March 26, 2025


To say that this new boss that I bring you from Aeterna Noctis has seemed quite difficult to me and it is starting to sound redundant because I think I start all the posts of the game more or less saying something like that.

Yes, again the Cradle of Light Robot is a difficult boss and I have a feeling that in the future things will get much worse. I think that at the moment this is the boss that has cost me the most because the truth is that he has quite annoying attacks, but as with all of them, things get “quite easier” when you understand his movement set better and you get the hang of it. the optimal way to dodge each of them; something that we will investigate a lot in this post.


Cradle of Light Robot Location

We will find the robot in the Cradle of Light , an area that we can access if we go to the left from the confrontation against Wormorok and we advance from there (we will have to go down, in the photo it will be better).

We will end up reaching an area full of robots with a lot of electrified areas (Crystal of Energy) and there we will have to find 3 gears (they are in the rooms attached to the large elevator room, 2 on the right and one on the left) to go right to the location where the crown is in the photo. When you have them you will activate an elevator there that will take you to the boss area (the one below), there will be a large white door that will take you to the fight.


Let’s start by talking about his attacks because learning to dodge them is the key:


These are the Robot attacks:

  • Electric Charge : You will see that the Robot sticks to a wall on the screen (as soon as you see that it goes there it is because it will do this attack yes or yes) and it will start charging an attack. You must go to the opposite wall and climb it, after a short time jump and do a dash towards the other wall since the boss will launch an electrical charge that will electrify the wall where you are (by the way, he will leave some small robots on the ground). The boss will reload on the other wall, you go the other way ignoring the mini-robots, you will have to repeat the process 3 times. Don’t worry about the mini-bots because they will die on their own after the third charge and will also drop a few blood orbs that you can use to heal yourself.
  • Laser Beam Pattern : Some patterns of diagonal lines will appear on the screen, you must position yourself so that none of these lines touch you or after a second or so you will receive damage. It will perform 3 attacks in a row.
  • Laser Beam: It will go to the center and point with a laser beam that will be activated and deactivated (small light beam deactivated, large light beam active). You will have to avoid it when it is active and take a good position to continue dodging when it is deactivated (and if you have time, give it a few hits, but do not freak out that you have little time).
  • electric dance: It’s the worst attack of all because today I don’t know of a way to dodge everything perfectly, it seems that yes or yes you have to eat one of his hits (does anyone know if it’s possible?). The case, which will go to the center, will stretch its arms to enclose you and will start to shoot electric shocks in some of the areas of the arm (you will know where the shocks will come from because that area of ​​the arm is electrified). The first part is simple, you place yourself in the part that is not electrified and so on (if it is precisely where you are stuck to him, you can give him a good beating). The problem comes later because when it ends it will launch 2 shock streaks in a row that go from one side to the other and personally I have not found a way to dodge this attack without using the Dark Shield (and since it has a cd, you cannot dodge both streaks) .
  • The Arrow of M : Attack that he will carry out when he has little life left. Basically it is a projectile that will move around the screen for a long time and basically bother us while the Robot follows its roll. It is a dwarf projectile, but it has a bad milk that is not normal… I don’t know how it does it, but it is always where it is most annoying.


Some tips that can help you:

  • Right when “Electric Dance” or “Laser Beam Pattern” is over, you can quickly heal without fear.
  • I recommend that you take a build focused on offense (the right branch is the key) because you do not want this battle to take longer than necessary. Don’t forget to get a good Critical Chance (with Critical Cut it goes a long way) and on this occasion (since you’ll already have a higher level) you should be getting some Critical Damage so that your crits are more powerful.


This is the reward we will get for defeating him:

  • Teleport Arrow : A new type of arrow that will allow us to teleport to the location of the arrow (Minato style from Naruto). It’s very cool, but it’s hard to master it.

And in terms of achievements we have the following:

  • Heaven is Far Away : We will obtain it by defeating him.
  • A Loose Wire : Defeat the Robot without having the double jump ability. This is the ability that gives us the Phoenix , which is the next boss we will do if you are following the order of these guides.
  • Better Dedicate yourself to Bend Beams : Defeat him without taking damage.
  • Unbreakable : You must defeat him in his advanced mode of operation (no idea at the moment).

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