March 7, 2025


This surely hurts some, but unfortunately Lisa , at least today, is not a Genshin Impact character that stands out for her virtues… in fact, we are facing a character that has many problems and that with Constellations some of them are solved, but it’s sad that we rely on pretty much every Constellation for a character to become relatively viable.

The role where she stands out the most is in Support DPS, but she really shines very little in this role if we compare her with practically any of the other “decent” Support characters like Fischl , Xiangling or Xingchiu (and I don’t even get to name the 5 stars, because here we go).

It is not a character that I recommend at all, but if you are here it is either out of curiosity or because you like the character and you have to do what you want, that in the end this is a game and it is about having fun, like this That nothing, let’s go with your analysis! (You will see that this character has many problems).


Lisa uses the Catalyst , which is a weapon that I quite like for Support and since all its damage is always elemental, it helps us better to have it well built (Electro Damage will always spread, of course, ui, I already said its Element). It is a weapon that allows you to hit from a distance, but in that aspect it is not as cool as the bow , of course.

His element I’ve already told you, but hey, it’s Electro . That doesn’t seem like a bad element for Support at all, but it’s true that I think others like Cryo, Hydro or Pyro are better in general (it’s better than Geo, that’s for sure hahaha, although those little shields aren’t bad either).


Now let’s look at Lisa’s talents or abilities.


The same as always but with what the use of the Catalyst itself has, which is the fact that we will do Electro damage (because it is Lisa’s element. Klee the same but with Pyro damage.) with all our attacks, which is cool because we will be able to better optimize the damage increase, in this case the Electro Damage Bonus will be very convenient.

  1. Normal Attack: 4 combo attacks that deal Electro damage.
  2. Charged Attack: More powerful attack in area and also Electro, consumes Stamina, but little.
  3. Descending Attack: Attack from the air with which we hit the ground causing area damage, but this time Electro damage.


It is his Elemental Ability and if you understand it well you can get quite good performance out of it. By using it you will basically cause Electro damage in a small area (it must be said very little) but at the same time you will apply an effect called Conduction Charge that can stack up to 3 times. If you use this skill (without holding the button) it will only have a 1 second cooldown… why? Because the grace here is that you reach those 3 loads, now let’s go with that.

Holding down the ability will do quite a bit of Electro damage in an area (larger area than using the ability without holding) and this damage will increase quite a bit with each charge you have. If you get to 3 charges , watch out, because you will do a lot of damage. The only thing is that of course, it will take a few seconds to be in these conditions to get the most out of it and when you use the pressed ability the waiting time will be 16 seconds (which is very powerful, but man…).

The thing is that you always take advantage of the 3 charge issue, but I’ll tell you one thing, a good Support DPS is one that doesn’t need to spend a lot of time in the field (as happens with Albedo  or  Ganyu ) to be able to provide that extra damage …and this is where Lisa fails.

And that’s not all yet, because on top of that they can interrupt our attack… which happens a lot and whoever has tried Lisa knows that it drives her crazy.


It’s Lisa’s last one and not bad, although she has a little problem. Basically we will create an area in which Electro damage will periodically be done to enemies (invoking it will push enemies, something you normally don’t want to happen. The cool thing is to bring them together, not move them away) for 15 seconds (that cloth) and What’s interesting here besides the damage itself is the sheer amount of Elemental Reactions we’ll be doing.

The problem is that it requires 80 points of energy , which is a lot… and we have similar and much better ultimates, as is the case with Ganyu’s, which in this case would only cost 60 points, this being even better. Ganyu’s case seems excessive to me, but that doesn’t mean that 80 energy in my opinion is a lot and it resents this character a bit.

Also, the cooldown is 20 seconds, so even if we generated enough power, we would never be able to have the field active 100% of the time (which would be cool). Something that Ganyu, again, can achieve. And not only that, but on top of that Cryo has better Elemental Reactions by itself, so of course… There are already quite a few points against it.


Passive unlocked with the first level of ascension and quite meh. When making a Charged Attack, the Elemental Ability will apply Conduction Charges on the enemies, which although it is a help, it does not solve the problem either.


