October 5, 2024
League of Legends: The strongest champions of patch 12.16

League of Legends: The strongest champions of patch 12.16

League of Legends update 12.16 brought the long-awaited remake of Udyr, but that wasn’t the only news. The patch also served to shape the lolzinho for the world championship, which is almost here.

TecMasters , of course, has been playing for the last few days and decided to analyze the stats to see who is stronger. The list, by the way, is a little different from the last ones and, although the suggestions are good, we are not responsible for feeds in the fields of justice.

Next, check out which are the strongest champions of League of Legends update 12.16 !

best top laners

League of Legends patch 12.16 didn’t change many items, but the trend of tank champions making a difference continues. So these toughest dolls currently have the best win rates.


Shen has a win rate of approximately 52.90% of games, and he is even dispensing with the use of teleport to take a “fire”. In runes, as usual, the Undead Grasp remains the best choice, both for dealing damage and gaining more health.

Shen (top) - League of Legends

In items, Shen has some options not as traditional as in the old days of League of Legends. The mythical item should be the “Gauntlet of the Ice Ray” and items to gain armor or magic resistance depending on the opposing composition. However, a “Titanic Hydra” and a “Demonic Embrace” are great options for hitting opponents.


Currently, Mordekaiser is one of the champions that has fared better in the top lane when considering his pick rate. Being good for picking fights early, the right rune choice is “Conqueror”.

Mordekaiser (top) - League of Legends

Despite being tanky during the match, the first few items are more bruiser. The suggestion is to start with “Criafendas” and “Demonic Embrace. From there, it’s worth thinking about whether you need more damage or items to tank in TFs.


Sejuani has been a big part of the competitive scene and their numbers have improved considerably at SoloQ since then. The champion, at the top, has been using the “Grip of the Undead” rune in conjunction with the “Future Market”, as her early game is not always easy.

Sejuani (top) - League of Legends

In itemization, a little different from Shen, Sejuani only focuses on being tanky. So, start with the “Gauntlet of Ice Ray” and adapt your build to gain more magic resistance or armor depending on the opposing composition.

best hunters

In the League of Legends jungle, the most successful champions taking into account pick rate are quite different from those that appeared in professional championships.


Since receiving a small buff, the famous scarecrow from lolzinho has returned to cause a lot in matches. With a win rate of 53.73%, the main rune for the hunter is “Electrocute”, as he wants to do a lot of damage.

In itemization, Fiddlesticks doesn’t skimp when it comes to “Ability Power”. So, start with a “Hextech Explobelt”, which will help in engages, and invest in “Rabadon” and “Staff of the Void”.


In a meta where tanks dominate, the League of Legends Troll will always be a good choice due to its ultimate. With the second highest win rate in lane, as well as other “melee” champions, Trundle players have been opting for the “Fatal Rhythm” rune.

Trundle (jungle) - League of Legends

The most used build for the beloved Troll starts with “Divine Ruptor” and “Sword of the Ruined King”. After that, Trundle can only have tank items, which will still do a lot of damage.

Master Yi

Despite having already weakened a little, the changes Riot Games made to Master Yi left the champion very strong and victorious. The main rune for the champion is “Rain of Blades”, which will help him to reset skills due to being able to do more auto attacks.

Master Yi (Jungle) - League of Legends

Something curious in the most successful builds is that Master Yi is not making a mythical item. So, the tip is to buy: Sword of the Ruined King, Guinsoo’s Blade of Fury and Dance of Death.

best mid laners

In mid lane, the situation has also changed when compared to other League of Legends patches. One of the champions, despite never getting really weak, may come as a surprise to many.


The great Noxian general has gotten pretty strong since his little rework, and while his pick rate has dropped a bit, the same doesn’t apply to his win rate, which has been growing. The main rune chosen by players has been “Conqueror”, which helps Swain to recover more lives during fights.

Swain (mid) - League of Legends

For items, Swain players have opted to make the champion more bruiser. A possible build is: Liandry’s Anguish, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Demonic Embrace, Morellonomicon, and Spirit Visage.


