March 26, 2025
The Last of Us Part 1 - Guide to all collectibles

The Last of Us Part 1 – Guide to all collectibles

The Last of Us Part 1 is the remake released earlier this month that re-proposes the very first adventure of Joel and Ellie in a modern style. Like the original game, this remake also has a series of collectibles to search for and obtain, both for personal glory and to unlock the various trophies available.

Before continuing it must be said that you may run into some spoilers, since people, places and things to do will be named even within advanced chapters. So, in case you don’t want spoilers, we advise you to finish reading here.

What are the collectibles available in The Last of Us Part 1?

  • 30 pendants of the Lights
  • 13 comics
  • 97 artifacts
  • 54 optional conversations
  • 6 lines from Ellie
  • 12 training manuals
  • 13 doors to be opened with a knife
  • 4 safes
  • 5 workbenches

In this guide we will list only the chapters where the collectibles are present. That said, let’s get started.

Quarantine area

Within this chapter you will find 7 artifacts, 3 lights pendants and 4 optional conversations.

20 years later

  • Optional Conversation: When you walk to the checkpoint, you will need to speak to a man leaning on a red box on the right sidewalk.

Behind the Walls

  • Artifacts: Once you get the backpack, you will automatically have two artifacts, the military brochure and the quarantine zone map.
  • Optional Conversation: Moving on with Tess, you’ll find yourself in a shop. Immediately after entering it, wait a moment to get an extra dialogue.
  • Pendant of Lights: In one of the many buildings that you enter using the ladder, you will have a room on the side, accessible. Enter and next to the mattresses you will have one of the many pendants
  • Optional conversation: when you find yourself immersed in the spores, there will be a corpse next to you, look at it and press the interaction button (triangle) for dialogue
  • Artifact: immediately after the building with the spores, there will be a closed door on your left, enter it and you will find the artifact “Note for brother”
  • Pendant of Lights: reach the new building and pass it, as soon as you do it you will see a pendant hanging from a tree, shoot it to make it fall and collect it

The slums

  • Artifact: Once you enter the bus at the survivors’ camp, keep going straight, instead of following Tess, so that you find an artifact near a sink. In front of you you will see a blackboard with posters hanging, here you will find a second artifact. Two in one!
  • Artifact: When you reach the port, there will be a new artifact near the fence, on the right. Once you have this, keep going and you will see a red boat with a blue trolley, get close to get a second artifact

The load

  • Optional Conversation: Once Marlene joins the party, there will be a group of soldiers blocking your way. Kill them all and then follow Marlene across the bridge until you find a dead Light member to get the conversation going.
  • Pendant of Lights: You are finally with Ellie, keep moving forward to find a pendant next to another dead Light member.
the last of us part 1 firefly edition

The suburbs

In this part of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find 9 artifacts, 4 lights pendants, 1 workbench, 2 doors to open with a knife, 1 safe and 4 optional conversations


  • Optional Conversation: Talk to Tess as soon as the chapter begins
  • Artifact: Always at the beginning of the chapter, you will see the artifact in front of you, but in case you have to start the chapter via reboots or checkpoints, it will be behind you
  • Artifact: Once the elevator goes down, it will be on the ground on your right


  • Artifact: when you are outside the building, you will have to climb a destroyed road to return to the upper level, you will find this artifact between a lamp and a garbage can
  • Pendant of Lights: At a certain point you will reach the Goldenstone Building, which you will have to go through. Near the entrance there are two trees, one of the pendants hangs on the tree. Shoot to get it.
  • Optional Conversation: Enter the building and in the main corridor you will find a corpse. Interact to get the conversation going
  • Artifact: When you reach the stairs to go upstairs you will find another corpse with an artifact nearby
  • Door to Open with Knife: After encountering the first clicker, there will be a locked door in the next room
  • Artifact: once you leave the building you will find yourself in a subway where Tess will take a Molotov cocktail from a corpse, soon after there will be another with an artifact
  • Artifact: in the shopping mall area of ​​the subway, there will be a series of clickers and runners, go to the shop you find on the left, check the shelf behind the cashier to find an artifact with the code of the safe
  • Safe: Go to the other side of the shopping center area to find the safe to open with the code: 03-43-78


