October 4, 2024


The  Leper is one of my favorite characters in Darkest Dungeon  since I generally like tank characters a lot and I also think he is a character with incredible value for your team, which does not mean that of course he also has his drawbacks ( like all the characters, come on).

He is a front line character with many virtues: He has incredible damage to the enemy front lines, a lot of Health, a lot of general resistance to everything, he can self-heal Stress and Health, he has very good camping skills… Said, one pass.

What’s the bad part? Well, well… he’s a somewhat selfish character, it could be said that he looks out for himself a lot (also logical given his situation), which also makes him a very self-sufficient character. But the one that is undoubtedly the biggest of his scourges is the fact that his attacks have a low Accuracy, and I think we can all agree that missing hits is horrible in this game (in all of them, but in this one more); luckily this is something we can remedy through Beads.


    These are the 4 abilities that we recommend (remember that you can only equip 4):

    • Cut : Tremendous blow that we can perform in positions 1 and 2 and we can also hit these enemy positions. With it we will hit a single enemy, the only drawback is that it has low precision, which, as you will see in this post, is the biggest problem that the Leper has.
    • Tala : Same as the previous one, but with this we will hit the two enemies that are in first position at the same time. Of course we will cause less damage as it is an “area” hit, but it is a good option to finish off an enemy and in the process damage another. You have again the problem of low precision.
    • Stamina : We can use it in positions 1, 2 and 3 and it is basically a buff for ourselves that significantly increases our Prot, our resistances to bleeding, infection, depletion and movement and it will also signal us so that the enemies focus more on the Leper. It comes in handy for tanking work.
    • Solemnity : We will heal ourselves and we will also reduce stress , 2 in 1. It is a great ability to take care of both health and stress, this makes the Leper very self-sufficient by himself, but of course it would be ideal to have a Healer anyway that in the end this ability can only be performed for himself.

    As you can see we have a very powerful offensive for the first lines and also things dedicated to self-supply and protect ourselves, it is a very good kit.


    The Leper has his own Camping Skills that are very worthwhile in my opinion. He has a very powerful auto-buff and we also have the option to decide to annoy the Leper a bit to benefit others or to do the opposite, thus giving us a lot of versatility depending on the situation we are in.

    • Down the Mask : Only 1 cost. Reduces the Leper’s stress by 25 but increases the stress of his companions by 5. It comes out quite worth it and the cost on top of that is negligible; In the event that our Leper is quite touched by stress and his companions are quite fine, it will be very worthwhile.
    • Reflection : 3 cost. The Leper applies a buff of +10 Pre and +8% Crit for 4 fights. It is very worth it since that extra precision is extremely good for us and the increase in probability is also quite noticeable since it will affect the damage and also the stress reduction (crits reduce stress).
    • Quarantine : 3 cost. Our Leper will take damage equal to 20% of his max health, but all teammates will have their stress reduced by 20 or 15 (it will be random at 50%). Great option to reduce the stress of our team a bit at the expense of our poor Leper; anyway, being such a tough character with so much health, this is not a big problem and for that reason it is a camping ability that I highly recommend.


    The Leper is a character that is placed on the front line and even having the ability to self-heal, it will always be advisable to accompany him with a Healer. One of the problems with him is that he has no movement abilities and he can’t damage the back lanes, so these would make great partners:

    • Characters that Damage at a Distance : That said, he will need to be accompanied by characters who can take care of the back lines, so the Arbalester, the Grave Raider, the Bandit or the Plague Doctor will be very good companions for him. If on top of that they are characters that have movement abilities that can help him move in the event that they change his position, even better. The Jester would also be a good choice because of his good movement ability.
    • Vestal : The Leper can self-heal both health and stress, but it can only do so on itself, so you’ll still need a Healer. Even with those, you prefer the Leper to keep his offensive, you should auto-heal him only when things are very difficult or also very calm (typical turns where there are few weak enemies left and you focus more on healing); Not to mention that if things get too complicated, the Healer will be necessary.


    Regarding Beads, our first priority will be those that provide us with a greater amount of Precision since it is the biggest problem that the Leper has.

    The second priority will of course be to increase our damage or melee damage and as a third priority it would be good to increase his Speed ​​(something that in the end is good for all the characters) and also his Health so that he can withstand blows even better.

    Anyway, the absolute priority is to improve his Accuracy since missing hits is an incredible loss of damage and is always something that annoys a lot.

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