In this new guide, let’s look at how to find and complete the “Legend of the Stone Lock” quest. You will get many chests including a luxurious chest and an achievement during the adventure!
View on the map
In order to discover your objective, you will have to go to the first point (1). You will be asked to find 16 stone locks and break them. To do this, you will need a Pyro character who can destroy the seals that hold the machines captive. And, of course, you will need a combat-capable team.
On the map below, the number points are underground while the others will be easily visible outside.

Where to start ?
Teleport to the bottom left of the Yazadaha Basin. Head south to find the cave entrance as in the image below:

You will have to move forward in the cave to find your objective. If you have not yet discovered the place, move forward until you reach a Dendro barrier and a breakable wall thanks to a dendrogranum.
In order to unlock the barrier, you will have to go through the passage behind the wall. Kill the looters and other monsters on your way, then free the fairy. Follow her to the Dendro stele in front of the barrier so that she unlocks it for you. All you have to do is use Dendro to activate the mechanism and clear the way.

A little further, you will find a portal of dreams. Cross it in order to trigger the challenge. Catch all 15 butterflies before time runs out to unlock the passage to the first lock and our quest.

Second lock
To reach the second lock, teleport to the point indicated on the map below. You should have unlocked the area during the “Vimana Agama” quest. Look in the opposite direction to the door of the Golem of the Ruins and advance thanks to the insignia of clovers until falling on the lock.

Third lock
Head to the teleporter northeast of the Ruins Golem area. Look towards the wall to see the passage to the cave. Immediately below will be the lock.

Fourth lock
From the Statue of the Seven, look north. Find the small aranara house at ground level and then the cave. You just have to move forward until you come across these new ruin automatons.

Fifth Lock
In order to find the cave entrance, teleport to the top of the hill and head west. If you haven’t fully explored the area yet, you will see an area of dryness. You will have to clean it since the core of it will block your way.

The 16 locks
Then head to each point shown on the map at the top of the article and destroy the locks in order to kill the machines. At the end of your journey through Sumeru, you will get the achievement: “And the Cogs of Time Turn Again”.

Back to the aranaras
Go back to your first lock and look for the aranaras. You should also have the quest in your quest list in order to track the objective.
Prepare for battle. You’ll be teleported to an arena where you’ll have to beat a perpetual mechanical matrix. This should conclude the quest, but not our guide!

The world of dreams and the 4 challenges
Since the aranaras have offered to find them in the world of dreams, approach the silapna and play a little melody on it in order to join this world.

Once on the other side, talk to Aradashan to launch the first of four challenges in which you will have to beat the matrix again.
In order, then talk to Arayuta, Arasata and Arasaha to overcome their respective challenges. Finally, at the end of the 4th challenge, you will get your luxurious chest!

The final word !
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