  • Artifact: After dealing with runners, you will have to move a wooden crate to climb a van, once done, enter the vehicle to find the artifact
  • Workbench: Go through the garage and you will find a workbench near the door, interact to make it count, but you can also not upgrade any weapon
  • Pendant of Lights: keep going forward to enter the museum, at some point you will find yourself in front of a broken section where you will not be able to pass unless you stick to the wall on the left. And this is where you will find the pendant
  • Door to open with knife: when you are separated from Tess and Ellie, you will encounter clickers, in the kitchen area on the left, there will be a door
  • Optional Conversation: After reuniting with Ellie and Tess, you will have to fight runners. Once they are out of the way there will be a conversation with Tess by the window
  • Optional Conversation: Right after Tess, talk to Ellie too

Capitol Building

  • Artifact: After clearing the rooftops, you will find yourself at the top of the stairs, go down and turn around to find an artifact next to a deceased member of the Lights
  • Pendant of Lights: keep going until you can see the main door of the Capitol Building, in front of you you will see a lot of water, you will also recognize it because there will be a gazebo on the left, there you will find the pendant
  • Artifact: When you are back in the subway area, you will have the first swimming tutorial, go through the whole process and find yourself with Ellie on the platform. On the left you will find an artifact, always next to a corpse
  • Pendant of Lights: From the previous corpse, continue swimming to the left to find another area. Keep going and you will see a pendant but it will be a bit difficult due to the lack of light

City of Bill

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find 11 artifacts, 3 lights pendants, 1 training manual, 1 workbench, 1 work table tool, 2 doors to open with a knife, 1 safe and 5 optional conversations .

The woods

  • Artifact: After using a wooden structure to get to a building, you will be in Bill’s town. Keep going and enter the building to the right to find an artifact on the upper floor.
  • Door to open with a knife: once you go outside, you will find on the left a door to open with a knife
  • Optional Conversation: When Ellie opens the gate, go to the opposite structure and wait for the protagonist to talk about the arcade
  • Safe: As you continue down the street, you will see a pickup truck on the right with a safe next to it. The code is: 05-17-21
  • Pendant of Lights: still on the same road you will find a camper, go up to find the pendant
  • Artifact: From the camper, continue and go to the end of the road until you find a fence, which contains the code for the safe
  • Artifact: Next to the camper is the Marquis Music Store enter and you will find an artifact on one of the turntables
  • Door to open with a knife: behind the music store there is a clicker that will activate a bomb, behind the building you will find a door
  • Artifact: Climb and you will arrive on the roofs, go back to the street level go in the corridor on the left, there will be a runner, upstairs there will be a note


  • Artifact: Once you get to Bill’s house, you will find this artifact will be next to you
  • Artifact: Turn your back and you will find a door, enter it to get the artifact
  • Optional conversation: interact with chess to get the conversation going
  • Training manual: found at the end of the bar, next to Bill
  • Artifact: Head upstairs and continue into the room behind the stairs to find a note on the table
  • Pendant of Lights: Once outside, you will encounter a series of clickers and runners. After fighting with them, you will find a pendant attached to a chandelier


  • Work Tool: In the room on the left when you get to Bill’s armory you will find a tool
  • Work table: you will find it behind the armory
  • Artifact: Go upstairs to the church and enter Bill’s room, which is on the right
  • Pendant of Lights: After passing the graveyard, there will be more clickers and other runners. In the first house on the right you will find a pendant in the bathroom
  • Artifact: When you have reached a garden of a house with a swimming pool, enter and go up to the children’s room to find an artifact
  • Optional conversation: in the same house as the artifact, stay there until Ellie asks you something, be sure to talk to her before continuing

Escape from high school

  • Optional Conversation: After escaping from high school, you will go to another house. After the cutscene, wait for Ellie until you can talk to her
  • Artifact: Go to the room opposite where you are to find a note on the table
  • Optional conversation: Go back to Bill and give him the note you found
  • Artifact: When you’re done talking to Bill, pick up the note again
The Last of Us Part 1 comparison


In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find: 17 artifacts, 3 lights pendants, 3 comics, 4 training manuals, 3 work tables, 1 work tool, 4 doors to open with a knife, 1 safe, 10 optional conversations, 4 jokes

