February 22, 2025


The Blessings are powers that the different Gods of Hades will give us to help us in our adventure of trying to escape from the Underworld. There are lots of different boons and each god has a bit of a roll about him, which will lead to lots of different builds.

We will find them very often and randomly in the game, the God that will play will also be random, although it is true that we have the memories to alter this randomness a little and ensure that at least the first god that appears in each area of ​​the underworld (each zone completes until defeating a final boss) if it is the one we want.

In this post I will list all the blessings of the Gods of Olympus, including the legendary blessings. Of course, keep in mind that Chaos himself is not an Olympian god and works in a slightly different way, so he will have a dedicated post for him. I will not go into dual blessings either because again, I think it would be better to do it in a separate post. Clarified this … Let’s go to the mess!


Zeus’ boons are mostly based on lightning based damage, especially lightning that will damage multiple enemies at once. He is an ideal god if you want to rely on damage against multiple targets (be it attacks that go from one enemy to another or attacks that damage in an area), but he also does not fall short in individual damage.

I will give you of all the blessings their lower quality version, keep in mind that these will improve even more if they are in higher qualities:

  • Flashing Attack : When hitting enemies with the standard attack, we will deal 10 extra damage to them with a beam that will also be directed to attack other enemies.
  • Fulgúreo Fist : When launching the special attack we will cause a lightning to appear where we hit that will cause 30 points of damage in the area.
  • Electric Projectile : We will launch a burst of lightning that will again go from enemy to enemy when casting the spell and will also increase its damage by 30.
  • Fulgúreo Acceleration: A lightning will fall when we do the dash that will cause 10 points of damage in the area.
  • Favor of Zeus : The Summoning will damage all enemies that come close to us with lightning, causing them 50 damage. This effect will last for 9 seconds at full bar.
  • Overwhelming Force : Your damage will be increased by 20% for 15 seconds after you cast the Call.
  • Lightning Reflexes : If you dodge an enemy attack at the right time, you will launch a lightning bolt that will cause 20 damage.
  • Heavenly Vengeance : When an enemy deals damage to you, they will be hit by a bolt of lightning dealing 80 damage.
  • Clouded Judgment : Increases the recharge speed of the divine bar (the one that allows us to make the Call) by 10% when dealing damage or suffering it.
  • High Voltage : Increases the radius of action of your lightning bolts by 60%. Prerequisites: Lightning Fist, Zeus’s Favor, or Lightning Rush.
  • Double Attack : You gain a 25% chance for your lightning to strike twice.
    • Prerequisites: Lightning Fist, Zeus’s Favor, or Lightning Rush.
  • Lightning Storm : Your lightning bolts will bounce up to 2 more times before fading away.
    • Prerequisites: Flash Attack or Electric Projectile.
  • Electrostatic Discharge : Your lightning will apply the Shock effect, which will cause when they attack a lightning strike that deals 60 damage to them and surrounding enemies.
    • Prerequisites: Lightning Fist, Zeus’s Favor, Lightning Rush, Celestial Vengeance, Flash Attack, Lightning Bolt, or Lightning Reflexes.
  • Fulminating Lightning : Legendary Blessing. Your lightning attacks will also deal an extra 40 damage of electric shock. Requirements: Electrical Storm, High Voltage or Double Attack.


Poseidon ‘s Blessings are mainly based on the mechanics of pushing or knocking back enemies, in addition to obviously empowering Zagreus (or Zagreo). They are not my favorites at all, but it has to be said that pushing enemies comes in handy to keep them more at bay, especially if you use ranged weapons. Pushing with the dash is quite good too since with melee weapons we can push them and continue attacking them since we will move while pushing them.

Another important fact is that if we push enemies against a wall, we will cause them extra damage, which is quite good to take into account. We will also get bonuses that will help us get more rewards like coins, darkness, gems and so on.

