’ll see what will happen next, it’s not funny if I tell you.