February 22, 2025


After three years, the first character belonging to the Cryo Element who uses a Catalyst as a weapon finally appears in Genshin Impact , this is none other than the duke of the Meropid fort of Fontaine, called Wriothesley and in this post we will see how to get the most out of it. this character.

Wriothesley is a Main DPS with a very linear playstyle, since he is based on constantly executing Normal Attacks while under the states of his Elemental Skill and from time to time he will intersperse a Charged Attack to inflict some more damage and recover some of the Life he has lost, since like many Fontaine characters, this one has a mechanic that will drain part of his Life.

This character is mainly used for teams dedicated to generating Elemental Melt Reactions and for teams in which we will keep enemies Frozen ; The problem with this is that its build will change a little depending on the team we want to use it on, since having a high rate of Elemental Mastery in Wriothesley is essential to increase the damage of the Melted but completely useless on Frozen teams.


Her statistics are not bad at all and are quite similar to those of Kamisato Ayaka , although they are not as high as hers; These would be its parameters when promoting it to level 90:

  • Base Life : 13,593.
  • Base Attack : 310.
  • Base Defense : 763.
  • Critical Damage : 38.4%.

Wriothesley has quite good statistics, since they are quite balanced and there is no parameter in which he falters, although he also does not have any statistics in which he stands out especially compared to other characters. By promoting him we will increase his Critical Damage, one of the best statistics they could give us.


Let’s look at your talents or skills.


If we use Wriothesley’s Normal Attacks while the effects of the Elemental Skill are still in effect or after a few moments after sprinting, the sequence of Normal Attacks will not restart.

  • Normal Attack : Perform a combo of up to five hits.
  • Charged Attack : Consumes stamina to execute a jump and hit with a high hook that deals Cryo Damage in an area.
  • Descending Attack : We will hit the ground causing a blow that causes Cryo Damage in the area.


  • TdE : 16s.
  • Duration : 10 s.
  • Strengthened Expelling Punch Damage : 170.31% of Normal Attack damage (level 10).
  • Life Consumption : 4.5% of Maximum Life.

By using Wriothesley’s Elemental Skill, he will enter a state in which his Normal Attacks will be enhanced and his resistance to interruption will increase.

When Wriothesley’s Maximum Health is above 50% while under the state of this Elemental Skill, he will consume part of his Life when hitting enemies with his Normal Attacks boosted by this state.


  • Energy Cost : 60.
  • TdE : 15s.
  • Ability Damage : 228.96% x 5 (level 10).

When using this Ultimate Skill, Wriothesley will attack with a direct frost punch that will generate a trapping icicle, which will deal area Cryo Damage a total of 5 times.

Arjé: Ousia

  • Flowing Edge Interval : 10 s.
  • Flowing Edge Damage : 76.32% (level 10).

Every 10 seconds, when Wriothesley’s Ultimate Skill generates the Imprisoning Icicle, a flowing blade will fall on the enemy’s location, dealing Cryo Damage charged with Ousía energy.


When Wriothesley’s Health is below 60%, he will strengthen his Charge Attack turning it into a high hook attack that will allow him to recover 30% of his Maximum Health , will not consume Stamina when executed and will also deal 50% damage extra.

The truth is that this Passive Talent is not bad at all, since it gives you a fairly high healing rate just by executing a Charged Attack. Additionally, we can use this effect once every 5 seconds.


If while Wriothesley is under the effects of his Elemental Skill he suffers an increase or decrease in his Life, he will get a bonus of +6% Attack , and this bonus can be accumulated up to 5 times.

Since Wriothesley can lose Life every 0.1 seconds while under the effects of the Elemental Skill, it will be very easy for him to get the five stacks that will give him a total of +30% Attack. The increase provided by these bonuses will end when the duration of the Elemental Skill expires.


This Passive Talent will help us obtain more weapon ascension materials when performing alchemy, since it gives us a 10% chance of obtaining another extra when creating this type of material.

It is the same passive that characters like Albedo , Kamisato Ayaka and Alhacen have .