Alone and forgotten

  • Artifact: It is automatically in the inventory at the beginning of the chapter
  • Optional Conversation: After defeating the hunters, go to the garage and talk to Ellie while near the pile of clothes
  • Tool for work: it is on the bench next to you
  • Artifact: It’s on the metal cage behind you
  • Training Manual: Go upstairs and then go to the side room to find him on a mattress
  • Artifact: Go to the back room to find a map on the wall
  • Work table: it is in the same room
  • Comic: Once on the highway, go to the bus in front of you to find the comic
  • Optional Conversation: Continue on the freeway and go near an abandoned car, Ellie will overtake you and start a conversation
  • Jokes: After killing the hunters, wait in front of the bus but don’t get on it. After a couple of minutes, Ellie will get her joke book out of her. Interact with her
  • Optional conversation: Climb the bus and you will see graffiti on the wall. Wait for Ellie to start the conversation
  • Artifact: Jump on the sandbags to find an artifact behind you
  • Artifact: Once inside the checkpoint, go through the gate and go straight until you can turn right
  • Pendant of Lights: Go back to the checkpoint area and go to the corridor next to the bookstore, inside a cabinet there will be a pendant
  • Joke: After killing all the hunters inside the bookstore, wait a couple of minutes for Ellie to take out the joke booklet, then interact with her right after.
  • Artifact: In the corner of the bookstore, near the stairs at the entrance, you will find an artifact on a shelf
  • Artifact: Follow the wall of the shop and enter the kitchen, you will find an artifact on a drawer
  • Door to open with knife: Go upstairs to the bar area and you will find a door to the area with the beds
  • Optional Conversation: After leaving the bookstore and seeing the cutscene with the hunters, turn around and walk to the photo of the lady in the shop opposite, then wait for Ellie
  • Joke: Once the conversation is complete, wait a couple of minutes for Ellie to take out the book and then listen.
  • Door to open with knife: from the taxi where you started, go left until you find yourself in front of the door
  • Artifact: After opening the door, you will find the artifact on the chair
  • Artifact: Swim to the open truck overlooking the coffee shop and head upstairs to find the artifact on a bench

Hotel lobby

  • Optional Conversation: Once inside the hotel, go left to the bar and interact with the coffee machine
  • Artifact: use the ladder to go up to the balcony then go through the destroyed part to reach the artifact, which is a code for a safe
  • Safe: Go back down and go to the reception desk, you will find a room with a safe. The code is 22-10-56
  • Training manual: it is inside the safe
  • Joke: After finding the three aforementioned collectibles, go back up the ladder and wait for Ellie to tell you the jokes
  • Optional Conversation: Once upstairs, you will meet other hunters, take them all out and then go down until you see the “SJTP” graffiti on the wall, go right and reach room 304. Enter and go through the broken wall to find some bodies. in the bathtub, wait for Ellie and then interact with her
  • Artifact: Go to the basement of the hotel and then head upstairs to the generator. Go into the corridor behind you. Go inside the security room and find the hotel card, it is part of the plot
  • Work table: Once you have escaped from the basement, you will find a room to your right, enter to find the work table
  • Comic: When you are back with Ellie, go up the ladder and go to the opposite side of the balcony, you will find the comic next to a coffee table
  • Pendant of Lights: continue until you fall down some broken stairs, on your left there will be some toilets, enter the one for women, you will find the pendant in the corner
  • Training manual: you can find it on a table, at the end of the corridor
  • Optional conversation: keep going to the dining room, at some point you will reach a corner. Wait for Ellie and then interact with her three times

Financial district

  • Optional Conversation: After defeating some hunters, go near one of the dead bodies hanging from the trees and interact with each other. Sometimes the interaction key may not come out, restart the game or the console to make it appear
  • Artifact: Going back in the area you will find the Don Fiocchi Sandwiches shop, enter and approach the freezer area in the back to find a known
    Work table: go to the garage area and then climb an area full of debris. The table is as soon as you finish climbing, on the right
  • Artifact: Immediately after the cutscene, go upstairs to the Bank of Meridian where you will find two hunters. Go to the office to find an artifact in the corner
  • Artifact: In the area immediately after the two hunters, you will find a building on the right. Enter and go up to the first floor and then go behind the desk with the water can to find it on the ground
  • Artifact: Inside the Ration Depot at the end of the street, on the right you will find the artifact
  • Door to open with knife: Go to the back of the Ration Depot and you will find the door
  • Optional Conversation: After Ellie helps you climb a wall, she will go to the gate of the Military Prepatory School, walk over to her and then interact
  • Optional Conversation: Turn around and then go to the Dawn of the Wolf Part 2 parking lot, then wait for Ellie

Escape from the city

  • Training Manual: After the cutscene inside the apartment, go to the kitchen to find it on a shelf
  • Door to open with knife: go down and find room 201
  • Comic: Enter room 201 to find a comic behind the bed
  • Pendant of Lights: After handling the situation with some hunters, climb to the new building and go to the restrooms that you will find on the left. The pendant will be on one of the toilets. Warning: do this before talking to Henry, otherwise you will lose him
  • Artifact: Go to Henry who is holding the door open and continue to the next office to find the note on the floor in the corner.