  • Stormy Attack : +30% damage with the standard attack and we will repel the enemies.
  • Storm Fist : +70% damage from special attack and knockback effect.
  • Overflowing Projectile : Our spell will deal slightly more damage and knockback.
  • Cyclonic Dash : The dash will deal 35 damage and push back.
  • Poseidon’s favor : Call with which we will move in water causing 250 points of damage to the enemies that we touch with the water, you will also be unharmed (invulnerable to damage) during the effect. If we fill the bar to the maximum the effect will last 7.2 seconds, with only a 1.2 charge.
  • Boiling Point : The divine bar will charge faster when we take damage.
  • Hydraulic Power : We will cause 50% more damage with standard and special attacks in the first 10 seconds of a confrontation.
  • Submerged Treasure : We will obtain a random reward of darkness, coins, hearts and others. It’s the one I choose if I don’t like any of the others that come out… at least you get a prize.
  • Generous Ocean : You will get 50% more darkness, coins and gems from the rewards of each stay.
  • Enraged Typhoon : We will cause 200% more damage when stamping enemies against walls.
    • Prerequisites: Storm Attack, Cyclone Rush, Overflow Projectile, Storm Fist, or Poseidon’s Favor.
  • Sea Slam : Push damage will deal 20% more damage to bosses.
    • Prerequisites: Storm Attack, Cyclone Rush, Overflow Projectile, Storm Fist, or Poseidon’s Favor.
  • Rending Current : We will attract the enemies with the Summons and it will also last 1 second longer.
    • Requirements: Favor of Poseidon.
  • Turbulent Wave : When you smash enemies into walls, an aquatic explosion will be created that deals 100 area damage.
    • Prerequisites: Storm Attack, Cyclone Rush, Overflow Projectile, Storm Fist, or Poseidon’s Favor.
  • Sharp Breaker : When pushing enemies we will apply rupture for 3 seconds (when moving they will receive damage, 10 points per 0.2 seconds).
    • Prerequisites: Storm Attack, Cyclone Rush, Overflow Projectile, Storm Fist, or Poseidon’s Favor.
  • Second Wave : Legendary Blessing. Our pushes will hit 2 times.
    • Prerequisites: Raging Typhoon, Turbulent Surge, or Sharp Breaker. Also Storm Attack, Cyclone Rush, Overflow Projectile, Storm Fist or Poseidon’s Favor.
  • Big Catch : Increases the chance of fish spawning (the ones you can catch) by 20%.
    • Requirements: Generous Ocean and Sunken Treasure.


The Blessings of Athena are based above all on protecting us, something that without a doubt is very useful in Hades. Especially through the reflection of the spells that the enemies cast at us, which basically we can return them both to avoid the damage and to be the ones who receive it.

It also has some that replenish revive uses, which is pretty cool, so it’s worth trying your luck if you’ve already spent at least one Mortal Challenge.

  • Divine Attack : Increases the damage of the standard attack by 40% and we will also reflect with it.
  • Divine Fist : +60% damage with special attack and reflection effect.
  • Phalangian Projectile : The spell will have a small range but will be able to reflect and will cause more damage.
  • Divine Dash : The dash will deal 10 damage and also reflect.
  • Favor of Athena : Call with which you will become invulnerable for 1.5 seconds while you can continue attacking, you will also automatically reflect all the spells that hit you. With the bar at the maximum it will last 6 seconds.
  • Holy Buckler : When hit you will deal 30 damage to nearby enemies and briefly reflect attacks.
  • Dermal Bronze : Enemies will deal 5% less damage to us.
  • Immortal Resistance : When reviving with Mortal Challenge we will be unharmed for 2 more seconds. We will also replace a revive in the case of having already died once as soon as we acquire the blessing.
  • Heroic Resistance : You will recover 10% more health on revive and again replenish one use.
  • Proud Porte : We will start each confrontation in the rooms with the bar at 20%, so from the outset we can make the Simple Call.
  • Steady Step : You will take 60% less damage from traps.
  • Blinding Flash : Your abilities that can reflect also leave enemies exposed (for 5 seconds they will take 50% more damage if you attack them from behind).
    • Prerequisites: Divine Strike, Phalangian Bolt, Divine Rush, or Divine Fist.
  • Brilliant Aftershock: Spells you reflect will deal 80% more damage.
    • Requirements: Divine Strike, Divine Rush, Holy Buckler, or Divine Fist.
  • Divine Protection : Legendary Blessing. We will have a barrier that will reflect any damage we receive, it will recharge every 20 seconds.
    • Requirements: Brilliant Replica.


Aphrodite ‘s Blessings are also quite protective in nature mainly due to the wither effect, which will make enemies deal less damage. In addition, we can also make enemies fall in love so that they fight for a while on our side, this effect is cool.

