Well, it’s been a while since Tower of Fantasy was released. How are you progressing through the incredible world of Aida? Well, I’m sure many of you have farmed like crazy to get rewards to improve your equipment. In any case, it’s time to talk about the Bosses in the game.
Throughout the world of Tower of Fantasy you can find numerous Bosses that will give you juicy rewards when you defeat them. In the end, they are an exceptional way to farm the necessary resources to improve your character’s equipment.
Now yes, I am going to tell you where to find each and every one of them as well as explain what rewards they give.
Tower of Fantasy and all its Bosses and locations
- How to fight him : It is the first boss that you will be able to face since it is next to your first missions and it is a pretty damn flower, everything is said. The best thing is that you make attacks with fire power weapons
- Rewards : King’s Matrix, Random SSR Weapon, Missile Launcher Fragment, Robarg’s Matrix, Random SR Weapon, Random R Matrix Chip, Weapon Battery III, and Matrix Data Pack III
- How to fight him : He is a robot and the second boss you can face. He is quite a bit more complicated than Robarg and yes or yes, you will have to be a few to defeat him since he has some very strong and fast attacks.
- Rewards : Tsubasa’s Array, Random SSR Weapon, Couant’s Shard, Random SR Weapon, Apophis’ Array, Random R Array, Weapon Battery III, and Array Data Pack III
ice bot

- How to fight him : This one is, in my opinion, quite a bit easier than Apophis. You just have to prevent him from freezing you, and it is also important to be with several other players to defeat him.
- Rewards : Random SSR Weapons, Huma Array, Random SR Weapon, Floating Cannon Fragment, Ice Bot Array, Random R Array, Weapon Battery III, and Array Data Pack III

- How to fight him : With Sobek things are already complicated. It is a crocodile with turrets. Turrets are scary, and so are crocodiles, so imagine a fusion of the two. If in the other bosses you had to be on the move, with this one much more. And he has a healer in your party, it will be needed.
- Rewards : Random SSR Weapons, Coven Matrix, Random SR Weapon, Cybernetic Arm Fragment, Sobek Matrix, Random R Matrix, Weapon Battery III, and Matrix Data Pack
- How to fight him : The tricky thing about this boss compared to the rest of the Tower of Fantasy bosses is that you have to go for it along with another handful of fairly strong Hyenas. They are not Bosses, but you will still have to manage with a good group of people to defeat her in a moderately comfortable way
- Rewards : Random SSR Weapon, Shiro’s Matrix, Random SR Weapon, Quantum Cloak Fragment, Lucia’s Matrix, Random R-Matrix, Weapon Battery III, and Matrix Data Pack III

- How to fight him : Of the first bosses available, this is the last one you’ll be able to fight. He is a pretty tough Boss in Tower of Fantasy, although everything is repeated: move fast, predict his movements and attack him with everything
- Rewards : Random SSR Weapon, Matrix That’s Meryl, Random SR Weapon, Magnetic Pulse Shard, Barber Shop: Matrix, Chip with a Random R Matrix, The 3rd Weapon Battery, and Matrix III Data Pack