The suburbs

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find: 10 artifacts, 4 lights pendants, 2 comics, 2 training manuals, 1 work table, 1 work tool, 1 safe, 3 optional conversations, 1 joke.


  • Comic: Go ahead until you are in front of the boat, enter the cabin to find the comic
  • Artifact: on a boat seat
  • Pendant of Lights: Throw yourself out of the hole in the center of the boat and you will find the pendant on the ground
  • Pendant of Lights: Once inside the sewers, climb the drain to your right and you will see a corpse with a pendant.
  • Artifact: Once at the crossroads, follow Ellie to the right and open the fan so that the protagonist can enter the room and unlock the gate that stands between you and the note on the table
  • Pendant of Lights: Continue to the water room, the pendant will be at the base of a sunken car
  • Artifact: After swimming under the gate, climb and go through a door, after taking out the two clickers you will find the artifact next to a sleeping bag
  • Work tool: once you are in a warehouse, on the left, you will find a work tool
  • Training Manual: After setting off a noisy trap, continue on to find the manual on a metal shelf
  • Artifact: encounter a series of clickers and runners, in a room to your right there will be the artifact
  • Artifact: keep moving forward to find another door on the left with a series of shelves, enter and you will find the note on the ground, next to some corpses
  • Artifact: Once you reach an area with a series of clickers and stalkers, go to the classroom at the bottom of the area to find an artifact near the board


  • Artifact: Enter the first building on the right and go upstairs to a bedroom, which will be on some shelves
  • Required for joke: Once you reach the house with the road curving, enter the hole in the house and then listen to Henry’s story
  • Optional Conversation: When you are outside the house, turn the corner and interact with Henry
  • Optional Conversation: Go to the ice cream truck, wait for Sam and Ellie to start the conversation
  • Required for the joke: continue down that street and reach the two dogs, you will see two graffiti of the lights, Henry will speak
  • Joke: After having conversations, wait for Ellie to bring out the book for the joke
    Work table: Go back to the ice cream truck and enter the garage of a red building to find the table
  • Artifact: From the garage, go up to the bedrooms to find a note
  • Training manual: once you exit the room, interact with the door at the top that leads to the ceiling and then help Ellie up, she will take the manual for you
  • Optional Conversation: Enter the white house, it is next to the red one and then wait for everyone to be inside. Then go up and down, you will find the two kids playing arrows, once they are done you can take the darts. It will count as a conversation
  • Artifact: In the same house, go to the first bedroom
  • Safe: located in the same room. The code is 08-21-36
  • Comic: On the same level as the safe, check the table in the second bedroom
  • Artifact: go upstairs, it is to the right of the stairs
  • Pendant of Lights: Exit the white house and go down the same street you came from. Go into the garden towards the end of the road and just before the Lights graffiti, there are trees, one of them will have a pendant, shoot to make it fall

Tommy Dam

In this chapter of The last of Us Part 1 you will find: 2 artifacts, 2 lights pendants, 2 comics, 1 training manual, 1 work table, 1 door to open with a knife, 4 optional conversations.

Hydroelectric dam

  • Comic: once you reach the river, before you get under the bridge you will find a car, inside there is the comic
  • Door to open with a knife: once you reach the hydroelectric dam, the door will be in front of you, once you go up the stairs
  • Optional Conversation: After crossing the dam, you will find a tombstone on the left, next to the river
  • Artifact: Keep going until you reach the bulldozer, pass it and reach the office. Inside there will be a map
  • Optional Conversation: Once through the gate, approach the horses and interact with Ellie
  • Optional conversation: while you follow Tommy, he will go to get something in a bag, interact with him while he does
  • Optional Conversation: After climbing to the top of the dam, go right and talk to the lady on watch
  • Training Manual: Once you enter the building from the other side, it will be a locker on the ground
  • Work table: it is to the right of the manual
  • Pendant of Lights: Go downstairs and enter the room to the right to find this pendant on the ground, between two cars
  • Artifact: After the hunters attack, go back to the room where the work table is and you can now pick up the artifact on the table

House on the ranch

  • Pendant of Lights: Once you reach the house, enter the room at the far right to find the pendant on a cabin
  • Comic: Go upstairs and you’ll find the comic near a window

The University

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find: 9 artifacts, 5 lights pendants, 1 comic, 2 training manuals, 2 work tables, 1 work tool, 1 door to open with a knife, 3 optional conversations

