Both the Compass and the Clock are really useful tools for our adventures in Minecraft and for that reason I have decided to create this guide in which I will tell you in great detail both their function and how to create them.
You will see that they are not very complex objects and that they require mainly (well, actually in their entirety) mining resources and not even one of them will be the Diamond, so it will not be a major problem to get them.
Having them is very worthwhile, I highly recommend them, so let’s go with the guide!
The Compass is an object whose main function will be to show us on the way to our house; Specifically, it will point to where we have our bed, as long as we have slept in it and therefore it is our spawn point (where we appear when we die, come on).
Keep in mind that if you haven’t slept in a bed, your spawn spot will be right where you spawned at the start of the game, so I recommend making a house and sleeping in her bed so it points to her.
Its operation is very simple, simply follow the red arrow and you will end up reaching the destination. Make the red needle face forward and center (90º angle), that is the direction you should take. Of course, keep in mind that Steve has the compass tilted a little downwards, so they are 90º taking into account the axis of the compass position, not taking the screen as the axis.
As I have already mentioned, its creation is quite simple, in this case more than the Clock (we will see it below). These are the materials you will need to create the Compass in Minecraft:
- 4 Iron Ingots : The ore is obtained through mining and by putting it in a furnace you get the ingot. Iron is not very rare as such, but it is not everywhere either; Anyway, I leave you a link in which I explain how to get all the minerals in Minecraft . Remember that to melt minerals the Blast Furnace is more optimal .
- 1 Redstone : It is also obtained by mining (remember that in the link I explain better how to get all the minerals), it appears mainly in the lower area, usually near the lava, so be careful.
Once you have all the necessary materials for its manufacture, you simply have to use this recipe on the crafting table:

As I told you, it is very easy to create, so always have one with you! you never know when you might get lost!
Although the Compass has a very clear function in Minecraft, the Clock may a priori be somewhat useless since… if I can look at the position of the sun or the moon, why would I need a Clock? Well, basically because you can’t always look at the sky .
This is something that happens too much in Minecraft, since we will normally spend many hours in the mines to obtain good resources and we can easily lose track of time, something that could cause us problems.
That’s where the Clock comes in, to solve that problem. And don’t think that it is an analog or digital clock as is common in our world… the Minecraft Clock will simply show a drawing where you can see the position of the sun and the moon, enough information to know more or less the time ( in the end it is the same as looking at the sky, so…).
Since they are somewhat similar devices in a way, these have a fairly similar creation. Although it is true that in this case it will cost a little more, especially because we will need gold, a somewhat rare mineral and not too common.
Okay! I anticipate, let’s see what materials we will need to create our Clock:
- 4 Gold Ingots : As with Iron, we will find the ores by mining and to obtain the ingot we will have to use the oven. However, that said, Gold is much less common than Iron, so it will cost us a little more to get it. Remember that above you have a link to the mineral guide.
- Redstone : I have already told you in the Compass, it also appears mining, especially in the lower areas and near the lava.
And as you can imagine, the Clock recipe is practically the same as that of the Compass; only this time we will use Gold Ingots instead of Iron, but the arrangement of elements is the same. I leave you the capture of the recipe in case I am not explaining myself well:

When you have both objects you will see how useful they are. One helps us to orient ourselves and know how to return home without problems and the other will help us to know the day/night status without having to look at the sky, they are essential for a good Minecraft adventurer!
Good question! Well, you’ll see, both the Compass and the Clock won’t work in the Nether or Underworld (remember that you can’t sleep in a bed either, which sucks hahaha), so you’ll have to orient yourself there in another way.
There is no day and night cycle there anyway, although it would be nice to know what time of day you are in the normal world while you are in the Nether. The Compass would be cool if it will point to the portal through which we have accessed, but nothing, it will go completely crazy as it happens with the Clock.