March 28, 2025


Bows are one of the most versatile weapons in all of Genshin Impact , although we have characters from all roles, perhaps the highlight is the large number of batteries and Support DPS.

This Tier List of Bows has been a bit more complicated to establish because many of them are quite specific for a character or for a very specific role within the team and it has been difficult for us to agree when evaluating them.

And with this we are almost finishing with the weapons section, so let’s get down to business.

Tier List of Bows in Genshin Impact


The best bows for Main DPS by far and some others that stand out remarkably among all the others used for Support DPS; unfortunately most of them are five star and won’t be easy to get.


Heavenly Wings in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I am lucky to have the Celestial Wings on my account and I can tell you that it is a wonderful bow. We have considered it as the first option because it is the most versatile of all.

We can use it for practically any build of any archer except in exceptional cases like Diona in her role as healer.

And well you know, it gives us Critical Chance , its passive gives us some Critical Damage as well, a high Base Attack and the same Physical Damage effect that all celestial weapons have (we must admit that this is the best of all the set).


Winter Star in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Probably the best bow for an archer taking on the Primary DPS role, on the one hand his Base Attack and Critical Chance stats are excellent but he has a Passive Ability which is the crown jewel of this bow.

On the one hand, the Winter Star gives us a 12% damage increase to the Elemental and Ultimate Ability and when receiving stacks, our character’s Attack goes up by 10/20/30/48% (each stack lasts 12 seconds). Nothing more to add, it’s a wonderful bow and let’s not even talk about if you have any refinement of it.


Lightning Shaker in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Lightning Shaker is a weapon very similar to the Dark Reflection . His passive abilities go by stacks and work in the same way, only this one instead of giving us Elemental Damage Bonus gives us Attack % and a bonus to Normal Attacks (even if it was Yun Jin ).

The bad thing about this bow is that characters who are loaded like Ganyu or Amber will not be able to take full advantage of it, it is more oriented towards characters like Yoimiya or Tartaglia.

But it not only provides Attack, its substat gives us up to 66.2% Critical Damage and obviously being a five-star weapon, it has a fairly high Base Attack.


Last Chord in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It does not stand out for its Base Attack nor for its substat that Elemental Mastery gives us ; but it has a passive that I think is one of the best in the game.

The Last Chord can increase the damage of our Elemental and Ultimate Ability by 48% , which makes this bow so good (apart from carrying it in Elemental Mastery builds, it can also work in burst builds) .


They’re pretty good too but no longer as versatile as Tier S bows; but some of these are four star and we can get them more easily.


Amos Arc in Genhsin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

It has a relatively high Base Attack and gives us a good amount of Attack % with its substat; The bad thing about this bow is that its Passive Ability increases the damage of Normal and Charged Attacks based on the time it takes to reach the target (the longer it takes, the more the damage increases).

What is the problem? That practically the only character that takes advantage of it is Ganyu and only if he is a Main DPS with the Winter Drifter set . Because Ganyu in a team of melts we will need him to be very close to the enemies and that will cause us to lose the damage of the Passive Ability of the Bow of Amos .


Elegy of the End in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Elegy of the End is a very valuable weapon for Support characters that we use as drums, such as Venti or Diona; Another important point is that his Passive Ability will give us 20% Attack and 100 Elemental Mastery to the whole team , so we are especially interested in taking him with a team that focuses on doing Elemental Reactions.

Another very good point is that it gives us 55.1% Energy Recharge, which is a fairly high amount in addition to having a good Base Attack.


Moon of Mouun in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It is a bow whose statistics are quite balanced and shines a lot when it comes to equipping it on characters with the role of Support DPS ; we will be interested in taking it in a team of characters whose Ultimate Abilities are high cost, because in this way the damage of the ulti of the character that has Mouun’s Moon equipped will be greatly enhanced.

Specifically, I really like it for Kujou Sara because it has a high Base Attack within what is a four-star arc and the Ultimate of this one does not hit anything bad.


  • How To Get It: By exchanging Starshine at Paimon’s Bargains.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

As it has a high Base Attack within the four-star bows, its Critical Damage percentage is somewhat lower than that of other weapons in the set and we are left at 36.8%, which seems little to me.

The good thing about these weapons is that as we defeat enemies, the Attack will increase considerably ; therefore, the Black Crag Bow will need to be equipped on a character with the Primary DPS role to take advantage of this passive effect.


They are bows that mostly stand out for their Passive Ability and shine a lot when equipped on certain characters (except for the Emerald Huntress Bow, which is more generic).


  • How To Get It : Battle Pass Reward.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It is one of the weakest weapons in the pass because it has a very irrelevant Passive Ability and it also activates once every fourteen seconds, which is quite a lot.

The Bow of the Emerald Slayer also does not stand out for its Base Attack, since it is mediocre within the bows of four stars, so why do we want it? Well, basically because of the 27.6% Critical Chance that it gives us to help us get a good amount when building our character.