  • Heartbreaking Attack : +50% damage with standard attack and weakens enemies for 4 seconds (they will deal 30% less damage).
  • Disheartening Fist : +80% special attack damage and weaken enemies.
  • Arrowshot : Your spell will spread, dealing more damage and also apply the weaken effect.
  • Passionate Acceleration : We will cause 20 points of damage with the dash and apply the weakening effect.
  • Favor of Aphrodite : Call with which we will launch a projectile that will chase the enemies causing damage and also bewitching them for 5 seconds (they will turn to your side). With the bar at its maximum it will cause 2500 points of damage, so be careful.
  • Dying Wail : When you defeat an enemy it will explode dealing 40 damage to nearby enemies and weakening them in the process.
  • Wave of Despair : When you are dealt damage you will deal 50 damage to enemies around you and weaken them.
  • Endless Vitality : Increases the health you receive from heals by 30%.
  • Unattainable Love : Nearby enemies will deal 10% less damage to you.
  • Inner Void : The weaken effect will last 5 more seconds.
    • Prerequisites: Passionate Rush, Arrow Strike, Disheartening Attack, or Disheartening Fist.
  • Undermined Determination : Wither effects will be better, reducing damage by an extra 10%.
    • Prerequisites: Passionate Rush, Arrow Strike, Disheartening Attack, or Disheartening Fist.
  • Flying Kiss : The spell will travel further and deal 50% more damage to Unharmed enemies (those who haven’t taken any damage yet).
    • Requirements: Crush.
  • Sweet Surrender : You will deal 10% more damage to weakened enemies.
    • Prerequisites: Passionate Rush, Arrow Strike, Disheartening Attack, or Disheartening Fist.
  • Obsessive Fixation : Legendary Blessing. Debuffing an enemy has a 15% chance to charm them (don’t attack you and even help you kill enemies) for 4 seconds.
    • Prerequisites: Passionate Rush, Arrow Strike, Disheartening Attack, or Disheartening Fist. And also Inner Emptiness, Sweet Surrender or Undermined Determination.


Blessings of Artemis are super based on critical damage and I must mention that in Hades crits are really crazy as they will increase the damage we do by 200%, which is outrageous, so it is quite worth being able to crit.

  • Deadly Attack : The standard attack will deal 20% more damage and have a 15% chance to critically strike.
  • Deadly Fist : +40% damage on special attack and +20% critical chance.
  • Precise Projectile: Your spell attack will seek out enemies, dealing more damage and having a 10% increased critical chance.
  • Hunter Rush : The rush attack (the one you do after the dash) will deal 50% more damage.
  • Favor of Artemis : Call with which we will launch an arrow that will direct itself to the enemies, it will cause 100 damage and has a +35% chance of being critical. With the bar at the maximum it will be 10 arrows.
  • Pressing Pressure : All of your attacks have a 2% increased critical chance.
  • Piercing Wounds : When the enemies expel a Blood Stone (what we apply with the spell) they will receive 100 damage.
    • Prerequisites: Precise Projectile, Overflow Projectile, Electric Projectile, Arrow Shot or Phalangian Projectile.
  • Clean Shot : Your crits will deal 15% more damage.
    • Prerequisites: Deadly Strike, Pressing Pressure, Deadly Fist, Precise Projectile, or Artemis’s Favor.
  • Suppressive Fire : When attacking with the standard, special or sorcery you will launch a homing arrow that deals 10 damage.
    • Prerequisites: Deadly Strike, Deadly Fist, Hunter’s Haste, Precise Projectile, Artemis’s Favor, or Pressing Pressure.
  • Accurate Aim : When you critically hit an enemy, another enemy in the room will acquire a mark that makes them more likely to be hit by a critical hit by 30%.
    • Prerequisites: Deadly Strike, Pressing Pressure, Deadly Fist, Precise Projectile, or Artemis’s Favor.
  • Sneaky Flayer : Your crits will deal 100% more damage to armored enemies (those that are like gold that have two life bars, gold and red; well, only with the gold bar).
    • Prerequisites: Deadly Strike, Pressing Pressure, Deadly Fist, Precise Projectile, or Artemis’s Favor.
  • Hunter Instinct : The divine bar will charge sooner on critical hits.
    • Prerequisites: Deadly Strike, Pressing Pressure, Deadly Fist, or Precise Projectile.
  • Ultimate Charge : Legendary Blessing. You gain 2 more charges of Bloodstone.