These are the benefits that Wriothesley is obtaining through its Constellation:

  • C1 – Terrorize the Rogues : Allows Wriothesley to also activate his Passive Talent for his high hook when he deals the fifth hit while under the effects of the Elemental Skill. Additionally, the damage boost of the High Hook can be increased by up to 200% and can prolong the status of the Elemental Skill by 4 seconds when cast (only once for each time the Elemental Skill is used).
  • C2 – Shackle the Arrogant : +40% damage to Wriothesley’s Ultimate Skill for each charge he has gained from the Passive Talent called Redemption of Sin.
  • C3 – Condemn the Tricksters : Increases Normal Attacks by 3 levels, can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • C4 – Redeem the Diligents : Wriothesley’s High Hook will now restore 50% of its Maximum Health instead of the 30% it originally provided with its Passive Talent. Additionally, Wriothesley increases her Attack Speed ​​if she receives a heal when her Maximum Health is fully restored; If Wrio was in use when healed, he will increase his Attack Speed ​​by 20% for 4 seconds, but if he was off the battlefield when healed, he will increase the Attack Speed ​​of the entire party by 10%. for 6 seconds (these two Movement Speed ​​increases cannot be stacked).
  • C5 – Exonerate the Accused : Increases the Ultimate Skill by 3 levels, it can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • C6 – Comfort the Innocent : +10% Critical Chance and +80% Critical Damage to Wriothesley’s high hook; Additionally, it will also create an additional Ice Icicle that deals 100% of the Cryo Damage of the original Ice Icicle.


His build is practically the same as that of any other DPS , the only difference is that on this type of team it will be quite relevant to enhance his Elemental Mastery to maximize the damage caused by the Elemental Melt Reactions that Wriothesley unleashes.


These are some of the catalysts with which we can equip our Wriothesley:

  • Auric Flow Supervisor ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: +22.05% to Critical Chance and +16% to Attack. +16% to the damage of Normal Attacks and +14% to the damage of Charged Attacks when the character’s Health varies (3 stacks maximum). +8% to Attack Speed ​​when getting all 3 stacks.
  • Reminiscence of Tulaytul ah  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: +44.1% to Critical Damage and +10% to Normal Attack Speed. +4.8% damage from Normal Attacks every second for 14 seconds and +9.6% damage from Normal Attacks after attacking with them. This bonus can increase the damage of Normal Attacks by a maximum of +48%.
  • Lost Prayer to the Holy Winds  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: +33.08% to Critical Chance and +10% to Movement Speed. +8% to Elemental Damage for every 4 seconds on the battlefield (maximum 4 stacks).
  • Marauders Symphony ⭐⭐⭐⭐: +55.13% Critical Damage. The character receives a random bonus for 10 seconds upon entering the battlefield: +60% Attack/+48% Elemental Damage/+240 Elemental Mastery points. This effect can be activated once every 30 seconds.
  • Solar Pearl ⭐⭐⭐⭐: +27.56% to Critical Chance. +20% damage to Normal Attacks for 6 seconds after using the Elemental Skill or the Ultimate Skill and vice versa.
  • Ode to the Vast Blue ⭐⭐⭐⭐: +30.63% Energy Recharge. +8% damage to Normal Attacks and +6% damage to Charged Attacks when hitting an enemy with either of these two attacks (maximum 3 stacks).


Regarding statistics on artifacts:

  • Helmet or Crown : Critical Damage.
  • Clock : Elemental Mastery.
  • Chalice : Cryo Damage Bonus.

Substats you are looking for:

  • Priority : Critical Damage, Critical Chance, Elemental Mastery and Attack %.

And as for the Artifact Set, we recommend the following option:

Ghost Hunter in Genshin Impact
  • Ghost Hunter :
    • 2 Pieces : +15% damage to Normal and Charged Attacks.
    • 4 Pieces : +12% Critical Chance when the character’s Life increases or decreases, this effect can be accumulated up to 3 times and each accumulation lasts 5 seconds.

The two pieces of this set will increase Wriothesley’s Normal Attacks and the damage of his high hooks, while the set of four pieces will increase the Critical Chance by +36% when losing or recovering Life 3 times; Since Wriothesley constantly loses Life when executing his Normal Attacks during his Elemental Skill, we will have no problem maintaining this bonus.


