We continue with the Ender Lilies boss guides and today it’s time to talk about the Guardian Silva , a boss that in appearance is practically the same as the Guardian Sigrid since both are sisters.
The Guardian Silva has a powerful hammer that she uses with great skill and just like the Guardian Sigrid , as soon as we eliminate her, she will show a new form that is much larger and more terrifying; That’s when things really get tricky.
The boss is quite difficult, especially in his last phase; but that’s what this guide is for, so you can do it more easily with the right strategy. Let’s go there!
You can find the Guardian Silva in the Catacombs , which at the moment is the area that I have found most difficult and by far. The exact location is below:

I’ve noted Gerrald ‘s location as a reference point, the arrow on the left is the area where you access the Catacombs. You have to enter the room from the top first (you’ll need the swoop action with Gerrald, remember the big red things on the floor need to be hit high) and then you have to enter from the left. You will also need the Dark Witch Irène ‘s dive action .
Once in the Catacombs you will have to reach the checkpoint on the right (the small arrow on the right of the photo), you must arrive from the top, the checkpoint is called “In front of the Crypt”. From there I have marked the route in blue, you will have to take a fairly hardcore turn, the red lines between rooms are closed areas that we can open during this walk, so now you know.
This fight consists of two phases (there are actually 3, but the first and second are more or less the same and we can put them together):
The thing will start “soft”, and I already tell you that the key here will be the parry (the one that we activate a kind of Bubble, not the ability of the Headless Knight. It is the Ring of Frithia relic).
- Hammer Blow : It will hit us with the hammer. The key is to hit him and as soon as he is going to hit us, parry us to block his attack and cause extra damage. Be careful because it tends to chain attacks, so be prepared.
- Cast Spells : From time to time he will move away and start throwing balls at us, again the parry is very key here, since if you do it right you will return them to him.
You will have to lower it all your life, you will see that it is not so complicated to do it, especially if you have explored well and have your skills well raised; otherwise it will cost more obvious.
The idea would be that you go with the maximum health and healing possible since when you lower all the life, it will recover it completely and it will become a very sucky nun, which is where things really get complicated.
Be careful because when it transforms it will perform as a red explosion, get as far away as you can.
Here is the truth, Silva will constantly attack with very powerful attacks; you’re going to have to endure (that’s why I told you that the more life and healing you have, the better) and it will be quite easy to die if you get lost:
- Claw Attack : If you are close it usually attacks with claws, it will also sometimes get closer to you to try to hit you with them. Roll parry or dash, whichever you prefer. Note that it has a variant of the claw blow in which it also jumps.
- Charge : Typical charge attack, you can dodge it with the dash, move away or parry it depending on the situation. It is easy to eat it.
- Charge + Claw : A longer charge than the previous one that will end with a claw attack, the procedure will be the same, but watch out for his claw attack at the end.
- Pillars of Fire : It will summon some pillars of fire that will emerge from the ground and cover a lot of the screen. You can get between the pillars (precisely) to avoid damage, you can also get out of the area of effect if you get caught far away. If you manage to dodge it, it’s the perfect time for a Band-Aid if you need it.
- Air Balls of Energy : The same as in the previous phase, it will rise in the air and launch several balls at us.
- Mega Ball of Energy : Guardiana Silva will launch a ball of energy of considerable size, you must dodge it at the right time with the dash. Sure you can parry, but it seems too dangerous. If you eat this attack it will deal devastating damage to you.
What has been said, hold on as long as you can while you are damaging it. You have to be careful not to die quickly, but you can’t forget the offense either.
This is the build that I recommend for the boss, it’s what I used; you may not have all these objects or you prefer another game mode, adjust it to your liking:
- Skills:
- Black Knight : Preferable at level 3. You can have it at this level in this part of the game, the item you need is on the map above (in the location part of this post) right in the room that is separated by the part below for the route we have to take to get to Guardiana Silva. You had to activate a lever in the upper room and use a hidden path in a puddle (swimming down).
- Guardian Sigrid : Preferable at level 3. It comes in handy to cause more damage at close range. His thing is to throw it while doing your combo attacks.
- Merchant of the West : I took this one to level 4 because I love it, but I guess level 3 is fine. He is throwing balls by himself, it comes in handy.
- Relics :
- Broken Music Box : Slightly reduces the damage we take.
- Frithia’s Ring : It allows us to use the parry and it costs 0 slots.
- Giant’s Ring : Increases our damage from melee attacks on the ground.
- Corrupted Rosary : Slightly increases health.
- Ring of Kyrtis : Reduces the CD (cooldown) of skills.
This is what we will get by defeating the Guardian Silva:
- Ability: Silva Guardian . Another automatic attack skill in which we will use a hammer, not as brutal as Gerrald’s, but much faster. It comes standard at level 3, not so bad.
- Action: Guardian Wings . Finally a dash as God commands that will also allow us to reach previously impossible areas.
- Action: Arcane Technique . It would be an ultimate. When you fill a bar if you press up + attack button you can activate it to cause a very good damage.