Fishing is one of the activities that entertains me the most in Stardew Valley , I don’t know what it is about the Fishing minigames in the games that usually get me quite hooked… I wonder if I’m the weird one or it happens to other people as well.
But what we are going to today… One of the most difficult fish to catch is without a doubt the Catfish , a fish that the truth is that just finding it is a bit far-fetched, but on top of that when you get it to bite it will not stop fish so easy.
If you get it right, you can even capture it in the Spring of the first year , it won’t be easy, but I can tell you that it’s possible because I’ve done it on more than one occasion. So nothing, in this post I will explain where you can find it and I will give you a few tips so that it does not escape when the convict catches the hook. Let’s go there!

You can fish it right in the area that you see in the photo above, which is the river that is attached to the south of Pueblo Pelicano , it should be right in the area that I indicate in the photo because the idea is that you cast the hook in deep water (the one that is darker in color). Anyway, I’ll tell you about the other requirements:
- It must be Spring or Autumn (in Summer it also appears, but in that case you will find it in the Pond of the Secret Forest with the same requirements below).
- You must fish it in the morning, specifically between 6 and 12 in the morning, so do not get too distracted in the morning because as I have already told you, the fish will not be easy to catch; don’t be surprised if you don’t catch it the first day you try it.
- It must be raining, so as soon as you see that it is raining (in Spring it rains a lot as well) take advantage of the occasion.
- You should have at least level 6 Fishing and the Fiberglass Rod since after all it is a difficult fish to catch, below I will give you more tips in order to fish it anyway and we will talk about it. His thing is to try it several times, in the process you will acquire some level and that will come in handy to make things easier.
In any case, remember that with the Magic Bait you can fish it in the river and with the other conditions (it rains, the time and such). It is a bait, it is difficult to obtain, but if you already have it, it is a good option (if you are not in the correct station and that); otherwise forget about it, you can do without this Bait perfectly.
As I have already mentioned, it is quite a difficult fish to catch because the truth is that in the Fishing minigame it moves very fast and goes from one place to another quickly. Anyway, first I will give you some previous advice that can help you:
- Use Bait : With the normal Bait (the one that asks for Insect Meat) you have plenty, we want it so that the fish take 50% less time to bite so that you have more opportunities to fish it during the morning in which you decide to go to the Pelican Town river (remember it has to rain). You have to have at least the Fiberglass Fishing Rod to be able to use them.
- Use Tackles : To be able to use them you will need the Iridium Rod, anyway you can do it without using Tackles, I have caught more than one in the first spring without them, so you can too. These would be the most recommended:
- Cork Trap : While the fish is on the minigame bar, it will be slower to escape from it as long as you don’t pull the line (when you press the button to raise the bar we go). It sounds a bit strange but if you try it you will see that it comes quite handy since the most normal thing is to loosen the line to keep the bar more or less in the place that interests us.
- Light Cork : Increases the size of the minigame bar a bit, which is always great.
And with regard to what the fishing minigame would be, my advice is that when you have it on the bar, be very attentive because it will quickly go up or down (usually to where it has more space). It is very good to throw or release the line yourself when it has been more or less static for a while because if you manage to predict its movement it is when it will really be quite viable to fish it.
For the rest it is patience, what has been said, it is a quite difficult fish to catch, but with the advice that I have given you, things will surely improve a lot.
Regarding its sale price, the Catfish is not bad at all, I will tell you the prices also taking into account if you have the Fishing specializations that increase the sale price of the fish.
- Normal conditions:
- Normal: 200 Coins.
- Silver: 250
- Gold: 300
- Iridium: 400 Coins .
- With Fisherman:
- Normal: 250 Coins.
- Silver: 312
- Gold: 375
- Iridium: 500 Coins .
- With Fishing Boat:
- Normal: 300 Coins.
- Silver: 375
- Gold: 450
- Iridium: 600 Coins .
But in addition to this, their Roes (from the Fish Pond) are one of the best valued in the game, so if you catch a couple you can get a lot of profit. In any case, in that sense the absolute king is the Sturgeon since with its Roe and the Canner we can make Caviar and it sells for a lot (each one is 700 if you have Artisan).
We can give others to the Catfish:
- It is one of the fish that we need in the Fluvial Fish Bundle .
- Willy loves it (normal), so if you’re interested in raising his friendship you could consider it, but anyway I said… the fish has a lot of value, there are more affordable things you can give him to raise his friendship such as Pumpkins or Quartz .
- You can use it in the Deluxe Fertilizer, Maki Rolls, and Sashimi recipes, but these call for any fish so don’t even think about using one of the higher-priced fish for it.
- You can also ask for it on the bulletin board with a reward of 600 and 150 friendship points for the person who asks for it; Since this is the maximum sale value of this fish, you can do it without problems.