March 28, 2025


With the appearance of the Chasm in Genshin Impact they bring us another World Boss to this game; his name is Serpent of the Ruins and he is a boss that has a very high mobility and his way of attacking is most curious.

To be able to defeat it more easily we will need the help of a gadget that we will obtain by doing the main chain of missions of the Chasm, this will allow us to immobilize the Serpent of the Ruins for a short period of time and will also allow us to stop its most powerful attack.

In this case, it is not mandatory to do a specific mission to unlock this boss, we simply have to enter the Chasm and look for it. However, it is highly recommended to follow the chain of missions that Zhichiong will give us to make it easier for us to find her.


It is a very curious boss, since it is the first time in all of Genshin Impact in which we will need a specific gadget to facilitate the battle against this boss (in general, the battle revolves a lot around this). It is something that can be a bit heavy because we generally prefer to carry other more useful things in our inventory, such as the Seedbed or a Treasure Seeker Compass.

Well, as soon as the fight against this enemy begins, it will submerge into the ground and then come to the surface creating four Muddy Protuberances in the cardinal points of the field, these protuberances create a mud that when we stand on it we will lose life while we are on it, we will lose the charges of the Light Channeler and we will also lose some movement speed.

In principle, this mud is not a big problem to face the Serpent, since being at the ends of the field it will not hinder us much. However, it will be highly recommended to remove the bumps because this will make the Ruins Serpent remain motionless for a few seconds from time to time and will also allow us to stop its most powerful attack.

And generally this is the entire fight against this boss, it only consists of this phase that will repeat it over and over again until we manage to exhaust its life and it will intersperse it with its set of attacks. Be careful, it is not essential to carry the Light Channeler to defeat him, but it is highly recommended and will facilitate the encounter.

As for characters, I recommend taking as Main DPS those who deal damage in the area or at a certain distance such as Yanfei , Yoimiya , Ninguang . In this way it will take less time to finish her off and she will dodge us less.

It is very key to have at least one Geo character or use a Claymore; we will need to recharge the Light Channeler and for this a golden stone will sprout that will give us three charges when broken (if we do not have a character that meets these conditions, it will take a long time to break it).

Movement speed can also be quite useful to finish this fight with greater speed and efficiency, which makes Yun Jin and Ayato two excellent candidates.

Since all the combat will take place in the midfield, passive damage dealers like Yae Miko with her Kitsune Cherry Trees, Xingchiu ‘s ultimate pursuit swords, and Ultimate Abilities with a long duration on the field and a tremendous area such as Ganyu and Ayato’s.

This boss doesn’t deal much damage (except with a certain attack) so you can bring the typical Healer like Diona , Kokomi , Bennett or Sayu or someone who generates a shield like Noelle , Zhongli or Thoma .


These are all the attacks that the Ruins Serpent can perform:

  • Mechanical Roll : Supports his body on the ground surface to execute a rotating attack at a 90 degree angle, make sure to back away a bit when you see him perform this move.
  • Shattering Vortex : The Serpent of the Ruins will submerge into the ground creating a large vortex that will drag us to the center of it, doing physical damage in an area, to escape from this we just have to run in a straight line in any direction.
  • Serpentine Rush : An attack very similar to the one the Golden Stalker King has ; supports his body in the field and tries to attack us imitating the movement that snakes make when moving.
  • Emerging Darkness : Very often, when coming out of the ground, it will create four Muddy Protrusions that we must destroy with the Light Channeler, if we destroy them quickly when the game tells us to destroy said protuberances, the Ruins Serpent will remain immobile for a few seconds ( moment in which we must hit him with everything).
  • Rain of Particles : If we don’t destroy the Muddy Lumps in time, the Ruins Serpent will start to accumulate energy and shoot a large number of particles that will seek us out until they hit us (this is the only attack that you should really worry about in terms of damage ).
  • Stinging Stinger : Upon emerging from the ground the Ruins Serpent will sometimes make a lunge, impacting its stinger against the field; It is very easy to dodge because this attack has very little range so it will not be a problem for you.

Perhaps the first time we do it it can be a bit shocking and it is true that it has a lot of mobility, but on the other hand it is very easy to defeat and once we get used to it and understand its set of attacks it will be very easy for us to defeat.


  • The Serpent Biting its Tail : Destroy a Muddy Lump to paralyze the Ruins Serpent while it absorbs energy; To do this we simply have to use the Light Channeler to destroy a protuberance when we see that the snake is about to absorb energy to perform its most powerful attack.


These are the possible rewards for defeating the Serpent of the Ruins:

  • 200 points of Adventure Rank, Mora, Friendship Points… Wow, as usual.
  • Prithiva Topaz : They are Geo character ascension materials.
  • Rune Fang : Yelan ‘s ascension material .
  • Blue/Purple Artifacts : Berserker, Instructor, Ritual of Enlightenment, and Adventurer.
  • Purple/Legendary Artifacts : Gladiator’s End and Wanderer’s Orchestra .

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