March 7, 2025


DEVOTION INCARNATE is the final boss of Blasphemous 2 and well, the truth is that something similar happens with this boss to what already happened in the first Blasphemous . I mean that once again we are faced with a final boss that is much weaker compared to the boss that precedes it (and that again looks like a Tool concept art ?).

This is something that happens in many games (I’m not referring to the secret op bosses on duty, I’m referring to bosses from the main story) and the truth is that I have never fully understood the reason why many times the final boss does not It is the most difficult boss to defeat nor is it the most epic. Why would this be? I understand that there must be some kind of logic behind this.

It doesn’t seem like a bad boss to me, but I don’t think it’s at the level of being the final boss of Blasphemous 2… although it’s also true that we still don’t know if the DLCs (if they intend to release them) will do anything with this. But hey, you are here for the guidance of this boss, not for me to tell you my stories (I guess), so nothing, let’s go there!


Its location does not have any type of mystery as long as you have followed the main story of the game and are not reading this even though you have not reached the final part (I suppose there will be “scrounger” people?). The case, you must first defeat Eviterno and after this you must interact with his inert body (in the same room) to begin the battle against Devotion Incarnate.


Below is the guide to defeat him. The battle is quite simple in terms of mechanics and so on, its “difficulty” (quite simple for the final boss) lies more in the fact that it has a lot of health and that its attacks cause a lot of damage despite the fact that most of them are relatively easy to avoid.


These are their attacks and the best way to respond to each of them. You will have to do the usual thing, between each attack of the boss you take the opportunity to hit him; In this case you have to hit the heart that he has in his hands.

  • Mystical Pillars : Attack that will create a pair of pillars that cause mystical damage if we touch them. Sometimes they will appear in the center (which is why it is not a good idea to be too close to the boss’s heart for a long time) and they will move outwards (we go to the side of the screen and cross the pillar with an aerial dash ) Sometimes it will be the other way around (we cross the pillar that appears on the side of the screen where Penitente is with an aerial dash and after this we prepare to do the same with the other pillar).
  • Holy Explosions : It will create a kind of row of yellow “shines” along the ground that will end up exploding one by one quickly after a short time. The idea is to wait a bit for them to start exploding and dodge the attack by double jumping and air dashing .
  • Platforms and Flames : Attack that he will do occasionally in which he will summon aerial platforms and cause the ground to be on fire, which will prevent us from using the ground while maintaining this mode. He maintains his attacks, only now we can only go from platform to platform to dodge, which makes things a little more difficult (not that much really).
  • Sacred Lotus : One of the most annoying attacks in your repertoire without a doubt, it will only do so when you have activated the “Platforms and Flames” mode. It will create 4 lotuses spread across the screen (they always appear in the same place) that will launch some rather annoying elemental balls, but luckily you can eliminate them if you hit them (each lotus will launch these balls independently). You have to hit the lotuses until they disappear (it is also very important to do it quickly because the balls bother more the more lotuses there are active) and you have to do it quickly since they regenerate after a while after you eliminate them (if you eliminate all 4 quickly you will not It will give none of them time to regenerate.) Additionally, while using this attack, the heart will be protected.
  • Holy Rain : Attack that will only be performed when you have reduced more or less 50% of its health (it does so just when the “Platforms and Flames” mode ends). Some kind of sacred projectiles will begin to rain from side to side of the screen that you will have to dodge using the aerial dash . In between dodging you can try to land the occasional hit, but your first priority should always be to not get hit.


Now a list of tips to make this battle easier if possible :

  • I recommend (for a change) that you use Verdict for his good damage, range, and his ease of generating more fervor through attacks. In any case, you can do it perfectly with any weapon you want.
  • Equip Rosary Beads that improve your elemental resistance and Mystic damage.
  • The combination of “Birth” Figures and “The Ecstatic Sound of Music” is very good since we will stop time a little when using the Flasks.
  • If the battle gets too complicated for you, which it shouldn’t, you can use the Chant of “Follow the Memory of Your Eyes” that can be obtained through this mission .


The reward will be a pat on the back, we don’t get anything per se by defeating this boss, we will simply see the end of the game and that’s it. By the way, here I explain how you can get the Good Ending in case you haven’t done so yet.

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