March 28, 2025
The Best Summer Crops in Stardew Valley

The Best Summer Crops in Stardew Valley

Summer is undoubtedly the most powerful season in terms of crops in Stardew Valley since it is the time in which we generally have the most profitable crops and therefore you should make the most of this season if you are interested in Agriculture in this season . game.

As we already did with the Spring post (and shortly we will continue with the Autumn), we will show you all the crops of this season, ordering them from least to most profitable so that you will have the best of all at the bottom of this article.

We will avoid repeating the coffee since this crop can be grown both in Summer and Spring and we already talked about it in the Spring Crops post , so if you want to have information about it I encourage you to visit our guide to crops of said season. We already told you that Coffee is also a very profitable crop, but Summer has much more powerful things, especially in the lower part, which is where we will add the best of all.

#9 Corn

  • Seeds: Corn Seeds (150 Coins at Pierre’s).
  • Growth: 14 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 50.
    • Silver: 62.
    • Gold: 75.
    • Iridium: 100.
  • Peculiarities:
    • Required for the Fall Crops Lot.
    • Once it has grown it can be harvested every 4 days.
    • This crop can also be planted and harvested in Autumn.

Corn is a crop that I do not recommend in any sense . This is because the cost of its seeds is very high compared to the benefit we can obtain from its harvest (not even with Crafts you will get much benefit from it).

The only way to make Corn profitable is to plant it from the 1st of Summer and continue harvesting until the end of Autumn. Even in these terms, the profitability is not that much, especially in comparison to the crops that we will see below.

#8 Radish

  • Seeds: Radish Seeds (20 Coins at Pierre’s).
  • Growth: 6 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 90.
    • Silver: 112.
    • Gold: 135.
    • Iridium: 180.

A very basic crop with a standard profitability, we do not recommend it too much. It is true that it is a great option if you are very short of money since the cost of its seeds is very economical, but below you will see options with the same seed price or a bit more expensive that offer higher returns.

#7 Tomato

  • Seeds: Tomato Seeds (25 Coins at Pierre’s).
  • Growth: 11 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 60.
    • Silver: 75.
    • Gold: 90.
    • Iridium: 120.
  • Peculiarities:
    • Necessary for the Summer Crops Lot.
    • Once it has grown it can be harvested every 4 days.
    • 5% chance to get an additional Tomato when harvesting.

From here the truly interesting crops begin. Tomatoes (I love them) can be bought for a very low cost and they also sell quite well. The best thing is that we can harvest it again every 4 days and there is a small chance that when harvesting we will get more tomatoes.

As far as I’m concerned, I would put it as the top 1 best crop since it is the crop that I usually plant the most in this season, a little in honor of my grandfather. My grandfather used to grow a lot of tomatoes (he knew I really liked them) and I must say that his tomatoes are the best I have ever tasted (I don’t know what he did to them, but they were delicious). Visit your grandparents more , one day they won’t be around and they will be missed.

#6 Chile

  • Seeds: Chile Seeds (20 Coins at Pierre’s).
  • Growth: 5 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 40.
    • Silver: 50.
    • Gold: 60.
    • Iridium: 80.
  • Peculiarities:
    • Necessary for the Summer Crops Lot.
    • Lewis and Shane love it.
    • Once it has grown it can be harvested every 3 days.
    • 3% chance to get an additional Chili when harvesting.

At first it may seem that Tomato is more profitable, but given that Chile grows much faster and can also be harvested again in less time, it ends up being a little more profitable . As with all crops that can be harvested again with a single sowing, keep in mind that it is best to plant them as soon as the season begins.

In addition, we can make Chilean Wine to obtain even greater profitability. Although Tomato is actually a fruit, the game considers it a vegetable and Juice generally provides a smaller benefit compared to Wine.

#5 Lombarda

  • Seeds: Lombarda Seeds (100 Coins at Pierre’s).
  • Growth: 9 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 260.
    • Silver: 325.
    • Gold: 390.
    • Iridium: 520.
  • Peculiarities:
    • Its seeds can be bought from the second year onwards at Pierre’s (unless you buy them at the Carro Ambulante).
    • Necessary for the Ink Lot.

From here we go up a big step in terms of profitability and as you can see, the Lombarda itself sells very well, a shame that we can only acquire it naturally from the second year onwards.

If you have the “artisan” passive you can obtain even greater benefits since in that case you can sell the Lombard Juice for 819 Coins and the Pickle for 798, very respectable amounts.

#4 Melon

  • Seeds: Melon Seeds (80 Coins at Pierre’s).
  • Growth: 12 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 250.
    • Silver: 312.
    • Gold: 375.
    • Iridium: 500.
  • Peculiarities:
    • Necessary for the Summer Crops Lot.
    • Penny loves it.
    • It can become a Giant Crop.

