Today we bring you the first farming route for typical Sumeru ascension materials and this time we are going to talk about the Nilotpala Lotus in Genshin Impact .
The Nilotpala Lotus is a flower of considerable size with bluish petals, this flower grows only on aquatic surfaces and that is why it will be very easy for us to detect them and not be overlooked when harvesting them.
We will only find 60 units of Nilotpala Lotos in all of Sumeru and these are widely scattered among various areas, which will make it a complicated route both due to scarcity and the number of times we will have to travel.
Another little piece of advice is that you do the route at night, since during the day its petals close and do not attract so much attention; That said, let’s see their uses and the best points to collect them.
The Nilotpala Lotus is used as ascension material for the following characters:
- Tignari .
These lotuses will also serve us to create Dendroculus Resonance Rocks in case we need help locating any of them, to make this object we will need:
- 5 Nilotpala lotuses.
- 5 Rukkashava Mushrooms.
- 1 Piece of Crystal.
- 500 Blackberries.
In Sumeru there are a large number of aquatic areas and since this is the medium in which they grow, we will find these lotuses scattered throughout various areas of Sumeru.

Near the mouth of a waterfall near the Chinvat Gorge we will find up to a total of 9 Nilotpala Lotus specimens, it is a good place to collect them because they are very close to each other and we have a teleportation point next to it.
In addition, this site will not be lost, since the main story of Sumeru will take us to this place precisely to collect said lotuses. The first time we come here in story mode, the lotuses will come out closer together and in less quantity, but at the end of this part of the story, the lotuses will come out normally in the location marked by the map that we have left you.

This place is the place where we can find the largest number of Nilotpala Lotuses, we can go from the City of Sumeru itself or descend through the Fungal Cave until we reach the river.
To follow this route, it is best to start from the left side and after taking all the lotuses in this area, go down the waterfall on the right to collect the remaining specimens.

In the surroundings of the Alcazarzara Palace we can find a few other lotus units; The most comfortable thing for this part is to teleport to the point of the Fungal Cave and start the route from the left until you reach the palace on the right (because if we do it the other way around we will have to climb).

In this area we can teleport to a Statue of the Seven that is nearby and plan until we reach this area; In the Devantaka Mountain we can find a few units together and by the way we have a fishing area next to these.

Another of the points that may be worthwhile would be the surroundings of the river that crosses the Viamara Village (which we can also access from the same statue as the previous point).
Above all we will be interested in the lowest part of the river in which we can find up to 8 specimens very close to each other. I know that it may seem like a small thing and a somewhat heavy route, but it is not that there are many units of this ascension material and we have to take advantage of what little there is.