The Blessings of Ares are one of my favorites since they are mostly based on doing more damage. On many occasions we will apply an effect called condemnation that will do notorious damage to enemies after a while, we also have some vortices that cause damage to enemies that touch them.

  • Hex of Agony : You deal 50 doom damage to enemies with the standard attack.
  • Hex of Pain : The same but with the special, the sentence will be 60 points of damage.
  • Reaping Shot : You will launch a tearing vortex in front of you that deals 20 damage per hit.
  • Slicing Rush : Dashing will leave a slicing vortex where you were, dealing 10 damage per impact.
  • Boon of Ares : Summoning that will cause you to become an unscathed slicing vortex that deals 30 damage per impact for 1.2 seconds. It will be 5 seconds with the divine bar at the maximum.
  • Hex of Vengeance : When an enemy causes damage to you, you will put a sentence of 100 points of damage on him.
  • Killer Instinct : Increases the damage of standard attacks, special attacks and spells by 10%.
  • Blood Frenzy: Revives with Deadly Challenge will deal 15% more damage in that matchup.
  • Warrior’s Rage : Upon defeating an enemy, your next standard or special attack will deal 100% more damage.
  • Black Metal : Increases the range of the Slicing Vortex by 20%.
    • Prerequisites: Reaping Shot, Slashing Rush, or Ares’s Favor.
  • Engulfing Vortex : Increases the duration of vortexes by 0.2 seconds and they will also suck in enemies.
    • Prerequisites: Reaping Shot, Slashing Rush, or Ares’s Favor.
  • Ominous Misfortune : By applying condemnation several times you will increase the damage of this, 10 times per accumulation.
    • Requirements: Hex of Agony or Hex of Pain.
  • Slashing Judgment : Your doom deals 60% more damage but takes 0.5 seconds longer to damage.
    • Prerequisites: Hex of Agony, Hex of Pain, or Hex of Vengeance.
  • Vicious Circle : Legendary Blessing. Your vortices will deal 2 more points of damage for each consecutive hit.
    • Requirements: Black Metal or Gobbling Vortex.


The Blessings of Dionysus are mostly based on damage over time through the hangover effect and also have things to restore more health and better resist hits as well as a paralyzing mist for enemies. They are very good because the damage over time if you apply it ends up doing tremendous damage in the long term.

  • Bacteria Strike : Your standard attacks deal a 4 damage hangover every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds that can stack up to 5 times.
  • Bacterial Fist : We apply hangover of 3 damage with special attacks.
  • Tipsy Projectile : Your spell deals more damage and applies Festive Mist, this will immobilize enemies.
  • Drunken Wobble : Your dash leaves a circle on the ground that will ripple enemies that step on it several times. This hangover is 2 damage.
  • Boon of Dionysus : Summons that inflicts a stronger hangover on enemies around you. It will be 15 damage per o.5 seconds for 1.5 seconds, with a full bar it will be 9 seconds.
  • Gran Reserva : You get 20 health when collecting nectar and incidentally you will get 1 nectar when activating the blessing.
  • Apotheosis Party : When you enter a room you will always be at least 30% of your maximum health, so if you were less you will heal up to that threshold.
  • Powerful Drink : The fountains will restore all our health and we will get a +3% damage bonus for each one we use (the ones that heal you).
  • Positive Stance: You take 10% less damage if you are at or below 40% of your total health.
  • Maximum Tolerance : You take 12% less damage if you are in the festive mist.
    • Requirements: Tipsy Projectile.
  • Negative Influence : You will deal 50% more damage if at least 3 enemies are hungover in the room.
    • Requirements: Drunken Stagger, Bacterial Strike, Bacterial Fist, or Favor of Dionysus.
  • Sleepy Sensation : Enemies with a hangover move 15% slower.
    • Requirements: Drunken Stagger, Bacterial Strike, Bacterial Fist, or Favor of Dionysus.
  • Mass Contact : Enemies with a hangover will infect nearby enemies every 4 seconds. Hangover damage is 4 points.
    • Prerequisites: Drunken Stagger, Bacterial Strike, or Bacterial Fist.
  • Lost Knowledge : Legendary Blessing. You will deal 60% more damage to hungover enemies if you are inside a festive mist.
    • Prerequisites: Drunken Stagger, Bacterial Strike, or Bacterial Fist.


