February 23, 2025
God of War Ragnarök: Mystery of the Sands quest guide

God of War Ragnarök: Mystery of the Sands quest guide

In this quest guide for Mystery of the Sands in God of War Ragnarök you will learn:

  • How to start the Mystery of the Sands favor
  • Where to find the calling creature
  • How to get the Armor Set of Radiance

The Mystery of the Sands is a God of War Ragnarök side quest in the Alfheim zone. If you follow the favor, you have to free a mystical being from a predicament and have the chance to get an armor set and a treasure. We’ll guide you through the quest.

Mystery of the Sands: How to start the quest

At the end of the quest “Gróa’s Secret” in Alfheim, an optional path opens that leads you to the area “The Canyons”. On the way through the gate into the desert you will find a treasure map called “Vulture Gold” on a corpse. Here is the riddle:

  • “In search of peace, the beast finds only war. Her last breath on the sand. Your last supper of gold beneath the bones.”

We reveal the location of the treasure at the end of the article. Follow the path until you come to pulsating, red glowing growths (stock substance). Hurl the Leviathan Ax at them at an angle that hits you both back to back . Then climb up the rock face on the right.

Once at the top, you can grab one of Odin’s ravens , which circles over the rocks to the right. Speak to Sindri at his shop about the beast that belonged to Atreus, which starts the Mystery of the Sands favor.

Mystery of the Sands: Traversing the Deep

Follow the path past Sindri’s shop and Atreus will find a sled that will take you to the wasteland. Ride south through the sandstorm until you see a cave entrance that will lead you to the “The Deep” region. Follow the path and you will meet a belligerent Dark Alb .

Get him out of the way and hurl the Leviathan Ax at the Dawnstone at the right angle so it ricochets and destroys all three stick substances. The way to a cave will be free, where you will meet more Dark Elves. Turn them off and climb up the rock face.

Cross the gorge with the cable car and use the Chaos Blades to shimmy along the rocks. One of the anchor spots is blocked by stick substance . Hop down the ledge on the right and you will find the right angle to throw the Leviathan ax into the Dawnstone. The tendrils explode, revealing the path.

Mystery of the Sands: Crossing the Overgrown Canyon

You reach a cave full of Dawnstones and are attacked by a group of Dark Elfs. Heat them up with the Chaos Blades and crawl through the crack in the north wall. Outside you will come to a ravine overgrown with stick substance .

Throw the ax into the explosive jar below the vines and you’ll reveal a Dawnstone. Turn around and you’ll see another jug ​​that you can use to blast the rocks blocking the path. From there you get the right angle to throw into the Dawnstone and reveal a chest with resources.

At the next vine, hurl the Leviathan Ax through the growth on the left into the Dawnstone . The ax bounces, hitting the remaining growths and clearing the way. Jump over the ravine, turn around and sling the ax into the explosive jar to blast the rocks. Return and throw the ax into the exposed twilight stone on the cliff face to the left. This will destroy the tendrils ahead, revealing an anchor point for the Chaos Blades.

Swing up and loot the chest. In front of you is a pendulum with a Dawnstone that you can move with ax throws. Turn it so the Dawnstone is facing south and throw the Leviathan Ax at it. The last tendril is now destroyed and you reach the next cave.

Secret of the Sands: Free Hafgufa and find Pauldrons of Glory

You have found the calling animal: a gigantic hafgufa stuck in stick substance . To free him, do the following:

  1. Blast the rock with a throw at the explosive jar behind it. You can find the angle by positioning yourself on the far right of the gorge.
  2. Hop across the ravine and hurl the ax through the stick substance onto the Dawnstone to the east.
  3. Go back upstairs and hurl the leviathan ax at the twilight stone on the western cliff to loosen the stick substance.

Then follow Atreus outside and climb up one floor. Here you will find a Legendary Chest containing the Whispering Stone resource and the Chest Pieces of Glowing Chest Armor (Tier 4) . This gives you a moderate lucky chance of getting a Rune Blessing with every last-second dodge.

Release the stick substance next to the chest and climb up the rock face. Ride the sled about 150 meters north and destroy the last piece of stick substance. The Hafgufa is now free and the quest “Secret of the Sands” is complete.

Treasure of the Treasure Map “Vulture Gold” salvage

Once you have freed the Hafgufa, face east. There you will see a gigantic skeleton with a glowing object in its mouth . This is the treasure listed on the Vulture Gold Treasure Map. In addition to crafting components and unique resources, you will also find Deadly Detonation, an accessory for Atreus. Killing an enemy with a rune arrow equipped with it causes it to detonate, dealing moderate damage in the area around the detonation.

Complete the Shining armor set

Climb into the mouth of the skeleton from which you salvaged the treasure and you will encounter a horde of Grimm. Kill the beasts and climb up the rock wall at the end of the cave. In the legendary chest you will find the next piece of armor “Shining Belt” .

Travel to the north of the wasteland and you will find a temple. There you must kill a group of Dark Elves before you can loot the Legendary Chest containing the Gauntlets of Radiance .

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