July 27, 2024
Yu-Gi-Oh! Cross Duel | Best decks

Yu-Gi-Oh! Cross Duel | Best decks

Welcome back to our Yu – Gi -Oh! Cross Duel . Although this new chapter of the popular saga presents a completely new way of dueling, streamlined compared to the original counterpart, this does not mean that the depth to which the series has accustomed us has failed, on the contrary.

Even considering the numerous changes made, Cross Duel remains a highly strategic game, so preparing for duels by building the best deck possible is still a fundamental part of becoming an excellent duelist.

In this guide of ours, we will briefly show you which are the best decks to be competitive, so that you can start your climb up the ranks in the best way. The name of each deck is derived from the best monster the strategy revolves around, and the order in which we will present them is completely random.

We also remind you that it is not possible (unlike the classic TCG) to have double cards in the deck, so the 20 cards must necessarily all be different from each other.

Red Dragon Archfiend

Deck contents


  • Red Dragon Archfiend (favorite monster)
  • Gaia the knight
  • Celtic guardian
  • Soprano the melodious singer
  • Stone Soldier
  • Predator vorse
  • Y-Head dragon
  • Z- Metallic tank
  • Vice Dragon
  • Dark tuning fork
  • RAM clouder
  • Performapal silver claw
  • Canon the melodious diva
  • Milla the time sorceress


  • Double strike
  • Reckless running
  • Legitimate magic
  • Block-attack


  • Curtain of sparks
  • Mandatory escape device


This deck is based on taking advantage of Red Dragon Archfiend’s ability, which is its ability to destroy all monsters in defense position at the end of each battle phase in which it is on the battlefield.

Precisely for this reason, the deck is based on an extreme offensive , plus the monsters are equipped with the ability to intimidate ; thanks to it, the monsters with which they will clash will be forced to move into a defensive position, thus becoming vulnerable to the effect of Archdemon.

The deck revolves a lot around its best monster, so it will be very important to choose carefully when to play it. Ideally, you should be able to field him as soon as possible , but after you have already sent some monsters forward with the intimidation ability, so that you can maximize the results of Archfiend’s effect.

blue eyes White Dragon

Deck contents


  • Blue-Eyes White Dragon (best monster)
  • Summoned Skull
  • Big jaws
  • Celtic guardian
  • Stone Soldier
  • Predator vorse
  • X-Head Cannon
  • Mad Archfiend
  • Zubaba knight
  • Golem gogogo
  • Kraken skull
  • Bitron
  • RAM clouder
  • Truccastella lycoris


  • Revealing sword
  • Legitimate magic
  • Genius breath of fire


  • Shield manipulator


This deck is based on a factor as simple as it is effective: brute strength . Your goal will therefore be to field your strongest monsters and annihilate any possible defense from the opponents, and the effect of Blue-Eyes White Dragon can give you an advantage in this sense.

To take home a clean win, you can decide to focus on just one opponent ; if you manage to penetrate his defenses it will be a small matter to bring his life points to 0 and thus obtain a landslide victory. Obviously, you will have to be careful not to be surprised by the other two players, who could take advantage of the flank left exposed.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon

Deck contents


  • Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (best monster)
  • blue eyes White Dragon
  • Multicolored Dragon Dragias
  • Magician gagaga
  • Magician mirastelle
  • Dragon diviner
  • Performapal gyrator toad
  • Performapal silver claw
  • Bizarre Zebra
  • RAM clouder
  • Double iris magician
  • Zubaba knight
  • Dark tuning fork


  • Mask of brutality
  • Forbidden dress
  • Alliance of Duelists


  • Curtain of sparks
  • Shadow magic


This deck is entirely based on pendulum summons , and for this reason you will find several better monsters inside , as well as several monsters that require more tributes. What you need to do is perform pendulum summons as fast as possible, making sure to alternate between red and blue . Again, your goal will be to take control of the terrain by focusing on the brute strength of your monsters.

As for your main monster, Pendulum Dragon should only be played late in the game, around turn 5 or later. This is because its function for that moment should have already created a win-win situation for you on the ground, and you will avoid exposing it to unnecessary risks.

Exodia the forbidden

Deck contents


  • Exodia il probito (best monster)
  • Aria the melodious diva
  • Canon the melodious diva
  • Truccastella gigliocampana
  • Zubaba knight
  • Candina makeup star
  • Trickstar narcissacio
  • Golem gogogo
  • Predator vorse
  • Performapal silver claw
  • Elemental Hero Sparkman
  • Bitron
  • RAM clouder
  • X-Head Cannon
  • Mad Archfiend
  • Stone Soldier
  • Milla the time sorceress
  • Bizarre Zebra
  • Vice Dragon
  • Big jaws


You will notice that this deck only has monsters in it; normally it would be a sensational imbalance, but in this case it is part of the strategy that revolves around this deck.

Just like in the original TCG, Exodia can lead to instant victory ; in Cross Duel we will not have to have in hand the five parts that make up the legendary monster, but it will be enough to draw only five normal monsters to end the duel.

The condition might seem simple, but it isn’t at all, at least at the moment; keep in mind that the duel starts with only three cards in hand (in addition to the best monster, so Exodia in this case) and that at the moment there are no cards or effects in the game that allow you to draw outside the beginning of each turn.

Unlike all other decks, therefore, the goal of an Exodia deck is precisely to create a stalemate , so that it is possible to reach the required number of monsters. This is why the deck contains only monsters, and these are monsters with quite high stats just to increase their chances of surviving on the ground.

It is not an easy deck to manage, but if you know how to make good use of it it will give you a lot of satisfaction.

Number 39: Utopia

Deck contents


  • Number 39: Utopia (best monster)
  • Young black sorceress
  • Magician gagaga
  • Aria the melodious diva
  • Celtic guardian
  • Predator vorse
  • X-Head Cannon
  • Y-Head dragon
  • Z-Metallic tank
  • Mad Archfiend
  • Golem gogogo
  • Canon the melodious diva
  • RAM clouder
  • Milla the time sorceress


  • Fairy meteor shower
  • Shield and sword
  • Block-attack
  • Block Defense


  • Reinforcements
  • Lust for battle


The purpose of this deck is first of all to weaken opponents’ monsters , and then overwhelm them with brute force. To obtain this result, the ability of Number 39 will play a fundamental role, which can reduce the attack of the monster he faces up to 900 points, becoming in fact indestructible in the right conditions.

Unlike other decks, however, you won’t be able to immediately go on the attack. Try to start the game in a reasoned way , placing some fierce monster waiting to see the opponent’s response. When you understand their strategy better, start unleashing yours, using all the effects that can give you an advantage on the ground, and playing Number 39 at the right time to gain the decisive advantage.

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