The Blessings of Hermes are quite peculiar since they are a bit different from what we have seen now, they are not so focused on improving special, standard attacks and others; instead they rely more on dodge and speed of both attack and movement. They also improve spells quite a bit.

  • Quick Recharge : Enemies will drop Blood Stones 5 seconds earlier.
    • Requirements: Infernal Psyche (the mirror attribute).
  • Automatic Recharge : You will regenerate the Blood Stones faster, specifically in 4.59 seconds.
    • Requirements: Stygian Soul (the variant of the previous attribute).
  • Sudden Reaction : You will be able to dash once more in succession.
  • Extra Business : Every time you enter a room you get 10 Charon’s Obols.
  • Grand Evasion : You have a 10% chance to dodge hits you take.
  • Meteoric Fist : The special attack will be 10% faster.
  • Renewed Breath : You will move 30% faster and also increase your dodge by 30% for 10 seconds after using the Call.
  • Meteoric Attack : Your standard attack will be 10% faster.
  • Exceptional Haste : You will move 20% faster.
  • Throwing Flurry : If you hold down the spell button, you will cast them all in succession and 20% faster.
    • Requirements: Infernal Psyche.
  • Quick Favor : You will charge 1% your divine bar every 2 seconds.
  • Quick Recovery : When you take damage, quickly dashing restores 30% of the damage you’ve taken.
  • Hyper Dash: After a dash you will move 100% faster and take 30% less damage for 0.5 seconds.
  • Expedited Delivery : The faster you are, the more damage you will deal.
    • Prerequisites: Exceptional Haste, Hyper Dash, or Shining Feather.
  • Sublime Return : Legendary Blessing. The Blood Stones will return to you automatically.
    • Requirements: Infernal Psyche. And also Throwing Flurry, Rush Reload, Auto Reload or Glowing Feather.
  • Bad News : The spell deals 50% more damage to enemies that do not have the mark.
    • Requirements: Stygian Soul. And also Auto Reload or Glowing Pen.


You will only unlock Demeter ‘s Blessings when you reach the final boss fight in Hades and they are mostly based on the frost effect. This effect can be applied up to 10 times on the enemy and will basically slow enemies by 4% for each stack. It should also be noted the turret spell that it has, which is quite curious.

  • Frost Attack : +40% damage with the standard attack and will cause frost on the enemy.
  • Frost Fist : +60% damage with special attack and applies frost.
  • Crystal Projectile : With the spell we will place a crystal turret that launches a laser beam that causes 8 points of damage every 0.2 seconds for 5 seconds.
  • Gusty Acceleration : Dashing will launch a blast that deals 15 damage and causes frost.
  • Demeter’s Boon: Summons that create a winter vortex that will grow in size over 5 seconds. Causes frost and 10 points of damage every 0.25 seconds. With the bar at the maximum it will last 10 more extra seconds.
  • Snowy Burst : You will damage nearby enemies for 40 points of damage when you cast the spell and apply the frost to them.
  • Frozen Touch : You deal 10 damage to enemies that damage you and apply frost to them.
  • Unusual Farming : One of your boons will become common rarity and will level up every 3 matches.
  • Nourished Soul : We will heal ourselves 30% more and when obtaining the blessing, 52 hearts will be restored.
  • Voracious Will : We will cause 30% more damage and receive 10% less damage when we do not have Blood Stones on us.
  • Glacial Magic : Our turret spell will be active for 2 more seconds and will cause frost.
    • Requirements: Crystalline Projectile.
  • Arctic Blast : When you apply all 10 stacks of frost, the enemy will explode, dealing 80 area damage. Frost accumulations will be removed.
    • Prerequisites: Frost Attack, Frost Fist, Gusty Rush, Demeter’s Boon, or Snow Blast.
  • Deadly Cold : If all enemies in the room are affected by frost, they will move 10% slower and will also take 20 damage every 0.5 seconds.
    • Prerequisites: Frost Attack, Frost Fist, Gusty Rush, Demeter’s Boon, or Snow Blast.
  • Winter Harvest : Legendary Blessing. When an enemy with frost reaches 10% health or less, it will die and create a blast of frost for 50 damage.
    • Prerequisites: Arctic Blast, Ravenous Will, or Deadly Cold.

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