At first we may doubt whether or not Melon is more profitable than Lombarda, but let me clear up your doubts. First of all, if you have 9 melons planted together creating a 3×3 square you have a chance of growing a Giant Melon that when harvested will yield between 15 and 21 Melons (they will be of normal quality, but it is still a real outrage. ).

But if this were not enough (in the end it is very unlikely that a Giant Melon will appear), if you have a barrel you can create Melon Wine (since unlike the Lombarda, the Melon is a fruit), a product that sells very well (with Artesano it is 1,050 Coins for a Normal bottle and 2,100 Coins for an Iridium bottle).

#3 Blueberry

  • Seeds: Blueberry Seeds (80 Coins at Pierre’s).
  • Growth: 13 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 50.
    • Silver: 62.
    • Gold: 75.
    • Iridium: 100.
  • Peculiarities:
    • Necessary for the Summer Crops Lot.
    • Once it has grown it can be harvested every 4 days.
    • You get 3 Blueberries each harvest with a chance to get more.

Regarding the Blueberry, the truth is that I have had many doubts about whether to place it ahead of the Melon or not and the truth is that I still have doubts about it because both crops are tremendous, so take this position as being shared with the Melon and choose based on what you think is most convenient for you.

It is true that we will sell each Melon Wine for much more than the Blueberry Wine (which is 210 Coins for a normal bottle and 420 for an iridium bottle, if we have an artisan), but we must also take into account that in each Harvesting we will obtain at least 3 Blueberries (which there are chances of being more) and on top of that it is a crop that is planted once and that when it has grown it will continue to generate fruits every 4 days.

There are too many advantages and therefore this is undoubtedly an incredible crop, but yes, you better have enough Barrels and Tuns , because you are going to need them to make the most of the enormous production that comes with the cultivation of this fruit. This aspect would be, in my opinion, the biggest disadvantage that this fruit has compared to the Melon.

#2 Hops

  • Seeds: Hop Kit (60 Coins at Pierre’s).
  • Growth: 11 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 25.
    • Silver: 31.
    • Gold: 37.
    • Iridium: 50.
  • Peculiarities:
    • Once it has grown it can be harvested every day.
    • It allows us to create Pale Beer.

The starter Hops can be a bit of a drawback because the sales prices of the base product itself are quite low, however, with it we can create the Pale Beer and this product does sell quite well. Specifically, you can get 420 Coins for a normal quality Pale Ale and up to 840 Coins if it is iridium quality (with Artisan).

And you will say, okay, I can sell Melon Wine for much more… and you are right, but Hops have an incredible property and that is that once the plant has grown, it will generate fruit every day , every day! That means that with a single Hop Kit planting (assuming you plant it on day 1)… you can get a total of 17 Hops! Which translates into 17 Pale Beers. Obviously if you plant more (which is your thing), this amount is going to skyrocket (we are not even taking growth fertilizers into account).

We are facing nothing more and nothing less than one of the most profitable Crops in Stardew Valley, and I am not referring to Summer as such, I am referring to all seasons. The only drawback would be that again you will need many Barrels and Casks (not as much as in the case of Blueberries at least) to be able to have a high production.

#1 Carom

  • Seeds: Carom Seeds (400 Coins in the Oasis).
  • Growth: 13 days.
  • Sale price:
    • Normal: 750.
    • Silver: 937.
    • Gold: 1125.
    • Iridium: 1500.
  • Peculiarities:
    • It is purchased at the Oasis.

Carambola is undoubtedly an incredible crop in every sense, the bad part is that it is not available to new players because you need to go to the Oasis to buy it (there are other methods, but they are not profitable) and it also requires a significant investment to less so for the first year of the game.

However, the moment you meet these conditions, you will have an extremely profitable crop … you just have to look at the price of the base product that I have shown you a little above and you will get an idea. The sale price of course escalates greatly when creating Carambola Wine since you can sell a bottle of normal quality for 3150 Coins and one of Iridium for 6300 Coins (with an artisan), an absolute outrage.

In addition, it has an advantage that the previous crops that are also dominating this top do not have, which is that you will not need such a high number of Barrels and Tuns since it is a product with a low production but that is compensated. with a very high return on investment.

Keep in mind that for each plantation (assuming you plant on day 1 and replenish the plant on the same day you harvest it) we can only obtain 2 units of Carambola. But… if we use Deluxe Accelerator in each new plantation, we can obtain 3 units throughout the Summer; I think it is enough to say that this is one of those occasions in which it is quite worthwhile to make this investment to obtain one more fruit during the summer (since then we will sell that additional fruit for an awful lot).

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