March 29, 2025


Deltarune is a Video Game that stands out among many other things for the continued use of anagrams , which arouses lots of Theories due to the curious words that we can create (some too suspicious) both with the name of the game itself and with the names of some characters.


An anagram is when you take a word and with its same letters you create another totally different one but with its letters in a different order.

For example:

  • Nacer is an anagram of meat.
  • Pecados is an anagram of fish.

If you want to find anagrams here you have an automatic generator , that’s how I am from the original, I had to use a generator.


These are some of the Anagrams that appear in Deltarune:


This is the most recognizable anagram in Deltarune, the one we’ve probably all seen when we first saw the name of Toby Fox ‘s new project .

It was easy to see especially if you came from Undertale, where Toby already used anagrams like these:

  • Asgore Dreemurr : Which is an anagram of Sage or Murderer , an anagram that explains the great moral dilemma that this character presents. By the way, I recommend you read my theory about the curse of the Dreemurr surname and why Toriel and Asgore always separate, here it is .
  • Alphys : An anagram of Shy Pal meaning “shy fellow”, perfectly describes Alphys.
  • Deltarune : Deltarune already appeared in Undertale, this is the name of the symbol that Toriel wears on her dress.

I like how with only the name we already have clues to understand that Undertale and Deltarune are connected despite not being an Undertale 2.


This is quite curious since it is almost almost an anagram of Frisk , only the F would be missing to complete it.

This can mean several things, on the one hand we could say that Kris is a kind of “Frisk” but incomplete. I wonder what exactly it is that makes Kris still not whole.

Could it be perhaps the lack of his beloved brother Asriel? Maybe his brother is what he needs to be a complete Frisk, who knows. It could also be Susie, with whom he develops a very good relationship in the adventure, or perhaps something much deeper.

On the other hand, Kris itself is an anagram of Risk, which means “Risk”, something that makes a lot of sense if you have seen the end of the Deltarune demo since it is evident that Kris represents a great danger to the world of Deltarune. It looks like Chara has something to do with it, I’m dying to see how the story goes.


Susie is an anagram of Issue , which means “Problem.” Again this anagram gives a lot to talk about.

Susie herself already shows a somewhat problematic attitude despite the fact that in the end she proves to be very nice , something that already has to do with the anagram. But I would say that the shots are more towards that feeling that she has of considering herself as a problem to everyone around her because of her somewhat intimidating attitude of hers.

With that attitude it is true that it is easy for others to be afraid of you. However, Susie is a lot of “gaping” and little of “doing”, if you look at the end she never really harms anyone. Well, maybe a little to some monster from the dark world…


And to finish with the main trio, Ralsei is an anagram of Asriel , the brother that Kris misses so much and our favorite rainbow goat in Undertale.

It is almost certain that Ralsei is Asriel, but that is a topic that I have already covered in a full post, here is a link:

Ralsei is Asriel?

I love how Toby Fox using these anagrams gives us clues about certain characters, almost describing part of their personality or possible relationships with others. For this type of thing, and many others, is why I love his games, that originality and that humor of his that always catches you off guard, it’s fantastic.

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