The Temple of the Wind is the first temple that you should make in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom since it is in the easiest area compared to the others and the main story itself already leads us there to indicate that it is better start here (which does not mean that you can follow the order you want).
This Temple is located in the Orni area, which of the 4 locations that are marked on the map in the main mission, is the one on the upper left. In the Orni town you will have to do the Tureli mission and eventually you will get there (after climbing a lot first up the mountain and then through the elevated areas and the flying boats until you reach the boats that are at the top to jump into the maelstrom of air, which is where the temple is located).
To overcome this temple we will have to locate 5 Turbines (the location is given by the map, it is rather knowing how to get to them) and activate them using Tureli’s wind power and after this we will have to defeat the typical final boss of the temple, which at At least this time it is quite simple. So nothing, let’s start with how to activate each of the Turbines.

The first Turbine is quite simple, we will find it on the Lower Floor (the upper part of the ship), it is the one that is marked on the map as the second one that is highest from the perspective of the ship’s map.
You will find a broken lever mechanism there, all you have to do is attach a stick or ice stalactite with the power of “Ultrahand” to repair it and then use the grab action on the stick again with “Ultrahand” to be able to move the lever and open the door.

The next Turbine is the one we have at the bottom of the map and although it is on the Ground Floor, to access it we will have to go to Basement 1. To get there you will have to jump from the left side (from the perspective of the photo ) of the boat and you will find that on the sides of it there are entrances; on the other side there are also inputs that we will use later.
As soon as you enter through the entrance that you have free on that side, you will have to go to the right and continue along that path, you will find a great jump with which you will require the help of Tureli’s wind to reach the other side. Keep going until you find an area that has a large hole in the ceiling and use the “Infiltration” power there to get to the top.
In this new area you will find the puzzle in the photo, which, as you can see, it will suffice to attach one of those flat stones to be able to rotate the mechanism with Tureli’s wind to open the gate.

This time we will have to go to Basement 1 but jumping on the right side of the ship and find an entrance on the side again. Upon entering we will find the typical mill wheel in which we will have to activate “reverse” and after this a puzzle of some gears that in the photo you can see how it is solved.
It will be enough to place an ice stalactite (there are many if you look above, shoot an arrow at them and they fall) in the 2 gears that are not linked and that’s it, the thing will work and the door will open.

This is the most complicated of all without a doubt since finding the way to get there is complicated, unless I complicated my life, but at least this is the way I did it.
You will have to go to one of the boat’s oars , specifically the one at the top and to the left of the boat. From there, it is difficult to find the angle (you will see it in the photo) you will be able to see a hole through which you can slip with the help of Tureli’s wind.

One of the simplest Turbines, but for some reason I had a hard time finding it. From the Lower Deck, go to the central part of the ship where there is a strong wind current and use the Parasail to reach the top of the ship (all the way up) in what we could call “the ship’s tower”.
There you will find a large gate on the ground that you can open with «Ultramano» , I did not realize that you could do it that way because it gave me the feeling that it was something too heavy, but you can. Once open, you throw yourself in, dodge some lasers that are out there and little else.

The boss, as I have already mentioned above, is very simple. We will fight a battle in the air (from time to time they will recharge our Resistance, it is not necessary to rest on the ground), it will be enough to dodge the boss’s attacks (he will try to hit us physically and through tornadoes, use Tureli’s power to dodge more easily) and go trying to place yourself on it (at a good distance above).
There will come a time when it will stop and start shooting spikes from its skin at us, thus leaving its flesh exposed (which is like glass). You’ll need to dodge the spikes as you descend towards his exposed flesh to dive him when you see the gap (holding R1). You will have to repeat this several times with the addition that when he has little life left he will summon quite a few tornadoes (you focus on dodging and when you can, then you resume the offensive).
By defeating him we will obtain the object « Pact with Tureli, Sage of the Wind » which will allow us to summon (it will be enough to have it active in the important objects menu) an avatar of Tureli who will do the same thing that he has done during this time that he has accompanied you: Attacking enemies with arrows, the power of the wind (which is phenomenal)… you know.
In addition to this, we can also count on their help in the fight against the final boss of the game just as it happened in Breath of the Wild.