February 23, 2025


Today I bring you another Elden Ring weapon analysis in which we will talk about a weapon that is very good for those who go to the Faith and Dexterity Build and who want a fast weapon with a good range, I am referring this time to the Winged Scythe .

That said, a fairly fast weapon, with a good range, physical and also sacred damage and with a scaling in my opinion it is not bad especially if we go to Faith and Dexterity, but the truth is that I think it could be a little better by improving a little plus Faith scaling (and since it has Ash of War of its own, we can’t put Holy affinity on it). The moveset also seems very interesting to me, but that already depends on the tastes of each one; and regarding his Ash of War, the truth is that it is a very interesting movement and therefore it is a weapon that I highly recommend if you go to Faith and Destreza.

Oh yes, I almost forgot about this, which on top of everything also applies Hemorrhage; nothing, awesome.


These are his stats:

  • Physical Damage level 1: 87.
  • Holy Damage level 1: 104.
  • Hemorrhage: 55.
  • Weight: 7.5.
  • Critical: 100.
  • Protections:
    • Physical: 30.
    • Magic 25.
    • Fire: 25.
    • Lightning: 25.
    • Holy: 55.
    • Stability: 30.
  • Attribute Scaling:
    • Faith 😀
    • Dexterity: d
    • Strength: e
  • Necessary Attributes:
    • Faith 24.
    • Force 16.
    • Skill 16.
  • Ash of War: Angel Wings.

As you can see, it has low physical damage but it more than makes up for it by the sacred damage it has  (the sum of the two is the key at the end) and as if that were not enough , it also applies Hemorrhage (and what else?). It has a very distributed scaling between several statistics, but as you can see what spreads the most is precisely Faith and Dexterity; which precisely tells us that it is a weapon for that type of builds and let’s see, well, it fits, it’s typical; a weapon that hits with holy and is fast, is the type of weapon that those types of builds tend to look for.

Having Own Ash (Angel Wings) is bad in the sense of not being able to put an Ash of War with Holy affinity to improve a little the scaling of Faith (which is what I would prefer to improve), but it is true that the movement that characterizes this ash is very good since we will make a great jump and then a slice of holy damage that is very interesting (in PvP it can be quite surprising) and that frankly hits very well if you hit it.

Its requirements are quite low, the only thing that is really a bit problematic will be 24 faith, but come on, it is not that much and you will quickly reach that amount of Faith in the type of Build already mentioned. Facing the Force, forget about it, just enough to meet requirements and that’s it; In any case, very late (when you have a lot of Faith and Dexterity) it would be worth putting some Arcane to improve the damage of the bleeding.

And let’s not forget the weight, which is not bad either. We can’t say it’s light, but I wouldn’t call it heavy either, we’re going for a medium weight. For me, it is from 10 when we can talk about a heavy weapon.

And the best thing, that we can get it practically at the beginning without major complications, which being what a good weapon it is, it’s very good. Let’s go now with its location.

By the way, if you’re looking for a pretty special weapon because it’s ridiculously fast, weighs 0 and also does 100% holy damage, take a look at the Encrypted Dandpatta . And if you are more of Strength and Faith, hit the Golden Halberd .


Necrohollow Cave

We can get the Winged Scythe right in the ruins that are to the left of the Necrohollow Cave (where we face Miranda the Withered Flower ), the Witch’s Bane Ruins . In case you don’t know what map this is, it’s the area called “Peninsula del Lallo”, which is the area south of Necrolimbo, past the big bridge where there are several enemies with a catapult and others.

There we will have to find the typical stairs down (note that there will be a couple of bad-tempered enemies inside) and we will find it in a chest.

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