February 23, 2025


The Poisonous Desire is the first weapon they gave away during a limited event in Genshin Impact , it was possible to obtain it during the version 1.2 event called “The Prince of Limestone and the Dragon.”

This sword greatly benefits characters who have a long-lasting and/or very damaging Elemental Skill, while conferring a very abundant amount of Energy Recharge to help its wielder always have their Ultimate Skill recharged.

Therefore, it is usually more associated with characters who have the Support DPS role , although there are also some Main DPS that can take advantage of it. For one of the first free swords in the game, the truth is that it is not bad at all and there are several characters that can get a lot of use out of it.


Let’s start with his statistics:

  • Base Attack Level 1 : 42.
  • Base Attack Level 90 : 510.

As far as Base Attack is concerned, we find a sword that is within the average of the four-star swords in this area, as is the case of Kagotsurube Isshin , the Lion’s Roar , the Black Sword or the Royal Long Sword.

Let’s continue with its secondary attribute, which is what makes this sword shine:

  • Energy Recharge Level 1 : 10%.
  • Energy Recharge Level 90 : 45.94%.

Raising this sword to level 90 will grant 45.94% Energy Recharge to its wielder, a fairly high amount that will greatly facilitate its user’s ability to recharge their Ultimate Skill with greater ease.

His Passive Skill confers the following effect:

  • R1 : +16% damage to the Elemental Skill and +6% to the Critical Chance of said skill.
  • R5 : +32% damage to the Elemental Skill and +12% to the Critical Chance of said skill.

The best thing about this sword is undoubtedly its passive, since it greatly increases the damage of the Elemental Skill permanently and without any type of condition, so it will be a pretty good sword to equip on characters whose main source of damage is their Elemental Skill.

It also increases the Critical Chance of this skill a little, similar to what Capture does , but in the case of Poisonous Desire it only affects the Elemental Skill instead of the Ultimate Skill.


Mainly, we will look for characters who deal very high damage with their Elemental Skill, but it will also be relevant that they need a high amount of Energy Recharge in their builds :

Furina in Genshin Impact

This sword is undoubtedly one of the best options for Furina , since all aspects fit very well with her skill kit. On the one hand, it is great for us that it gives us so much Energy Recharge, because it will practically give us what we need to always have its Ultimate Skill ready, which is very important, due to the great damage buff it provides .

On the other hand, the passive increases the damage of your Elemental Skill, which will mean a very large damage increase for the attacks of the 3 members of the room while increasing your Critical Chance. Since this Elemental Skill is her main source of damage and lasts 30 seconds, it seems tailor-made for her.

Albedo in Genshin Impact

Al bedo is another of the characters who can best take advantage of this sword, since his Elemental Skill is his main source of damage and hits enemies that suffer damage within his area 1 time every 2 seconds. In addition, the duration of this ability is 30 seconds and a ToE of 4 seconds, so we can have it on the field permanently and relocate it if necessary.

Therefore, it fits perfectly with the Poisonous Desire passive that would increase the damage of this great ability and increase the possibility of generating critical hits with it. The bad part is that the secondary stat that gives us so much Energy Recharge is not necessary in Albedo at all, since this character needs a minimum Energy Recharge to always have the Ultimate Skill ready for him.

Despite all this, Albedo is still better off with another event sword called Cinnabar Spindle , which does give him a secondary stat that suits him better and his passive is designed specifically for him. But if we don’t have Cinnabar Spindle, Poisonous Desire is still a very good option for him.

Hydro Traveler in Genshin Impact

Surprisingly, this sword also fits quite well into the Hydro Traveler ‘s kit , since the main source of damage for this version of our character lies in his Elemental Skill, which fires many projectiles for several seconds. So this sword will be very useful for increasing the damage and Critical Chance of the most crucial part of his skill kit.

The amount of Energy Recharge that the Poisonous Wish gives him is also very convenient, since his Ultimate Skill has a fairly high Elemental Energy cost and it will be difficult for us to always have it ready if we do not invest enough in this parameter.

Other characters who take advantage of it:

  • Lynette : She has a fairly high Ultimate Skill cost, so it will be very good for us to increase her Energy Recharge, since her Ulti is very good at lowering the Elemental Resistances of enemies with Emerald Green Shadow for a long time . Her Elemental Skill does not have a bad percentage of damage either and she will be able to take advantage of the passive, but in a much lower ratio than other characters and weapons that give even more recharge are better suited to her, such as the Sword of Sacrifice or the Ford of the Ashen River .
  • Xingchiu : Although his main source of damage is his Ulti, his Elemental Skill can deal a lot of damage with a certain Constellation and when Vaporizing. The Energy Recharge will be very useful, but his best sword is undoubtedly the Sword of Sacrifice , which will allow us to always have the Ultimate Skill recharged.

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