Vex has been suffering a lot with the durability patches, but Riot Games has reversed the situation well with recent buffs, which have left the grumpy little lolzinho very strong. As a good assassin, the best rune for Vex is “Electrocute”, which synergizes great with her combo.

Vex (mid) - League of Legends

In itemization, Vex mostly opts for damage items, which are made by other mages. So, start with “Luden’s Storm”, invest in a “Shadow Flame” and buy more Ability Power or Magic Penetration items, just in case you’re up against a lot of tanks.


Even without going through major changes, the terror of many middle players has seen their win rate and choice grow in this patch. Instead of the traditional “Electrocute”, the new successful choice for Zed players is the “First Strike” rune, which helps the champion get more gold when poking his shadow.

Zed (mid) - League of Legends

The build, however, remains practically the same as always, that is, of lethality items. The ideal is to start with the mythical item “Twilight of Drakthar” and then buy a “Youmuu’s Ghost Blade”. To complete the build, “Serylda’s Grudge” and “Black Cleaver” are great options.

best shooters

The tier list for the bot lane for ADCs hasn’t changed much. Some picks are tired of ranking in past patches, but as usual, there are other picks (not so conventional, it’s true) that have also performed well in Summoner’s Rift.


Since patch 12.13, Sivir has been one of the best ADC options. While the lethality build is no longer viable, scaling based on attack and critical speed has gone down very well for the champion, especially in the mid/late game of games.

The Fatal Rhythm primary rune follows by default.

Sivir (ADC) - League of Legends

Itemization has also been maintained in these latest patches. In practice, this means betting on Crackkiller, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, and Lord Dominik’s Memories.


Seraphine is not a marksman, but she is doing well when used as an APC. In League of Legends Bot Lane, the champion has a 53.53% win rate. She can do a lot of damage with the right build, but her healing kit and utility should never be disregarded.

No invention at the time of runes: bet on Sorcery and Inspiration.

Seraphine Runes - League of Legends

That said, take a pen and paper to write down the most used build: Liandry’s Anguish, Archangel’s Staff, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, and Rabadon’s Deathcap — of course.


Nothing new under the sun: the mouse is still very strong in the bot lane. With a solid mid game and high potential to melt the enemy team, the champion currently has a win rate of 51.90%.

The most used runes have been Determination and Sorcery.

Twitch Runes - League of Legends

Blade of the Ruined King is unanimous choice for first item. After that, bet on a Krakenslayer, Runaan’s Hurricane and Lord Dominik’s Souvenirs.

best supports

Believe it or not, new faces are appearing in League of Legends bot lanes. For a long time, “peel maguinhos” dominated the route. However, more tanky and even damage-focused supports started to show up in this 12.16 patch.


Taric is certainly the strongest supporter (with 55% winrate) of League of Legends patch 12.16. It is certain that the gameplay with the champion will not be the most aggressive. However, its peel and utility mechanisms benefit not only the ADC, but the team as a whole: full plate on the way to victory.

To tap into Taric’s full potential, it’s worth betting on a primary rune based on Glacial Enhancement and a secondary based on stamina.

Taric Runes - League of Legends

As for items, opt for the simple: Locket of the Iron Solari, Winter’s Approach, Frozen Heart and some magic resistance item if needed.


Amumu in the bot? Yes, Amumu no bot. While the champion is popularly known in the jungle, it has a 52.92% win rate in bot lane. Resistance, engage and ultimate to destroy a team fight are just some of the benefits of the sad mummy.

The most used runes for Amumu are very similar to Taric’s: utility and resistance.

Amumu Runes - League of Legends

The build is quite different. Unchanging Protection, Armor of Thorns, and Frozen Heart will make the champion tankier. But a good recommendation is to make a Zhonya Hourglass, so you don’t get burst when entering a fight.


Anyone who was missing damage supports can celebrate: Zyra is strong. Is she the toughest champion in the game? Not far. Is her skin exceptional? Not. But her high kill potential makes the character have a win rate of 52.81%.

To boost damage with the champion, opt for Dominate and Sorcery runes.

Zyra Runes - League of Legends

About the build, the preference has been for items like Liandry’s Anguish, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Morellonomicon and Rabadon’s legendary Deathcap.

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