In this God of War Ragnarok quest guide, you will learn:
- How to trigger the “Serving Asgard” favor
- Where to find the mining machines and…
- … how you destroy them
- Which armor set you get the side quest
Serving Asgard is the first major side quest you can play in God of War Ragnarok . You help Mimir to settle an old debt and capture a strong armor set that gives you useful advantages, especially in the early game.
In the service of Asgard – this is how you start the quest
During the quest “The Quest for Tyr” you reach Svartalfheim, home of the dwarves. Once you’ve made it to the city of Nidavellir, you’ll meet Sindri in the marketplace. He equips Atreus with Sonic Arrows , which will take you to the upper part of the city. Visit the tavern there and speak to Raeb.
To activate the “Serving Asgard” favor, you must speak to the innkeeper one more time. Exit the tavern through the back door and take the boat to Bay of Generosity . There you have to shut down the three mining machines Althjofs, Radsvinns and Modvitnirs.
Serving Asgard: Step 1 – Destroy Radsvinn’s machine
Head south in Generosity Bay and dock next to the large watchtower. Follow the path east of Sidris Stand and climb up the scaffolding with the crane. Kill the Grimm and Nightmare, then cut a hole in the lattice on the tower. One of the rewards you get is Nidavellir Ore . This also opens the job “Nidavellir’s Best Armor”, which you have to do after the favor if you want to dust off the armor set.

In the service of Asgard: Step 2 – Destroy Modvitnir’s machine
Modvitnir’s machine is west of the bay. Climb up the scaffolding on the right and after the legendary chest swing right over the gorge. Turn left and hurl the ax into the panel hanging from the crane on the right. With this you move his hook over the next gorge. Engage with the Chaos Blades and swing over. There you will see a chain on a rock wall. Climb up and kill the Bergsra mother. Then you can switch off the machine.

In the service of Asgard: Step 3 – Destroy Althjof’s machine
Althjof’s machine is in the northwest of the bay. Put it on, climb up the chain and turn the crank twice to adjust the elevators on the scaffolding so you can swing through. Blow up the barrel and cross the square with the petrified monsters.
You reach a gate that Kratos can push open. After that you will see a barrel below you, which you use to blast open the red plank wall . After a climb you reach a higher place from where you can blast the cracked ground.
Kill the attackers. On the wall behind the crates you will find the rune “The Crusher” for your knowledge collection. Pull up the elevator on the right and return to the crank from the beginning . Also move the rear elevator up and you will reach the last machine. Kill the monsters before you turn them off.

Contract: Nidavellir’s Best Armor
Once you’ve completed the “Serving Asgard” favor, you’ll have plenty of Nidavellir Ore in your luggage. Take it to Sindri’s shop. The special resource from the mining facilities allows you to craft three armor components: Nidavellir’s Best Hip Armor, Nidavellir’s Best Arm Guards, and Nidavellir’s Best Belly Armor. The traditional dwarven armor increases Kratos’ vitality and grants you a health boost on successful attacks on stunned enemies.