Come on Big Horns

  • Comic: As soon as the chapter begins, go to the other side of the street, where there will be an SUV with the comic in it
  • Work table: it is in the same room as the flamethrower
  • Artifact: Head upstairs and out the balcony to find the artifact in the corner
  • Optional Conversation: Find the mascot on the wall for a conversation
  • Pendant of Lights: Go upstairs and turn right to find a dead end full of trees, the tree on the right will have a pendant, shoot to get it
  • Artifact: When separated from Ellie, walk to the locked gate to get a note
  • Pendant of Lights: Keep moving forward towards the open gate until you reach the barbed wire. Turn right and climb the window to find a pendant on the table
  • Training Manual: Jump over the barbed wire and look for broken windows where you can enter. Go up the stairs from the balcony, then enter the building from the next window and you will find the manual on the table
  • Optional conversation: once you have passed the area there will be the Lights logo, approach to start the conversation
  • Artifact: You will have to leave Ellie and the horse again to open another gate. Enter the dorm to find the artifact on the table in front of you
  • Artifact: Go upstairs and enter room 200-B to find an artifact in a drawer on the table
  • Pendant of Lights: Once you drop down, you’ll fight clickers and bloaters. The pendant will be a bloater drop, so you’ll have to deal with it
  • Artifact: After going back upstairs, go to room 205-B and find the mini fridge
  • Pendant of Lights: As you approach the science department, there will be a series of curtains, in the last one there will be a pendant on the table

Science department

  • Work table: Once you have climbed the science department, go to the room on the left
  • Door to be opened with a knife: at the end of the corridor, in the reading area there will be the door
  • Training manual: inside the reading area there will be a table on the right
  • Work tools: in the same room, but on the table on the left
  • Optional Conversation: Move on to the next floor and there will be notes you can interact with
  • Artifact: Once you reach the next floor, go to the far left room to find it
  • Artifact: Go to the area with the curtains and go left to get the artifact on the bench
  • Artifact: Enter the biology lab and get the artifact that is on one of the tables
  • Pendant of Lights: It is in the corner of the next room, next to the fridge
  • Artifact: It is automatically in the inventory after the cutscene
The Last of Us Part 1 box art

Resort near the lake

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find 10 artifacts, 2 lights pendants, 2 comics, 1 training manual, 1 door to open with a knife, 1 optional conversation.


  • Artifact: At the beginning of the chapter you will have a series of artifacts, which are from number 66 to 73
  • Comic: When you can find the deer in the building, go to the room on the left to find the comic in a desk drawer
  • Pendant of Lights: After being helped by David, go around the room and fight the clicker, then continue into the next room to find the pendant.
  • Optional conversation: In the final room of the building, full of weapons, go up the stairs and interact with the corpse


  • Pendant of Lights: After the horse section, go outside the first building and enter the gazebo to find the pendant
  • Comic: Once you get past the hunters, you’ll need to crawl into a pipe. Once you cross it, you will have to turn around and approach a ladder to find a comic
  • Artifact: When you regain control of Joel, he will automatically be in the inventory
  • Door to open with knife: in the snow storm, you will have to cross the street to find a motel, enter and there will be the door
  • Training manual: inside the open door with the knife there will be a box
  • Artifact: After entering a room with the door open and taking Ellie’s backpack, the artifact will be on a shelf on the right

Bus depot

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find 4 artifacts, 3 lights pendants, 2 comics, 1 training manual, 2 work tables, 1 work tools, 1 door to open with a knife, 6 optional conversations.

Highway exit

  • Optional Conversation: At the beginning of the chapter, Joel will talk to Ellie and he will ask her something, which will start the conversation
  • Artifact: Enter the RV to find the artifact in the sink
  • Optional conversation: Approach the corpses near the RV, then go outside. Ellie will be waiting for you next to the bus with another conversation
  • Pendant of Lights: Continue and go down the ramp until you pass the school bus, go back to find the pendant near the orange cones.
  • Artifact: Once you arrive at Logan James Bus Station, go inside and look for an open suitcase at the back for the note
  • Optional conversation: you will find Ellie sitting on a bench, talk to her
  • Optional Conversation: After climbing the ladder, follow Ellie into the room with the giraffe and interact
  • Optional Conversation: On the roof, Ellie will lean on the edge, talk to her for the conversation
  • Comic: Go down to the bus station and there will be toilets, enter to find the comic
  • Work tools: once you leave the bus station, you will be in front of some medical tents, enter the large tent to find the tools
  • Pendant of Lights: Past the curtains, look left to see the fence. The pendant will be hanging on the lights, shoot it to get it
  • Work Table: Go right and enter the other tent, with the work table inside
  • Artifact: You will find it on the opposite side of the work table
  • Optional Conversation and Artifact: Continue to the bus and Ellie will come over to talk. After talking to her, accept her gift, which will be the artifact

