March 7, 2025


Mona is a 5-star character from Genshin Impact whose main role is Support DPS who stands out for giving a powerful damage bonus to her teammates and for having one of the most powerful Ultis in the game, at least when it comes to Burst damage ( a lot of damage in a short time).

As the Support DPS Hydro that it is, it competes squarely in its niche alongside clearly one of the best Supports in the entire game: Xingchiu. And while I can’t say that Mona is better than Xingchiu in general terms (something that isn’t offensive in the sense that if we compare Xingchiu with the other characters… few would win, she’s OP), it’s true that Mona she has a higher performance on some occasions and that this is still a very good character.

And Mona is a god when it comes to Burst damage in Vaporized compositions (not in sustained damage) and is in my opinion the best Hydro Support in Freeze compositions plus AoE (although be careful now that we also have Kokomi ).

Ale, as always, let’s go with his complete analysis and build!


Mona uses the Catalyst , a weapon that stands out for performing elemental attacks even through normal and charged attacks, something that I generally don’t like too much since it can give us problems against enemies resistant to certain elements (if they match the element of your character, of course). But nevertheless, she also has something very good, and that is that the Hydro Damage Bonus (in her case) will absolutely boost all of her damage.

As for his element, he is a Hydro character ; an element that without a doubt is one of the best in all of Genshin Impact and that is almost mandatory to carry in almost all team compositions due to its tremendous Elemental Reactions .

By the way, Mona is an amazing character to defeat the Hypostasis Pyro .


Mona’s stats…let’s be honest, they’re a bit lackluster. These are the ones she has at level 90:

  • Base Health: 10,409
  • Base Attack: 287
  • Base Defense: 653
  • Energy Recharge: 32%

Defensively it is terrible and if you have played it you will notice it because it is very easy for it to die if you are not careful (I speak from experience). Little life, little defense… but anyway, he is not a character with whom we intend to spend a lot of time on the battlefield, so it can happen.

Offensively, it’s not a big deal either. An average attack, it is surpassed by many 5 stars in this regard. Finally, as you ascend you will gain Energy Recharge , which is frankly not the best stat for a character in general terms. But I tell you one thing, in the case of Mona this is quite good for several reasons that we will see further down in this post.


Let’s now look at Mona’s talents or abilities, as you will see that this time we have one more ability than usual, as is the case, for example, with Ayaka .


By using catalyst, we will deal Hydro damage with our attacks:

  1. Normal Attack: 4-hit combo of Hydro and ranged damage.
  2. Charged Attack: We will make a more powerful and unique blow (it is not a combo) that will cause Hydro damage in an area.
  3. Descending Attack: Typical aerial attack in which we will launch ourselves towards the ground, but causing Hydro damage.


His elemental ability. We will create an area in front of us that will cause Hydro damage every so often and that will attract enemies , at the end it will explode and cause damage again (this damage will be higher). Damage as such doesn’t do much, but this is useful both for gathering enemies (of course not as effective as Venti ‘s ult or Sucrose  ‘s abilities ) and proceeding to burst them, and for applying Hydro to enemies for reactions. elementals. Regarding Reactions, it is true that it does not go far since this ability does not last long on the field, for that type of thing nobody like Xingchiu.

If we keep it pressed, we will do exactly the same thing only that Mona will move back after placing the area.


Mona has an extra ability and that makes her quite peculiar. This will replace the sprint action and make sprinting start like diving on the ground. This will allow us to move quickly even in the water, it comes in handy.

We will also apply Hydro to nearby enemies when we stop sprinting.


It’s Mona’s ultimate and it’s what makes her such an amazing character. We will create an area around us that will trap the weakest enemies (they will stay like levitating without doing anything) for a few seconds. It will also apply Hydro to enemies and will cause the next attack enemies receive to be quite boosted for the duration of the effect (this quirk is called an omen).

And not only that, but when the effect ends or when we attack an enemy, they will also receive a large amount of Hydro damage.

This attack deals an outrageous amount of damage on its own and on top of that it will make the next attacks the enemy receives (between Hydro’s explosion) also be greatly boosted. If you vaporize on top, come on, you’ll see a huge number (try using Mona’s Ulti and then Hu Tao ‘s, it’s crazy).

But there is more, and that is that the attack buff provided by the Ulti, as I have already mentioned, is lost when this attack explodes (something that usually happens when we attack it with any attack); but it turns out that if we keep the enemies frozen, this buff is maintained (the Ulti will not explode for a while) and therefore we can buff a lot of the damage of the Cryo characters (along with Ayaka or Ganyu , this is amazing).