Passive unlocked at 4th level of ascension and the way things are, it’s pretty cool. Performing the ult will reduce the Defense to enemies by 15% , so it can help us make our main DPS ( Diluc, Razor , Ninguang , Hu Tao …) deal more damage, and remember that Defense is universal, it affects all kinds of damage.


Passive that we have as standard when obtaining the character. When crafting a potion, there is a 20% chance to recover used materials. That is not bad as such, but you know, it is something more secondary.


Now let’s see your constellations:

  • Infinite Circuit : Very good constellation because it corrects a little (I insist, a little) the energy problem that this character has. By keeping the Elemental Ability pressed, we will obtain 2 energy points for each enemy we hit, up to a maximum of 10 energy (so it would spread more against groups, not so much against bosses). But we still have the problem that if we hold down the skill we will have 16 seconds of cooldown, so we will not get more energy from the skill, only from other characters or from defeating enemies.
  • Electromagnetic Field : Very meh this, basically while we do the Elemental Ability maintained (that is, between charging to launch it) Lisa gets 25% more defense and it will be more difficult for her to be interrupted. Not that it’s bad, not at all, but couldn’t I already have this as standard?
  • Resounding Thunder : Increases the talent of «Ray of the Rose» by 3 levels, it can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • Plasma Eruption : Tremendous because it will greatly increase the damage of Lisa’s ulti since she will launch more rays.
  • Electrocution : Increases the talent “Violet Arc” by 3 levels, it can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • Throbbing Witch : Tremendous because it corrects a big problem that he has, which is the issue of accumulating the 3 charges (because his thing would be for him to enter and leave the field quickly) since it will make entering the field for a change (which being support that will be very common) we will have 3 charges already placed on the nearby enemies and therefore we will be able to do the Elemental Skill maintained faster and leave the field.

Lisa is a character who has many problems and some of them (not all) are solved through constellations and this is something that weighs heavily on her. Because there are characters that are already very good as standard (such as Bennett for example) that are obviously greatly enhanced by Constellations. What cannot be is that a character has so many problems and that her Constellations only partially fix it.


With few characters I say this, but really, it would be best if you pull another character. I have already recommended you other Support DPS that are much better than Lisa. But you want to play with Lisa because you like her or because she feels like it, well, in that case, we go with her best build.


Our priority in terms of statistics  are the Electro Damage Bonus (because it boosts our damage more than anything) and the Energy Recharge (because this character needs it a lot and does not charge it well), because that last one is very interesting to have active. Then the usual, the Critical attributes are obviously also good for you, as well as the Attack% and others, but be clear about your priorities.


In terms of weapons we also have a problem and that is that there is no 5-star Catalyst that gives us Energy Recharge (my goodness, the world is against Lisa hahaha). And of the 4-star options… I can only recommend one, so F, but it is what it is hahaha.

  • Favonius Codex : Gives us Energy Recharge and will also make our Crits able to create elemental orbs (which give you energy), so it comes in handy. If you carry it, give more cane to the Critical Chance.
  • Eye of the Oath : The free catalyst in R5 from 2.5. It gives us Attack % and increases our Energy Recharge after using the Elemental Skill.

Let’s see if they put more weapons that are good for Lisa, because she needs it a lot.


Regarding Artifact Sets,  I recommend a couple, there you choose:

  • Fury of Thunder : With 2 pieces, the Electro damage will increase by 15%, which is what interests us the most (it is not the same as attack damage, see this post if you do not know the difference). With 4 we will increase the damage of Electro’s Elemental Reactions, which with Lisa we will do many with the last and we will also reduce the Elemental Ability’s cooldown by one second each time this occurs (maximum 1 time per 0.8 seconds) something that If you have read the entire post, you will have understood that this character needs it very much.
  • Ancient Ritual of the Nobility : With two pieces we will increase the damage of the Ulti by 20% and with 4 we will increase the attack of the entire group by 20% for 12 seconds when using the Ulti. The set that always comes in handy in a Support, whoever it is, because we have a tremendous buffo for our other teammates to hit harder. I will always recommend that at least one of your team wears this set and Lisa can be that one (and thus we give the poor thing more utility too lol).

I would surely go for Ancient Ritual of the Nobility, but that’s mainly because since I think he’s not a very good character, at least with this one we gain that extra utility. But without taking that into account, I think Fury of Thunder suits him better. It’s up to you.

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