The Avatar of the Golden Tree is a boss of the Elden Ring who will be waiting for us in front of the Golden Tree and not precisely to start a conversation with us, why do we always have to resort to violence?
It is a kind of huge tree knight without a head that carries a weapon of considerable size (although not so much at least if we compare it with the weapon of other enemies such as the Guardian Golem or the Stone Excavator Troll ; and those that will come I guess… ).
He hits some terrible blows, everything is said, so we will have to be very careful with him; I already told you, as long as it hooks you well, it deletes you or at least leaves you trembling, luckily we have our horse buddy, it will be very helpful in this fight. The case, that I do not advance more than the guide, let’s go there!
You can find the Avatar of the Golden Tree south of the Necrohollow Catacombs (where we face Graveyard Shadow , the enemy from Kingdom Hearts). Remind you that this map is found by going south of Necrolimbo (Agheel’s pond, well further south) until you cross a large bridge.
He’s not in a dungeon or anything like that, you’ll find him in front of the Golden Tree all cool waiting for you to give you lots of love, as always.
Typical big boss (not that big compared to others, but ok), powerful attacks, good range, eagerly annoying, and thank heavens he’s out in the open, so we’ll use the horse to make things easier.
The idea will be the same as always, surrounding him with the horse and avoiding his attacks so that when an attack/combo ends we can quickly approach him, hit him with a strong attack in passing and retreat again. It doesn’t give us too much time between attacks (with some exceptions that we will mention), but the horse helps a lot in that regard.
Let’s see his notable attacks:
- Mallet Hits : It has several mallet hits that sometimes warp, the thing is that you pay close attention since when you make one of these hits with more power (as it charges it a little more) is when it tends to stay a little more than a while exposed and it’s a good time to land a quick blow and get out.
- Area Strike : A strike that will hit the ground, your thing is that you are not close to him when he does it. In addition, sometimes after this it will invoke a kind of yellow spheres that will be directed towards us in order. When this happens you start running with the horse to avoid these spheres and then you return to the usual.
Be careful because many times it seems that the attack has ended and it turns out that it is not, be prepared in case that happens, which will happen.
By defeating him we will obtain the following:
- Iridescent Bubble Tear: Tear for the Miraculous Medika Mix that will reduce the damage we receive when taking the mixture.
- Sundered Crimson Crystal Tear : Another Tear, with this one we will restore HP over time.