March 28, 2025


Chickens are the first Farm animal that we usually have in Stardew Valley since they are very easy to acquire, they require a small Corral and in addition, the Mayonnaise Maker (I explain below) is one of the objects for the production of craft products that They are obtained faster in the game.

Although we can start taking care of them quickly and without too many complications, that does not mean that this animal is unprofitable or anything like that, in fact quite the opposite!

This is because they will produce one Egg each day per Hen (as long as they have eaten the day before) and although it is true that an Egg by itself does not have a high sales value, when making Mayonnaise with it, the The truth is that the value increases quite a bit.


Getting Common Chickens couldn’t be easier as Marnie sells them at her house (when she’s behind the counter, which is usually in the morning) for only 800 Coins per Chicken. It is little money for them, especially considering how quickly you will amortize said investment.

Of course, keep in mind that Marnie does not sell adult chickens, so you will have to spend a few days petting them and making sure they eat until they grow up, which will be when they start laying eggs.

You should know that you can get Chickens for free if you have an Incubator (and an Egg), all you have to do is place the Egg inside the Incubator and after several days a chick will hatch.


These are the different types of Chicken that are in the game:

  • Common Chicken : They can be White, Brown or Blue Chickens (the Blue ones are obtained in a Shane friendship event and despite their strange color, they are considered Common Chickens). They are normal Chickens and they are the ones we will see in this post; We will see the special chickens (I list them below) later in another post.
  • Shadow Hen : It is a peculiar black chicken with red eyes that produces Shadow Eggs.
  • Golden Hen : A Golden Hen (we started well) very interesting as it produces Golden Eggs which of course have great value.


At the outset, clarify that Brown Hens lay Brown Eggs, while white Hens lay White Eggs; However, this does not affect anything, regardless of the color, these will be sold for the same price and so on.

Of course, you should know that unfortunately Blue Hens do not lay Blue Eggs (it would have been cool, but that’s life), they also lay White Eggs.

Regarding the production that each Chicken has, it is 1 Egg per day as long as it has been fed the previous day. The rarity of the Egg depends mainly on how high your friendship is with said Chicken.

With this clarified… let’s go with the price list of the Eggs! I will avoid adding the data for both White and Brown Eggs and we will include everything as Eggs (it is already overwhelming me to write the word Eggs so many times, the worst thing is that I still have enough left) so as not to repeat ourselves too much.

  • Egg: The small one.
    • Normal : 50
    • Silver : 62
    • Gold : 75
    • Iridium : 100
  • XXL Egg: A larger and more valuable variant that Chickens with a high level of friendship usually give us.
    • Normal : 95
    • Silver : 118
    • Gold : 142
    • Iridium : 190

As you can see, the prices are not crazy, but keep in mind that we will get 1 Egg per day for each Chicken we have (as long as they have eaten the day before, they are spiteful), so if we have several you can get quite a bit of money.

However, the real deal is in the Mayonnaise. Now let’s go with her.


Creating Mayonnaise is as simple as adding Eggs to the Mayonnaise Maker and waiting 3 hours of play for it to be ready (my recommendation is that you put Mayonnaise Makers inside your Corral to facilitate management).

The best thing is to have a Mayonnaise Bowl for each Chicken you have, so every day you pet your Chickens, check that they have their food, collect the Eggs, place them all in the Mayonnaise Bowl and continue doing your thing; The next day you already collect the Mayonnaise and so on.

Let’s go with the price of Mayonnaise according to its quality, I will also add the sale price to the right if you have “Artisan” (one of the level 10 Agriculture improvements, I highly recommend that you always choose that improvement).

  • Normal : 160 / 266 (Artisan)
  • Silver : 237 / 331
  • Gold : 285/399
  • Iridium : 380 / 532

As you can see, it is very worthwhile to make Mayonnaise because the prices are quite high! So now you know, it is a way to save your Chickens much more.

Something important that you should know regarding the rarity of Mayonnaise is the following:

  • Mayonnaise created with normal Eggs (small ones) will always be of normal rarity. The game will not take into account the rarity of the Egg .
  • Mayonnaise created with XXL Eggs will always be of Gold rarity (again regardless of the rarity of the Egg itself).

And you might wonder… what about the Silver and Iridium rarity Mayonnaise? How is it achieved? Well you see, you can only obtain Mayonnaise of that rarity through Ostriches and their Eggs, later I will create a post about them because they are very interesting.


Finally, we will see the price of the Chickens themselves since you can sell them, although it is something that I do not recommend too much since it is much more expensive to have them and sell their Eggs/Mayonnaise. I would only recommend it if you want to “get rid of them” (it sounds a bit strange saying that) because you want to add other animals or something like that.

To sell them you have to open the friendship interface of a specific Chicken and click on the sell action (they will indicate the price of it in it) which has a coin-like icon.

The fact is that the price they will give you for the Chicken will depend on the level of friendship you have with it. If this one has the maximum f

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