The Flash in the Dark is a four-star sword from Genshin Impact that stands out for having a very high Base Attack, which even competes with that of some five-star weapons.
Additionally, it has an incredible passive that can greatly boost characters, as it directly increases the damage they deal. Of course, when the wielder of this sword is hit, he loses the damage increase for 5 seconds, so we have to be very careful with this.
Therefore, it will be a better idea to equip it to a character who has a Support DPS role and who spends little time on the field (since it will be very easy to maintain the effects of the passive this way), than to equip it to a Main DPS , since you will have a greater chance of receiving damage by spending more time active on the field.
Let’s start with his statistics:
- Base Attack Level 1 : 45.
- Base Attack Level 90 : 620.
The Base Attack of this sword is undoubtedly the highest among the four-star weapons in Genshin Impact, something quite surprising, since it surpasses other five-star swords in this parameter such as the Waving Moon of Futsu , the Heavenly Sharp Blade and the Oath of Freedom .
Its secondary attribute would be the following:
- Elemental Mastery Level 1 : 12 points.
- Elemental Mastery Level 90 : 53 points.
By having such a high Base Attack, unfortunately the secondary attribute falls quite short. Therefore, Flash in the Dark only gives us 53 points of Elemental Mastery at level 90.
His Passive Skill confers the following effect:
- R1 : +12% to the damage dealt by the wearer. When receiving damage, we will lose this effect for 5 seconds.
- R5 : +24% to the damage dealt by the wearer. When receiving damage, we will lose this effect for 5 seconds.
The truth is that it is a very good passive, since it directly increases the character’s general damage. The problem is that we can lose this bonus if we receive damage. Because of this, it will be best equipped to a character who spends little time in the field, so we will generally equip it to a Support DPS .
Something we can do if we want to equip this sword to a Main DPS is to have a shield bearer like Zhongli on the team , since as long as the bearer of this sword is protected by a shield, he will not lose the damage bonus.
Mainly we will be interested in equipping it to a character who could benefit from the high Base Attack of this sword, who generates a moderate amount of damage and needs to be active on the battlefield for a short time:

This sword is undoubtedly one of the best F2P options for Bennett , since his Ultimate Skill will increase the Attack of his companions based on their Base Attack and, the only way to do this, is by equipping him with a weapon that has a Base Attack as tall like that of this Flash in the Dark.
Additionally, if we manage to generate a Vaporized or Melted Elemental Reaction when casting Bennett’s Ultimate Skill, we can do a lot of damage thanks to the increased damage provided by this sword’s passive.

Jean He is a character who heals based on his Attack instead of his Life, so he will be able to take advantage of the very high Base Attack of this sword quite well. Elemental Mastery won’t hurt too much to increase the damage of his Whirlwinds either, although this is quite secondary for this character.
Since we’ll only be putting Jean on the battlefield to generate energy using her Elemental Skill and to heal the team with her Ultimate Skill, it will be very easy to maintain the damage increase provided by the Flash in the Dark passive.
And we must remember that for a Healer , Jean does a lot of damage with her skills, so it won’t hurt her to have this sword equipped to inflict a little more damage.
Other characters who take advantage of it:
- Kaeya : It is a pretty good weapon for him, since it will allow him to greatly increase the damage of his Ultimate Skill and this character does not spend much time in the field. The catch is that he would only take advantage of the Elemental Mastery portion on Melted teams, since Elemental Mastery is useless on Frozen teams.
- Xingchiu : This character spends very little time in the field and could take advantage of the passive very well to do more damage with his skills, but equally, it is still much more useful for us to carry the Sword of Sacrifice with him so that he always has his Ultimate Skill charged.