Underground tunnel

  • Pendants of Lights: After passing the bus, another bus will pass that will take you to a tunnel. You will find it at the end of the bus, on the ground
  • Training Manual: Inside the tunnel there will be a series of clickers and bloaters, with a tunnel to the side. Once you exit there will be a truck, get on it to find the manual
  • Comic: Keep going until you have to drop a ladder to help Ellie from a truck, from there keep going to the fans and get the comic
  • Work table: Ellie will help you open the gate, once you pass you will find a table
    Door to open with a knife: once you pass the door, look to the right

Laboratory of Lights

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find 4 artifacts, 1 pendant of the Lights, 1 door to be opened with a knife


  • Artifact: reach the sixth floor, you will find a reception with the artifact
  • Artifact: Turn around and enter the room behind you for this recorder
  • Door to open with a knife: behind the reception table there will be a door
  • Pendant of Lights: once through the door there will be the pendant
  • Artifact: Go to the next door and enter the green medca tent, the artifact is on the bench
  • Artifact: Once you have passed the umpteenth wave of Lights you will enter the pediatrics ward. Enter room 608 and look to the right for the tape recorder on the table

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 there will only be 1 comic .


  • Comic: Go through the fence and go right, go through the trees and you will find the comic inside a car

Left Behind 

Back in a Flash

  • Artifact: Once you enter Weston’s Pharmacy, take the note on the floor behind the cashier
  • Artifacts (Pair): Go back and open the American Princess next to the pharmacy. Then go back again and interact with the corpses to get a key and then take the note that will drop
  • Artifact: As you proceed to the military helicopter, you will have to crawl into the building and enter the Rarity Nail Salon. Walk around and reach the corner to get the note from a corpse

Mall mice

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find 2 artifacts and 12 optional conversations.

  • Artifact: Follow Riley upstairs and crawl until you reach a door. The artifact is on a table
  • Optional Conversation: Keep climbing until you reach a new room and then reach a bedroom and interact with the Lights logo
  • Optional Conversation: When you enter the mall, go down the escalators and turn around. Walk to the Hawaii poster and interact
  • Optional Conversation: Continue to the escalators for a conversation near the Typhoon Blitz sign
  • Optional Conversation: Get off the second elevator and Riley will be waiting for you with a conversation
  • Optional Conversation: Go back inside the tent and interact with the objects in the back
  • Optional Conversation: After accepting or declining the drink, walk out of the tent and interact with the horse on the bench
  • Optional conversation: Once inside the halloween themed shop, go back and turn right until you find a jar
  • Optional Conversation: Follow Riley until she puts on the vampire mask, then talk to her
  • Optional Conversation: Find the witch mask and put it on, then talk to Riley
  • Optional Conversation: Find the Triple Phoenix Mask and use it for another conversation
  • Optional Conversation: Interact with the skeleton from Skeleseer in the corner for a conversation.
  • Keep interacting with the skeleton until you finish the conversation
  • Optional Conversation: After leaving the halloween shop, Riley will challenge you to a brick challenge and you must win
  • Artifact: Go downstairs and then go into the room on the left to find the note on a bench

So close

  • Artifact: At the beginning of the chapter, go right for the note
  • Artifact: Once underground, go to the generator to find the note nearby
  • Artifact: After returning to the first gate, go to the escalator and turn left to the recorder on the mattress
  • Artifact: You will get it automatically after entering the military helicopter

Fun and games

In this chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 you will find 2 artifacts, 2 optional conversations and 1 joke

  • Optional Conversation and Artifact: At the beginning of the chapter go to the carousel and interact with the conversation, then Riley will give you the artifact
  • Joke: soon after it will be possible to tell the joke, finish them all
  • Optional Conversation: After arriving under the escalators, complete the interaction
  • Artifact: Next to the Fast Burger carousel, enter and go to the kitchen to find the note on a bench

The enemy of my enemy

  • Artifact: At the beginning of the chapter there will be an open door to your right and you will find an artifact next to the corpse
  • Artifact: After the first fight with the hunters, follow the road and enter the fan, on the left there will be a corpse to interact with

And here are all the collectibles featured in The Last of Us Part 1 . Good hunting!

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