In this guide to the World of Warcraft Possessive Filker puzzle, you’ll learn:
- Where to find the fib and the riddle
- How to solve the riddle
- What items do you need for this
- How to get the rose red hopper
Possessive fib in WoW: Dragonflight
In the first area of the Dragon Islands, the Awakening Coast, north of the Ruby Lifepool you will find a small cave guarded by a large frog. The frog, dubbed Possessive Fibber, blocks access to the lair and will repeatedly push you back if you try to squeeze past him.

Mystery about the big flunker and the little rose red hopper – solution
In order for the big frog to move aside and give access to the chest containing the pet Rose Red Hopper, you have to solve a riddle. This riddle is written in a book right in front of the finker . However, the descriptions are not exactly easy – we have the solution ready for you.
Important : Click on the maps – in the second screenshot you can see the exact positions of the items.
Bone in good condition
You can find the bone on the highest level of a ruined tower at a camp north of the Ruby Lifepool. You can find the exact location here:

The price of the Marmoni
What sounds like a glittering treasure at first is actually just a banana. These can be found in the Dragonscale Expedition camp behind the innkeeper’s tent in a pile of boxes.

An adventurer’s lost bar of soap
The final part of the puzzle, the bar of soap, can be found in a small tub of water in front of a cart . This is located south of the archaeological dig.

The Liberation of the Rose Red Hopper
Once you’ve gathered all the items, return to the Possessive Fibber. Now you have to combine the three items with a right click on one of them. The result is the “riddle for the attentive: treats” . Throw it to the fibber and he’ll open the cave entrance. From the treasure chest in the cave you get the rose red hopper.