Heizou Shikanoin is a 4-star character belonging to Inazuma in Genshin Impact with a very different combat style than expected.
At first I wasn’t very convinced about this character because of his combat style (catalysts are my favorite weapons and Heizou’s style was very different from what is typical for a character who carries this weapon), however after analyzing it I changed my mind and He seems like a very interesting and curious character to play.
In addition to having skills that have fairly high damage statistics, he is a character that will be very useful when creating Elemental Reactions constantly and has a most curious set that we will see below.
Shikanoin Heizou carries a Catalyst as a weapon, although we won’t see him use it to hit at any point since he simply imbues himself with Anemo element to perform the hits himself.
His element is Anemo , which is generally associated with characters with a Support role that reduce the enemy’s elemental resistances more than in the Main DPS role, with exceptions such as Xiao.
Here are Shikanoin Heizou’s stats at level 90, very similar to his fellow four-star Catalysts in the DPS role:
- Base Health: 10,657
- Base Attack: 225
- Base Defense: 684
- Anemo Damage Bonus: 24%
As with Yanfei and Ninguang, when ascending he gains an Elemental Damage Bonus and their statistics are very similar between them.
Only in Heizou’s case the attack is somewhat lower than Yanfei’s but in return he has a little more Defense to compensate.
Let’s see your talents or abilities.
It’s really the same thing that catalysts do but melee:
- Normal Attack: A combo of up to 5 martial strikes imbued with the Anemo element.
- Charged Attack: Perform a powerful kick that deals Anemo Damage.
- Descending Attack: Air attack with which we will hit the ground inflicting Anemo damage in the area.
- TdE: 10 sec.
- Skill Damage: 409.54% (level 10).
- Decantation Damage Increase: 102.38% per charge (level 10).
- Conviction Damage Increase: 204.77% (level 10).
- Conviction Duration: 60 Seconds.
Heizou focuses Anemo damage to unleash a devastating punch on enemies.
If we keep the Elemental Ability pressed we will notice a seal that is charged up to 4 times, because each charge of this will give us the Decantation effect ; this effect will increase the damage of the Heart Punch for each charge that we accumulate.
Getting all four Decantation charges will also give you the Conviction effect , which will increase the damage and area of Heart Punch (the numbers on this ability are sky-high, so you always have to go for maximum charges).
- Energy Cost: 40.
- TdE: 12 sec.
Generates a void bomb and kicks it towards enemies, hitting them will explode creating an area that deals Anemo Damage and pulls enemies towards it (this ability can be cast from far away and hit far away enemies).
If this ability hits an enemy affected by Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro, an Eye of Typhoon will spawn that will explode dealing AoE damage.
Hurricane Kick can only spawn a maximum of 4 Eyes of Typhoon and each enemy cannot be affected by an Eye of Typhoon from multiple different elements at the same time.
Whenever Heizou causes a Whirlwind reaction he will automatically gain a Decantation charge for his Elemental Ability (this can occur every 0.1 seconds).
This passive will save us a lot of time when using his Elemental Ability without losing his great damage and since we will always be doing basics imbued in Anemo with him, it will be very easy to get all or the vast majority of charges constantly.
Performing a Whirlwind reaction with his Elemental Ability will increase the group’s Elemental Mastery by 80 for 10 seconds, excluding himself.
This Passive Ability is very similar to Mollis Favonius of Sucrose , only she directly shares 20% of her Elemental Mastery and also shares it when using her ult.
If Heizou is in the group, the stamina consumption when sprinting will be reduced by 20% (not stackable with similar Passive Skills).
These are the benefits that Shikanoin Heizou can obtain through his Constellations:
- C1 – The Cases of Shikanoin : When Heizou enters the field he will gain a 15% bonus to the speed of his Normal Attacks as well as a Decant charge for his Elemental Ability (This effect can occur once every 10 seconds).
- C2 – Shikanoinian Canon : It will improve its effectiveness when grouping enemies with its Ultimate Ability, since this Constellation increases its attraction effect and lengthens its duration by an extra second.
- C3 – Inextricable Riddle : Increases Elemental Skill by 3 levels, can be increased up to 15 levels.
- C4 – Collection of Slanders : When Heizou uses his Ultimate Ability and it performs the first explosion of the Eye of the Typhoon, he will gain 9 points of Elemental Energy , after this each additional explosion will generate 1.5 extra Elemental Energy Points (up to a maximum of 13 .5 total).
- C5 – Secretdex : Increases Ulti by 3 levels, can be increased up to 15 levels.
- C6 – Detective Heizou : This constellation is great, as each Decantation charge will cause his Elemental Ability hit to have an additional 4% Critical Chance (we would get 16% with all charges) and having the Conviction effect we will also obtain a 32% increase in Critical Damage to said blow.
Shikanoin Heizou’s Constellations are quite good and improve his effectiveness and handling greatly, the only one that isn’t as interesting is the fourth one because his Ultimate has an extremely low cost, it will still help him to always have it.
In this case we will take advantage of the speed that Heizou has executing his basic attacks so that his teammates deal passive damage while he lowers elemental resistances, performs an enabler role similar to that of Sucrose, substituting her in the taser team (Sucrose, Beidou, Fischl , and Xingchiu).

