February 22, 2025


Silver speaking: First of all, thank Marz for this tremendous contribution, thank you very much! I leave you with him.

Experience is one of the most valued resources in Minecraft since it not only allows us to enchant our equipment or use the anvil; but in turn allows us to repair it from its wear as long as it has the Mending enchantment .

With this experience farm we can get the most out of these mechanics. Now we will show you how to build it quickly, without the need for mechanisms and with easily available materials.


This skin is best used with a sword enchanted with Razing Edge III.

The only bad point of the farm is that the Pearls of the End accumulate in heaps; creating a collection or destruction system would be considerably more complicated.


The first thing we need to know is that this farm is built in the END dimension, but at that point we’ll probably already have the repair enchantment.

Once we have killed the dragon, the first step is to go to one of the edges of the island and put a waterfall so that it is easier for us to build at the bottom of the world, at a height Y=0.

The second step is to create a path at that height of about 200 blocks or more in a straight line ; but beware! Keep in mind that it can’t be solid blocks like most because Endermans appear outside the farm. Instead we will use Crystal or Leaves, which are easier to get with Iron Scissors.

The farm is built at that distance to be the only valid place within the spawn sphere and is built at height 0 to take full advantage of the algorithm that works with the height map.

Farm Leaf Bridge

At the end of our leaf path we are going to put a block of Stone or any other solid material and expand it 5 blocks to the sides so that there is an 11×1 line. Only this space will give us the maximum number of enderman spawns: to make it more fluid in our case we have added 3 more rows to make an 11×4.

Experience Farm Alone Platform

To effectively use the third spawning mechanic used by Minecraft, the spawning pack, we must surround the stone platform with 5 non-solid blocks like leaves in each direction.

Complete Platform with Sheets


We will now go back 18 blocks to our block path, but be careful! Endermans will spawn behind you if you don’t light up the stone platform.

At that point we will make a staircase three blocks wide and going up three blocks, we will also have to copy this simple design with a slab and two rugs; the distance between the ladder and the slab is two blocks.

Endermans Farm Staircase

Now comes the part that I consider the most complicated, however, in the blink of an eye we will have the farm finished.

We’ll need to catch an Endermite in a minecart and drop it on top of the rugs we just put down. Remember that the Endermite must have a name so that it never disappears.

To do this we are going to use a temporary space made of any block and inside it we are going to throw end pearls on the ground. Once we get one to be generated, we are going to first name it with a label and then we are going to catch it in the cart; If it’s not done in that order, Minecraft won’t let us name it.

Endermite from the Experience Farm

In the photo above we have our purple hamburger ready to be placed on the rugs, in this case under the Crystal block that we will only have to break.


We are going to complete our farming area with tiles on the ceiling and on the floor for the player; and leaf blocks on the sides so the Endermans don’t fall off. In the photo Cristal is used to be able to see the interior.

Finally we will cover all the blocks where the Endermans can escape with three floors of carpets and at the top of the stairs we will place open trapdoors. This is done so that the Endermans attracted to the Endermite will think that they are stepping on an entire block and will fall into the area that we have prepared.

Experience Farm Enderman's Chamber

And this is what happens when the torches that we put up for protection are removed, crazy!

Farm End

We just have to stand on the stone slabs and start hitting them, that’s all!

A little trick to the repair enchantment is to remove any armor pieces or tools that have it on to only repair what the player has in hand; in this way it is repaired much faster.

What do you think of this simple Minecraft farm design? Do you have a more efficient one? Leave your comment!

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