February 23, 2025


I bring you another build of Elden Ring again from the hand of Lokardos (a user of our Discord ) that I also liked a lot and this one is mainly oriented towards the use of Spells for those who want to be a “pure” mage to call it that. somehow

We will make you a version for PVP more focused on attacks that are easier to hit our opponents and also a very interesting version for PvE since with this we will be able to hit with such massive damage that we may ventilate many bosses and powerful enemies in a single blow and in a matter of seconds; a very crazy but very cool build (and that only spreads in PvE, of course).


First up is Lusat’s Shimmerstone Staff with the following stats at max level:

  • Sorcery: 314 (at 60 Intelligence).
  • Intelligence: S
  • Strength: c
  • Passive: Increases the damage of Spells but also their CP cost.

This will be our burst damage staff (a lot of damage in a short time) and we will use it mainly to make our massive damage combo that we will tell you about below in the Spells section.

We will take the Meteorite as a second cane :

  • Sorcery: 266 (at 60 Intelligence).
  • Intelligence: S
  • Strength: c
  • Passive: Increases the damage of Gravity Spells (the purple ones) by 30%.

We use it more for wear, if the enemy is too far away to damage him a little or after performing our magical mega combo or as required we go. It is less powerful than the previous one, but it also consumes much less PC.

And to finish as a melee weapon the Hound’s Step Ash Sworn Sword , although in reality any light sword to which you apply the ash is worth it. We want it mainly to have some melee that you never know, but mainly for the dash that it gives us, which is extremely useful. In addition, we will also apply freezing, which never hurts.


These are the stats we should have at level 125 (which is the PvP meta), if you’re 100% PvE and you keep leveling up it will still give you an idea.

  • Vigor : 40
  • Mind : 40
  • Stamina : 23
  • Strength : 8
  • Dexterity : 12
  • Intelligence : 65
  • Faith : 7
  • Arcane : 9

As you can see, we will invest practically everything in Intelligence to do more damage with our spells and be able to use the most powerful ones, which require a lot of Intelligence. For the rest, we have also added a lot of Vigor and Mind in order to be able to better withstand the blows (otherwise they can delete us with 1 hit) and to have more PC, which we will need a lot.

If you are PvE and you are going to continue leveling up you can put some Dexterity to increase the speed of casting Spells and in the same way you can continue raising Intelligence (this is no more than 80 per cap issue) and Mind (max 60).


We recommend this Set whether you want to do PvP or PvE, although in reality it is in PvE where we will get the most out of it.

  • Azur Set : With it we will enhance the damage of the Spell on which we base the PvE build, the Azur Comet, specifically it is the helmet that provides the effect, but by the way we put on the set.

Lusat’s could be another option for PvP, but really the armor won’t add much to this build (in PvE if you notice the extra damage).


We recommend these Talismans  for PvP :

  • Magicians Amalgam Talisman : Increases the power of Spells.
  • Relic of the Astronomer : Increases Intelligence by 5 points (so we reach 70 at lvl 125).
  • Large Shield Talisman with Dragon Crest : Reduces physical damage taken.
  • Radagon Icon : Increases the casting speed of Spells.

For PvE the same, but we would replace Radagon ‘s with this:

  • Icon of Godfrey : Increases damage charged spells (the ones you hold down on the button to maintain them). Includes Azure Comet damage, which you will now see the combo.


Spells for PvP:

  • Comet : Typical spell in which we launch “magic balls” that we can spam, the most powerful.
  • Ruin Stars : A flurry of purple pellets. It’s not a gravity spell.
  • Loretta’s Domain: Spell for enemies at a distance, we shoot 4 arrows like a bow that go very far.
  • Haima Mace : We will hit with a magic hammer. Ideal when the enemy approaches us to hurt him and briefly stun him and finish off with the next spell.
  • Adula’s Lunar Blade : A horizontal magic slash that applies Freeze, ideal as a combo after using the Hammer.
  • Lanzarrocas : We will launch some purple rocks.
  • Carian Circle : Little Swords that will levitate around you and if they get close to you and you hit them you will briefly stun them to finish them off with another hit. Very key to take advantage of the fact that the enemy dodges the swords to channel a Spell.
  • Astel Meteorites : Our burst combo with Miraculous Medika Vial with Cerulean Hidden Tear (removes CP cost for about 10s) and Broken Tear from Magical Feat (increases Spell damage). We will be able to cast it boosted for 10 seconds at no CP cost… if you hook someone with this you delete them.

PvE Spells:

  • Terra Mágica : You create an area where if you stay, the damage is increased by 30%.
  • Azure Comet : The key to the kit, the kamehameha that if you keep it pressed, remains active and consumes PC.
  • Ranni’s Black Moon : Moon that deals a tremendous blow, freezes and on top of that reduces the enemy’s magic resistance so that subsequent spells see their damage increased. It is very slow, but the blow is tremendous; the key is to start with it.

Again we will go with Hidden Tear and Broken Tear in the Miraculous Medika Vial. The combo is as follows:

  • Magic Terra.
  • Black Moon of Ranni.
  • You take the Vial of Medika.
  • You hold Azure Comet.

With this you will cause an abysmal damage and you will even vent some bosses in one hit; the tougher ones will take more than one, but it’s still a savage amount of damage.

Looking at other spells to complete the kit, it will depend on what you are facing, but here are some tips:

Against Single :

  • Shimmerstone Shard Comet.
  • Rock Thrower.

Against Multi :

  • Shining Stone Arch.

For very large enemies :

  • Shard Vortex: It will go through the enemies while it is doing damage, in the big ones it is a lot of damage.
  • Goliath’s Rain of Stars: Hits with a purple rain in an area, if the target is large it will take many hits.

And in the face  of Summoning Ash , we recommend the Rotten Knight Finlay

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