Alley Hunter in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Alley Hunter can only be used by a Support for the following reasons: Increases the damage of a character that has it equipped but is not in combat by 2% every second (up to 20% maximum); When the character has been on the field for four seconds, they will lose 4% of the damage increase every second.

In other words, with this character you have to be as quick as possible to try not to lose or lose as little as possible of the damage that the bonus gives us. We must remember that if we equip this bow it will take about ten seconds to obtain the maximum damage bonus.


  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

To use the Moonlight Prototype and get the most out of it, we have to have good aim and maximum refinement if possible, since by attacking the enemy’s weak point we will obtain up to 72% Attack and an additional 10% speed. movement .

Also on its own, this bow has a decent amount of Base Attack and Attack % in its substat, if used properly it can be a beast on characters like Ganyu.


  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Rust is a good option for characters whose game is based on making Normal Attacks such as Yoimiya or Tartaglia , since its passive increases the damage of these (obviously, it is very important to have several refinements of this arc).

Then in terms of Base Attack it is mediocre and its substat will give us quite a lot of Attack %; I’m not too excited about this arc to be honest, but it’s a good option for this type of character if you don’t have any of the first three Tier A arcs.


Arc of Sacrifice in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It pains me a bit to criticize this Arc of Sacrifice because I really like how it works in Diona , but it’s time to be objective.

It would pay us more if it had a little less Base Attack and a little more Energy Recharge , because if we compare it with other weapons in the set such as the Sword of Sacrifice , it falls quite short on recharge next to it.

And the other drawback is that at the moment there are not many archer characters that can take advantage of this bow apart from Diona or Kujou Sara, but it will probably have more uses in the future (and what has been said, it is great for us in Diona to replenish the shields and perform its battery role more efficiently).


Pretty good bows for the most part but with a fairly short range of characters that can use them, they can still be useful.


  • How To Get It : Event Reward (Version 1.4).
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

For my taste it is a good alternative although obviously inferior to the Last Chord; they have exactly the same amount of Base Attack and the same amount of Elemental Mastery as a substat.

The difference is that the passive of the Last Chord is very strong and that of the Ode to the Wind Flowers gives us Attack % when we use the Elemental Skill.

If you don’t have the other bow mentioned and got this one at refinement level five, it can be a good substitute.


Arc of Favonius in Genshin Impact
  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

His Base Attack is a doozy but when it comes to Energy Recharge, he’s king (beating even Elegy of the End on this substat).

Favonius’ Bow gives us 61.3% Energy Recharge at level 90, which is great for characters we use as a battery ( Gorou or Diona, for example) and can be a pretty good weapon to combine with the Emblem of Destiny set .


Demon Slayer in Genshin Impact
  • How To Get It : Forge.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Demon Slayer has a very curious passive: It increases the damage of Normal Attacks by 16% and that of Charged Attacks by 12% . The increase effect will double if our character has the Ultimate Ability charged.

This makes it quite incompatible with the Reminiscence of Purification set or with characters that rely heavily on their ulti (and also if you have Rust in high refinement, it pays you more in terms of Normal Attacks), but it still follows me looking like a good bow if we refine it several times.


  • How to Get It: Gachapon.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It has a pretty good Passive Ability which, when hitting an enemy with a normal Attack, increases the damage of the Elemental Ability and vice versa (it is a passive very similar to that of the Solar Pearl).

He then has a medium Base Attack but his substat gives us Bonus Physical Damage , which is what breaks this bow and makes it only work for Fischl at all .


This, as you will see, is what we are practically going to try to avoid equipping unless we don’t have something better, although none of us will get it through the Gachapon.


  • How To Get It : Forge.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It has the following negative points: a puny Base Attack and a tremendous Physical Damage Bonus that we will hardly take advantage of because there are no characters that we really pay to take them to Physical Damage, which makes it quite bad.

The Compound Bow’s passive gives us some Attack Speed ​​and Attack %, not bad, but it’s not rocket science either.


  • How To Get It: By exchanging Starshine at Paimon’s Bargains.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Another bow with Attack % substat (because there are no bows that go to Attack % or anything) and also the Royal Bow has the same Passive Ability that all the weapons in the set have and we don’t like it at all.

As usual, the passive increases Critical Chance as we land hits but will reset it on critical hit and bonuses will reset, same as always.


  • How to Get It : Exclusive for Play Station users.
  • Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

What to say about the Predator? Among other things, one of the reasons why it receives the last position is because it can only be obtained by Play Station users (the truth is that I don’t understand why everything exclusive is always for them, because it gets a little tiring).

And other drawbacks it has is that there is no possibility of refining it and also its passive gives some extra Attack points that will literally only work if Aloy has it equipped (Besides, Aloy doesn’t have constellations either and I don’t think it’s particularly good, it’s not a character that we rent a lot to carry in the team).

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