One of the ways that we have in Minecraft to constantly supply ourselves with food and thus avoid having to hunt constantly to feed ourselves is to create a Garden in which we can grow our crops to later create food such as bread.
This is essential, especially in survival mode, where getting food will be a constant and therefore having food passively will save us a lot of time. At first it is best to hunt some chickens, pigs, cows and others… but in the long run this will get a bit boring and somewhat “slave”, which is why I strongly recommend creating a personal Garden.
In addition, creating one is very simple and in this post I am going to explain it to you step by step with everything you need and with all the construction recipes so that you do not have any kind of problem. Let’s go there!
These are all the elements that you will need to create the Garden:
- A cube.
- Water (there is everywhere).
- Wooden fences or whatever you want, but wood is simpler and has a more farmer touch.
- Wooden fence gates.
- Seeds (for example Wheat).
- Hoe.
- A Shovel (not strictly necessary but it will be faster to dig).
- Torches (to light)
Next I will explain how to get all these elements.
The cube is probably the most complicated part since we are going to need Iron ( Minecraft Minerals guide ), so you are going to have to mine a lot to find a few ores and then put them in the oven to get the Iron Ingots.
This is the recipe:

Just put the Iron Ingots in this pattern on the crafting table and you’re good to go. As you can see, you will only need a total of three Iron Ingots.
Next we will create a few fences that will come in handy to enclose the Garden so that no one steps on the crops and can spoil them.
The recipe for the Fences is as follows, any type of wood will work, this will only change the color of the Fences:

For the gates of the Fences it will be very similar but with a slightly changed pattern:

Remember that without a door you will not be able to access the Garden!
By the way, if you don’t know how to make a stick, this is your recipe:

Just take a walk around the plains and break the bushes of grass in the field to get seeds, you can do it with your hands.
The hoe will allow us to plow the ground to be able to plant the seeds in it, you simply have to use it on the ground to plow it and then plant the seeds.
This is the recipe for the hoe:

You have the recipe for the Sticks above and as for the rock (which you could also use iron or diamond, but with the rock leftovers), you know, there are all over the place.
An extremely simple and basic recipe, we don’t even need the crafting table, it will be enough to get coal (mining there is cloth) and a stick in the following pattern:

These will allow us to illuminate the Garden, something that is always necessary in Minecraft… darkness is not your ally, ever. If you don’t find coal mining you can always make charcoal .
Now that you have all the materials and also the recipes to create each of the necessary elements, you just have to create it following the model that you have in the main photo (at the top) of this post.
- Create rows of plowed soil and rows of soil with water (to fill the pits with water use the Bucket, fill it in a river or wherever and pour the water into the rows).
- Then plant some seeds, I recommend that they be wheat to create bread (later a post for the creation of bread, you already have it done and linked).
- Enclose the entire Garden with fences and put up a fence gate to access it.
- Put a few torches on the fences for lighting.
- And wait for your crop to grow to harvest the wheat or whatever you have planted.
And with this we will have a self-sustaining, efficient and well-protected Garden with fences! I recommend you plant it in an isolated area to prevent the appearance of Creepers that annoy your crops… you can also put a cat to guard it, because for some reason the Creepers don’t want to get close to them.
Knowing this, if you want to go a little further and have a much more efficient Orchard, I recommend that you read this post where I explain How to create an Orchard/Hive Garden with Bees that pollinate the Crops, it’s amazing!
I also recommend this post dedicated to Watermelons and Pumpkins: How to Grow Watermelons and Pumpkins in Minecraft