There are many catalyst options that are quite profitable for Shikanoin Heizou:
- Lost Prayer to the Holy Winds ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: As Primary DPS Heizou will spend enough time on the field to get all the Elemental Damage Bonuses, not to mention the good Critical Chance this weapon gives us.
- Celestial Scroll ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: It has a very high Base Attack that will make up for Heizou’s shortage of it and will give him a permanent Elemental Damage Bonus (there is also the Physical Damage effect, which by constantly doing basics will activate it without problems ).
- Kagura Axiom ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: We won’t be able to get all the Elemental Bonuses that this wonderful catalyst gives us, but it has such good stats that it’s still worth it.
- Solar Pearl ⭐⭐⭐⭐: In addition to having a good Critical Chance, its function fits perfectly with Heizou, because when performing a basic (which we will always do with him) we will increase the damage of the Elemental Ability, which is quite powerful already by itself and vice versa.
- Marauders Symphony ⭐⭐⭐⭐: All the songs from this piece of catalyst will be tremendous, the bad thing is that when the bonus is over our damage will drop significantly until we can use its Passive Effect again.
- Dark Rock Agate ⭐⭐⭐⭐: It is a very good option that will give us a decent Base Attack and a fairly generous amount of Critical Damage, the drawback is that we will not get attack bonuses from its Passive Effect if we face a single enemy .
- Nautical Chart ⭐⭐⭐⭐: It is a good option for F2P, if we have it in its maximum refinement we can obtain up to 32% Anemo Damage Bonus for Heizou (the bonuses of this catalyst are obtained when performing Elemental Reactions, which we will be constantly doing with him).

As for stats on artifacts:
- Helmet or Crown : Critical Chance or Critical Damage. We’ll normally look for Critical Chance if we’re running him with a Critical Damage weapon and vice versa.
- Clock : Attack %.
- Chalice : Anemo Damage Bonus.
Substats you are looking for:
- Priority: Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Attack %, and Elemental Mastery.
- Never: Energy Recharge.
And as for the Artifact Set :
- Emerald Green Shade :
- 2 Pieces: +15% Anemo Damage Bonus.
- 4 pieces: Increases the damage caused by Whirlwind by 60% and also reduces the elemental resistance of enemies to the element that Whirlwind has by 40% for 10 seconds.
In the case of Heizou, his DPS role reminds me a bit of Tartaglia acting as an enabler with Xiangling, since his role will be to increase the damage of Elemental Reactions and lower the resistance of enemies by executing basics imbued in Anemo without stopping while the rest of the group triggers reactions dealing damage passively.
For this reason, it pays us more to increase the damage of the Whirlwinds and lower the elemental resistances than to put two pieces of Reminiscence of Purification or some similar set that gives an Attack bonus despite occupying the position of Main DPS.

There are a wide variety of characters that can go well with Heizou and these are some of them:
- Yelan : It is a wonderful Support DPS for Heizou that will apply Hydro to the sound of our Basic Attacks in addition to increasing Heizou’s own damage thanks to one of the effects of his ulti.
- Xingchiu : It is a case similar to Yelan but removing the increase in damage that it provides.
- Yae Miko : Her Kitsune Cherry Trees last a long time on the field in addition to generating a fairly high passive damage, if we take Heizou in a Electrocharged team she can be one of her best companions.
- Shogun Raiden : Can be a good Sub DPS for Heizou with high burst damage and will consistently apply Electro Damage with every basic we do thanks to his Elemental Ability.
- Fischl : In the case of not having Yae we can substitute her for her, since we will always have Oz on the field to inflict Electro damage.
- Beidou : His Ultimate Ability will be very useful to us to constantly trigger Elemental Reactions, it is a good alternative to Shogun Raiden.
- Kuki Shinobu : In the case of taking Heizou in an Electrocharged team, it would be perfect to occupy the role of Healer and will apply Electro constantly.
- Xiangling : If instead of taking Heizou in a Electrocharged team we prefer to take him in a Vaporized one, he will be one of his best teammates for it (you already know all the potential of this character).
- Yun Jin : He is a character that benefits him a lot despite the fact that what interests us most are the Elemental Reactions with Heizou, since it will give him a considerable damage increase in his Basic Attacks (and if you have C6 it will also increase his attack speed). Basic Attacks).
In this case we will only focus on using it to take advantage of the high damage it inflicts with its Elemental Ability and we will take advantage of the usefulness of its Ultimate Ability, we are interested in taking it as a support for another Anemo character who has a hard time recharging Elemental Energy.

