The Guardian Golem is a boss of the Elden Ring that when you meet him it is normal to be a bit scary because after all he is a huge giant with a halberd that practically does not fit on the screen.
However, at the moment of truth, when the battle begins, you will see that things are not that bad; as they say: Much ado and few nuts. He is a boss who has great power (although curiously he doesn’t delete as much despite the bug mastodon that he is) and of course an absurd scope, which is very annoying; but… he’s quite slow, predictable, and despite his appearance, he doesn’t take too long to fall either (that will depend a lot on your character and your level, but in general terms).
It is also true that after defeating Margit , these types of bosses now seem super simple, perhaps because of the contrast.

We will find the Guardian Golem in the Altasenda Cave dungeon , the location is in the photo above but I will explain a little in case you do not know what area it is from the photo.
This cave is located in Necrolimbo to the north, past the Storm Gate, as you can see it is near that huge half-destroyed wall. Basically it is following the river that goes north from Charca de Agheel to the end; the only thing is that you will not be able to go there following the river, you have to go from the area to the left of where I mark the dungeon in the photo.
The dungeon is not complicated, nor is it easy; especially if we go with a torch because otherwise we won’t see a posh (you can buy one from the Elleh Church NPC). There will be several wolves, which are a bit tiresome to be honest; and later you will meet bats (even more tiresome). Just one thing, there will come a time when you will reach a waterfall where there seems to be no other way; you have to go down the waterfall, that is, drop down it, to reach the area below. I insist, do not jump, let yourself fall.
Guardian Golem despite how intimidating it is, it is not very complicated, in fact it seemed quite easy to me, although in the end this is subjective. He has more or less the same moveset as the golems we find around the world.
The key is to hit his feet and watch out for his wide attacks; getting behind him is a good idea to avoid most of the damage. The shield will also be great to keep it up just in case, which in the end has a lot of range and dodging is always more complicated, but given how slow it is, it is not difficult to dodge it either. I recommend you attack his foot with jump + strong attack when he finishes an attack and then stay behind him trying to give him another hit until you see that he gets heavy or hits you, at which point you must go back to heal and then that, repeat loop.
Be very careful with two attacks in particular:
- Nail the Weapon : He will nail the weapon to the ground, avoiding it is easy, but be careful because after a while he takes it out and that also hurts and if you don’t know it, it will catch you by surprise for sure.
- Fire Breath : It also has an attack; that he does very rarely, but he does; with which he will shoot fire from his mouth, pay attention to this to run away… don’t think that he puts out little fire, he looks like a dragon.
By defeating him we will obtain the following:
- Blue Ballerina Amulet : Talisman that will increase our damage if we go with a light load (it is normal to go with a medium load, even less). Ideal for very light classes.