We’re creating a version of the elemental skill that will deal less damage when sprinting for 2 seconds if we have an enemy nearby. It’s not bad as such, but it doesn’t end up being very useful since it’s not the idea to be sprinting around during a fight.


We’ll get a Hydro damage bonus (all our attacks are Hydro, so it’s very interesting) equal to 20% of our Energy Recharge. And it is for this reason (and others) that she commented that Energy Recharge is a very interesting stat for Mona.


There will be a 25% chance to recover weapon ascension materials when crafting.


Now let’s see your constellations:

  • Submerge Prophecy : Increases the damage caused by Electrocharged, Vaporization and Whirlwind Hydro and Frozen by 15% when one of our mates hits an enemy with the omen of the ulti.
  • Lunar Chain : There is a 20% chance to make an extra charged attack with our normal attacks. Okay, but we don’t want Mona to do normal attacks, we want her to bust her ult.
  • Ceaseless Revolution : Increases the talent of “Divine Orbit” by 3 levels, it can be increased up to 15 levels. It’s the last one, so it’s tremendous.
  • Prophecy of the End : Sync pairs who attack enemies with the omen will have a 15% critical chance bonus. There are no words, tremendous.
  • Taunt of Fate : Increases the talent “Illusory Waters” (the elemental skill) by 3 levels, it can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • Rhetoric of Calamity : Good, but to be the last it doesn’t quite finish me. When sprinting we will obtain a damage bonus of 60% of the next charged attack for each second that we keep “swimming” up to a maximum of 180% more damage. It would be a waste of time to get you to do this, so I don’t think it’s worth it.


The goal with Mona is crystal clear, we want her ultimate to deal as much damage as possible.


These are the ones I recommend the most:

  • Celestial Scroll : 5-star weapon that will improve our attack % and elemental damage. It has another extra effect, but these two are really the ones that interest us.
  • Marauders Symphony : 4-star and therefore more affordable. It improves Critical Damage and will also make it possible to activate 3 quite powerful different effects for 10 seconds when entering the battlefield (it can only happen every 30 seconds). 60% attack, 48% damage or elemental, or 240 elemental mastery (at R0, at R5 it doubles, that’s crazy). In Vaporized compositions it is tremendous because whatever comes out will be great for us; In Freezing compositions it is true that if we get Elemental Mastery it will be a tremendous F and that is where we risk it a bit.
  • Eye of the Oath : Obtainable for free at R5 in 2.5 and comes in pretty handy. It gives us Attack %, a High Base Attack and will give us a lot of Energy Recharge after using the Elemental Skill.


As for stats on artifacts:

  • Helmet or Crown : Critical Chance or Critical Damage. As always you have to look for balance in the critic; the normal thing is to put Critical Chance on you unless you already have enough (+50%) because you carry a weapon that gives you Chance or because of Substats (or both).
  • Clock : Attack %.
  • Chalice : Bonus Hydro Damage.

Substats you are looking for:

  • Priority always: Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Attack %, Energy Recharge (especially if we go with the Emblem of Destiny set, otherwise it is not so useful) and Elemental Mastery (In Freeze compositions forget about Mastery) .

And as for the Artifact Set :

Emblem of Destiny in Genshin Impact
  • 2 Pieces : +20% Energy Recharge.
  • 4 Pieces : Increases the damage of the Ulti by an amount equal to 25% of the Energy Recharge of the character wearing the set, up to a maximum of 75%. Come on, the cap would be 300% Recharge.

Important if we take this set not freak out putting too much Energy Recharge, we can not neglect the other stats. Think that Mona will already have enough Energy Recharge as standard, plus the bonus of 2 and substats, you will already have enough to make this happen.

  • +15% Hydro Damage Bonus and +20% Ulti Damage.

Another very viable set, although in my opinion somewhat inferior than the previous one, which does not mean that it continues to come in handy and if you have better artifacts, it will end up spreading more because the difference is not too much either.


We will need the following materials to upgrade you:

  • Varunada Lazurite and Purifying Heart ( Oceanid ).
  • Philanemus mushroom .
  • Megaflora materials.

And as for Talent Books and others:

  • Resistance Books.
  • Megaflora materials.
  • Ring of Boreas ( Andrius the Wolf ).

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