March 29, 2025


It’s been a while since I wrote about Undertale , a game that we gave a lot to a few years ago and a title that I personally have a special affection for because it freaked me out, a big Toby Fox.

But… it turns out that the other day Homie told me that it would be nice to have this post (which is absolutely right) and he also gave me the necessary information to do it since I only saw one of these 3 Secret Bosses which I am going to introduce to you next, so thank you very much!

Bosses that obviously do not influence anything in the adventure beyond the possibility of acquiring experience and some other reward for them; but they do not influence history nor is it necessary in any way to face them for the progress of our adventure through Undertale.

And not everything will be in showing them to you, I will also teach you how to fight against them; so nothing, here we go!


Glyde is some kind of… weird cosmic whale? something like that lol. Well, you see, if you want to face him, the first thing you will have to do is go to that strange Snowdin cave (not the town, but in the part before reaching the town).

If you don’t know which cave I’m referring to, it’s near the town of Snowdin and it’s right where Sans starts teleporting; you will also find strange eyes in some holes on the wall. Well, at the end of that “corridor” you will find a cave in which nothing seems to happen. The cave has a kind of mushroom on the ground and… do they sometimes pass through the upper area like stars? quite strange… with a rather suspicious door that I know what its purpose is and I think I have never explained it in the blog, so I probably explained it in another post (because Glyde has nothing to do with this door).

The fact is that if you want Glyde to appear, you have to go to the area where the strange door is, and walk from side to side for a loooong time (you must walk through the area where the ground is black). A lot, really, maybe 5 minutes? something like that… So you trust me that it ends up coming out, I once thought that I was doing something wrong because it took too long to appear, but it really works. You just have a lot of determination and you will see how she appears!


I couldn’t say what So Sorry is , but what is clear is that he is someone very shy. The first requirement to fight him is not to be in a Genocide Route since a lot of content is lost in this route due to the fact that most monsters get scared and others.

The second is quite far-fetched and is the reason why it is extremely difficult (even more than Glyde, who is already far-fetched lol) for you to find it naturally. Basically you will have to be on a specific date and time, so you can wait for that day or you can change the date on your computer/console if you don’t want to wait.

The date is as follows: October 10 at 20:00 (8 PM), don’t worry about the year, that doesn’t matter. You will have to go to an elevator and go to the R2 floor (Right 2 or Derecha 2) and just as you come out, head left without stopping until you reach a crossroads where we have a path down, one to the right and one to the left. left (which is where we come from). The fact is that although it may not seem like it, there is a hidden way up; just stand in the center of the path down and pull up (you’ll see there’s like a hidden crystal path).

There you will find the art club, interact with the cartel you will find and you will quickly find So Sorry ready to fight, but do not kill him! That because? Because I say so, poor thing, right? LOL.


Mad Mew Mew is a boss that is not available to everyone mainly due to the fact that it only appears in the Nintendo Switch version of the game, so if you don’t have it… forget it, or well, you still want to know.

The fact is that you will be able to access a “new” room, the one that we already saw in the PS4 version but completely destroyed hahaha. This was already a criticism of the trophy system and so on, but hey, it’s not today’s topic.

To access this room you will have to go to the house of Sans and Papyrus  and interact with the Kitchen Faucet, there a door will appear that will take us to the area that I am telling you about.

In that room with everything destroyed we will find a kind of Joycons door, simply interact with it and when finished, move the right stick to the right and the left to the left. We will find there a kind of doll that is Mad Mew Mew and that is in fact the Secret Boss.

Too bad it’s only for the Switch! but in the end, it is what it is.

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