The Slingshot is undoubtedly one of the best F2P bows in Genshin Impact despite being three stars. It has such an extremely good secondary stat and passive, which on multiple occasions ends up being a better option to equip than many other four-star bows at their maximum refinement.
This bow boosts the damage caused by Normal and Charged Attacks absurdly high, but these must take very little time to hit enemies, otherwise, we will suffer a penalty to our damage caused instead of a bonus.
The only flaw that this weapon has is that its Base Attack is extremely low and if we do not bring the bearer with a buffer that enhances their Attack, we can lose a lot of damage. However, this makes it a very good option for characters whose damage depends more on other stats such as Life or Elemental Mastery.
Let’s start with his statistics:
- Base Attack Level 1 : 38.
- Base Attack Level 90 : 354.
As for its Base Attack, we find one of the most unfortunate weapons, since the Slingshot is one of the three-star bows with the lowest Base Attack in the entire game, along with the Recurve Bow.
Its secondary attribute would be the following:
- Level 1 Critical Chance : 6.8%.
- Level 90 Critical Chance : 31.24%.
By promoting this sword to level 90, it will grant a +31.24% Critical Chance to its wielder . This is undoubtedly one of the strongest points of this bow, since the high rate that this bow has in said statistic even surpasses other five-star bows that also have Critical Chance per secondary statistic, as is the case with the Heavenly Wings.

Heavenly Wings
+22.1% Critical Chance and +20% Critical Damage. 60% chance to generate a hit that deals 125% Physical Damage when hitting an enemy, can be activated every 4 seconds.
His Passive Skill confers the following effect:
- R1 : If a Normal or Charged Attack hits an enemy within 0.3 seconds of being launched, the damage dealt will increase by 36%. If we take longer to hit, we will lose 10% damage.
- A5 : If a Normal or Charged Attack hits an enemy within 0.3 seconds of being launched, the damage dealt will increase by 60%. If we take longer to hit, we will lose 10% damage.
It doesn’t have much mystery, this bow greatly increases the damage of Normal and Charged Attacks as long as the arrow we shoot takes less than 0.3 seconds to hit the enemy. If we do not comply with this premise, we will suffer a detriment to our damage.
The only thing we have to do to solve this problem is to stay as close as possible to the enemies when shooting . This can be a problem for archers who execute a lot of Charge Attacks, since they can interrupt us if they hit us, but we can solve it by having a squire on the team.
We will look for a Main DPS whose main source of damage is its Normal or Charged Attacks and is not affected too much by the low Base Attack that this weapon has:

Due to the speed of his Charged Attacks that chase enemies, Tignari is one of the best character options when equipping this bow, since it will be very easy to activate the passive effects with it.
In your case, although your abilities scale based on your Attack, Elemental Mastery plays a more important role, so the low Base Attack of this weapon will not affect you as negatively as another character. Likewise, the passive’s damage increase makes up for her poor Base Attack quite a bit.
Fortunately, his Charged Attacks charge extremely quickly thanks to his Elemental Skill, which also distracts enemies and has a fairly low ToE, which will allow us to play at close range from enemies (and if we still have interruption problems , we can take characters like Baizhu on your team ).

YoimiyaHe is a character whose main source of damage is based fundamentally on his powerful Normal Attacks imbued with the Pyro Element through his Elemental Skill. If we take him with a character like Zhongli , we can play him close to enemies to take advantage of the passive of this arc. with its fast Normal Attacks.
Certainly, we will be affected a little by the low Base Attack that this bow has, but we can solve it a little by taking her with Bennett or Chevreuse . Furthermore, the passive damage for his Normal Attacks quite compensates for this problem and the high Critical Chance that the Slingshot grants will not hurt at all.