Xiangling in Genshin Impact

The team composition that we recommend for Wriothesley is the following:

  • Support Pyro : We will need a character who constantly applies Pyro to perform the meltdowns. In this case your best companion will be Xiangling , but we can also take Thoma or Dehya .
  • Support  Anemo : To lower the elemental resistances of enemies and to group them. Kazuha stands out notably , which also gives Elemental Damage Bonuses, but we can also take Sucrose or Lynette .
  • Healer : The best will undoubtedly be Bennett , who will also enhance the damage of Wriothesley’s attacks, but we can take other Healers like Jean or Diona .
  • Equipment Examples :
    • Wriothesley + Xiangling + Kazuha + Bennett.
    • Wriothesley + Thoma + Nahida + Bennett.
    • Wriothesley + Dehya + Sucrose + Dione.


This build is very similar to the previous one, only in this one we will completely forget about Elemental Mastery, since it is useless on Frozen teams and instead, we will focus on increasing Attack and other offensive statistics.


The catalysts remain the same as the Melted team, only that the Marauders’ Symphony is worse on Frozen due to the possible Elemental Mastery bonus that is useless on this type of team:

  • Auric Flow Supervisor ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Reminiscence of Tulaytul ah ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Lost Prayer to the Holy Winds  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Solar Pearl ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Symphony of the Marauders ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Ode to the Vast Blue ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Regarding statistics on artifacts:

  • Helmet or Crown : Critical Damage.
  • Clock : Attack %.
  • Chalice : Cryo Damage Bonus.

Substats you are looking for:

  • Priority : Critical Damage, Critical Chance, Attack % and Energy Recharge.

And as for the Artifact Set, we recommend the following options:

Winter Nomad in Genshin Impact
  • Winter Wanderer :
    • 2 Pieces : +15% Cryo Damage Bonus.
    • 4 Pieces : +20% Critical Chance against enemies affected by Cryo and an additional 20% against frozen enemies.

The Cryo Damage Bonus will boost all the damage done by Wriothesley, since he does Cryo Damage with all his attacks and the 4-piece bonus gives us an even higher Critical Chance than the Ghost Hunter Artifact Set (as long as the enemies are frozen).

Ghost Hunter in Genshin Impact
  • Ghost Hunter :
    • 2 Pieces : +15% damage to Normal and Charged Attacks.
    • 4 Pieces : +12% Critical Chance when the character’s Life increases or decreases, this effect can be accumulated up to 3 times and each accumulation lasts 5 seconds.

This set still suits him even if he doesn’t go to melts, but it is more convenient to put the previous one on him, since too many Fontaine Main DPS use this set and it can be difficult to get multiple sets that are good.


Shenhe in Genshin Impact

The team composition that we recommend for the Wriothesley Frozen teams is the following:

  • Support Cryo : To activate Cryo Consonance and help Wriothesley recharge his Ultimate Skill. Shenhe especially stands out , since she lowers enemies’ Cryo resistance with her Ulti and boosts the damage of Normal and Charged Attacks with her pressed Elemental Skill. Other useful characters that can fill this position would be Rosaria , Diona and Laila .
  • Support Hydro : We will need to take at least one character of this element to continuously apply Hydro to the enemies and thus be able to freeze them. In this case it would be very useful to take Yelan or Xingchiu , since the two will execute coordinated attacks while Wriothesley executes his Normal Attacks, but we can also take Sangonomiya Kokomi as a Healer .
  • Support Anemo : In this type of team we will also need a character of this element to group enemies and reduce the elemental resistance to Hydro and Cryo, so we will continue using characters like Kazuha, Sucrose or Lynette in this slot .
  • Equipment Examples :
    • Wriothesley + Shenhe + Sangonomiya Kokomi + Kazuha.
    • Wriothesley + Diona + Yelan + Sucrose.
    • Wriothesley + Laila + Xingchiu + Lynette.


We will need the following materials to promote you:

  • Jade Shivada.
  • Tubion Device ( Experimental Field Generator ).
  • Subdetection Unit .
  • Gears.

And as for Talent Books and so on:

  • Books of Order.
  • Gears.
  • Primal Bloom of the Oasis ( Apep’s Oasis Guardian ).
  • Crown of Wisdom (Talent at level 10).

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