There are many catalyst options that are quite profitable for Shikanoin Heizou:
- Celestial Scroll ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: It has a very high Base Attack that will make up for Heizou’s shortage of it and will give him a permanent Elemental Damage Bonus (there is also the Physical Damage effect, which by constantly doing basics will activate it without problems ).
- Kagura Axiom ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: We won’t be able to get all the Elemental Bonuses that this wonderful catalyst gives us, but it has such good stats that it’s still worth it.
- Marauders Symphony ⭐⭐⭐⭐: In this case we will get more out of it than in the previous one, since Heizou will not be in the field for as long and this weapon ends up being more popular in a character with the role of Support DPS.
- Dark Rock Agate ⭐⭐⭐⭐: It is a very good option that will give us a decent Base Attack and a fairly generous amount of Critical Damage, the drawback is that we will not get attack bonuses from its Passive Effect if we face a single enemy .
- Nautical Chart ⭐⭐⭐⭐: It is a good option for F2P, if we have it in its maximum refinement we can obtain up to 32% Anemo Damage Bonus for Heizou (the bonuses of this catalyst are obtained when performing Elemental Reactions, which we will be constantly doing with him).

As for stats on artifacts:
- Helmet or Crown : Critical Chance or Critical Damage. We’ll normally look for Critical Chance if we’re running him with a Critical Damage weapon and vice versa.
- Clock : Attack %.
- Chalice : Anemo Damage Bonus.
Substats you are looking for:
- Priority: Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Attack %, and Elemental Mastery.
- Never: Energy Recharge.
And as for the Artifact Set:
- Emerald Green Shade :
- 2 Pieces: +15% Anemo Damage Bonus.
- 4 pieces: Increases the damage caused by Whirlwind by 60% and also reduces the elemental resistance of enemies to the element that Whirlwind has by 40% for 10 seconds.
By occupying the position of Support, it continues to earn us more than it lowers our elemental resistances, unless we take it in a double Geo and double Anemo team (Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo and Heizou) in which case we will have to opt for two pieces of Emerald Green Shade and 2 Gladiator’s Ending pieces .

In this case we have chosen the following characters:
- Xiao : Many times it is difficult for him to have his Ultimate Ability on time and for him it is essential, in addition to not having synergy with almost any character. But Heizou can support him a lot in this case to help him reload and deal good damage between rotations along the way.
- Kazuha : With Heizou’s Passive Ability we will help Kazuha Elemental Mastery, we already know how much he is interested in it because of the elemental damage bonuses it brings to the group and in turn Kazuha when making a whirlwind will increase the damage produced by each of the Eye of the Typhoon that Heizou creates with his Ultimate by resonating with Pyro, Cryo, Electro, or Hydro (as well as helping each other recharge each other’s ults).
- Shogun Raiden : It can be a good Support for our beloved Shogun in a team together with Xingchiu and Xiangling replacing Sucrose in this one.
- Bennett : Heizou’s Elemental Ability has great damage potential, so it would be very interesting to take Bennett with him to further boost his damage.
- Kujou Sara : We are interested for the same reason as Bennett, in the event that we have him in a different team we can replace him with her.
- Zhongli : Zhongli’s shield is one of the few things in the game that allows us to lower the Anemo Damage resistance to deal a little more damage with Heizou’s abilities without needing to get constellations ( Venti or Jean can lower them, but the first you need your C2 and last your C4).
We will need the following materials to upgrade you:
- Turquoise Vayuda and Runic Fang ( Serpent of the Ruins ).
- Scararavil .
- Raven Badges.
And as for Talent Books and others:
- Transience Books.
- Raven Badges.
- Maxim of Catastrophe ( Almighty Narukami ).